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Judaism In The Air Force

Guest ROTC Jew

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That's the idea ;) Like I said, I'm more interested in cyber/space command

If you pick space command, you will likely get a missile assignment out of the starting blocks. In this line of work, and the space side, you will pull crew shifts with another officer (missiles), or a mixed crew of enlisted/officers. These will sometimes be men, and other times be women. We had a guy up here a while back who did not want to pull alerts with women, and he was given an ultimatum, either serve where you are told, or get out of the USAF. He chose to get out of the AF, and do something else. This fella was catholic, and stated that his religion did not allow him to pull alerts with members of the opposite sex. I don't know where that rule is in the Bible, but I'm catholic and have no problems performing the mission with anyone of the opposite gender.

On the religious note, I would keep all of it to yourself once you commission, because there is nothing worse in a unit that someone who seems to preach to his fellow soldier. I have seen it happen enough, and when they do it to me, I tell them to knock it off. I pull crew duty on sundays, and miss church all month sometimes, but I do not expect Big Blue to bow to my every religious desire.

I agree with what some have said already, that you should choose a different line of work, or become a chaplain in the military. You sound like you would be an asset to this community, but any other career field probably wouldn't work for you.

Edited because I left this out...all women in the USAF want to jump your bones...every last one of them.


Edited by beast05
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