Guest Brewdog Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Who is getting rich off of this BS? Anyone know a way to get out of this? Supposedly it's mando under AFCENT. Other than just not wanting something that should be totally optional shoved down my throat; I don't want it to affect my credit rating, or have to monitor another account. If I needed it, I would apply for it. Are they going to try to make the BX a non-cash operation?
BONE WSO Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Who is getting rich off of this BS? Anyone know a way to get out of this? Supposedly it's mando under AFCENT. Other than just not wanting something that should be totally optional shoved down my throat; I don't want it to affect my credit rating, or have to monitor another account. If I needed it, I would apply for it. Are they going to try to make the BX a non-cash operation? It's not mandatory, it is optional. You can still use your debit/credit cards at the Deid. However buddies of mine that have used their credit cards have gotten bogus charges on their accounts. I would recommend just using the Eagle card. It is super easy to set up, they take it everywhere on base, and you don't have to worry about your credit getting stolen. I really don't see a down side to the card. FWIW
Guest mjk5401 Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 The Eagle Cash Card is easy as hell to use. It's not mandatory, but encouraged. You save the AF money by not having to ship currency back to the states. Plus, it means you only have to carry three things in the gay PT shorts that have no decent pockets (CAC, Eagle Cash Card, and your room key). Besides, it takes less then ten minutes to activate and you control how much you keep in it.
Guest Brewdog Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 It's mandatory at Manas, supposedly per AFCENT. It may be wonderful, but I don't want it. I have access to cash by other means and nothing like this should be mandatory IMHO. If they want to stop taking debit cards at the BX or stop cash back, that's fine. I'll use cash. If they want finance to stop having to cash checks, I'm good with that too.
Guest Hueypilot812 Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 (edited) Here's some more staff-weenie per the letter explaining the Eagle Cash policy... Eaglecash SVC promotes deployed financial readiness and meets strategic operational goals in the battlespace. How does owning a cash card have anything to do with strategic goals? Edited August 6, 2008 by Hueypilot812
Finance_Guy Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 If they want finance to stop having to cash checks, I'm good with that too. You nailed it. Also, when cash is accepted at all those other on-base activities, where do you think the funds are deposited and the local finance. More uncessary work and wasted time spent waiting in line at finance to get some cash. This card also eliminates the need to take checks with you to deployed locations. Best idea I've seen in the AOR that was finance related. I know BMTS uses them as well. I doubt this card could ever affect your credit rating since it's merely a stored value card that hits against your existing bank account. A quote from the US Treasury Website: EagleCash has been in existence since 1999 and can be found on approximately 50 U.S. military installations in ten countries around the world. To date (as of 5/08), over 330,000 cards have been issued and have been used to process 15 million electronic transactions valued at over $1 billion.
Herk Driver Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 It's mandatory at Manas, supposedly per AFCENT. It may be wonderful, but I don't want it. I have access to cash by other means and nothing like this should be mandatory IMHO. If they want to stop taking debit cards at the BX or stop cash back, that's fine. I'll use cash. If they want finance to stop having to cash checks, I'm good with that too. So the question is does the Manas BX still take cash and/or credit? If so, then ignore the "mandatory" policy. Also, ask to see it in writing. If they can' t produce it in writing, continue to ignore at no peril whatsoever. BL: If they don't take cash or credit and only take the Eaglecard then it sounds like you are pissing up a rope.
navonfire Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 I was told two days ago by finance that the CFACC made it mandatory 1 Aug 2008. I did not read the documentation myself. But as far as I know, the BX is still taking credit and cash.
Guest afviper Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 I'm at an Army FOB and thus unaffected by this policy, but I thought I'd share this email I received for the hilarity.... FOB XXXX, Many of you probably received the below. Note: "all deployed personnel (military, civilian and contractors) utilizing AIR FORCE finance office services." I'm going to double check, but I haven't seen an AF finance guy in 8 months so no one should have any issues with the finance that flies through here (when they show). XXXX, MAJ, USAF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: EagleCash Policy Information Team, I've attached the policy letter on this. Hopefully this clarifies some of the questions. Please keep in mind that this is Gen North's policy. I talked with finance and the underlying motivation behind the program is to cut down on the amount of cash that is being shipped to the AOR. It very expensive to ship in cash and this is a move to cut costs and at the same time give more flexibility to our Airmen. Chief XXXX is the FM expert at the AFFOR. This is an except from FM channels: Subject: Further clarification on the AOR EagleCash policy FM warfighters; As 1 August rapidly approaches (tomorrow), I am pleased to see everyone has set procedures in place to make this implementation as painless as possible on our Air Force customers. It is critical that we all understand the intent of Gen. North's policy. He want's the benefits of the program briefed to our customers and with some professional, friendly encouragement many will give the program a chance. His policy is to carry the card only, not mandatory use. All of you should have the policy letter posted in your customer service areas and be ready to explain the benefits of the program. Under no circumstances should we ever refuse service to Airmen that do not have the card. Your role in the EagleCash program is to correct violations of the policy by issuing cards to your customers, just as you would correct Airmen violating other AOR policies (out of uniform etc). You still need to provide quality customer service by cashing personal checks and conducting other pay related transactions to those people not interested in using the card. This policy only applies to Air Force personal, our sister services do not have a mandate at this time, but all services have a version of EagleCash so answer their questions also if asked. If you have any questions concerning the intent of the policy, do not hesitate to contact myself or any other member of the AFFOR/FM staff here in the CAOC. Keep on doing the great things you do and let's make EagleCash the success story I know it can be. XXXXX, CMSgt, USAF Superintendent, ### Bagram AB, Afghanistan
Horns05 Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 Hey..I'm just as skeptical as anyone else about everything Big Blue does, but the Eagle card thing really is THAT easy. No downsides and no pogs to carry around in your PT gear after going to buy dip/coffee/beer. Biggest hassle is the 5 min at finance to get it...and then its good for life. Unlimited balance transfers...its one of the few things in the died I like. I just keep it with my id and then I never waste my time walking back to the tent to get cash. Spend your time fighting reflective belts and pt gear anad lack of cookies and cream at the chow hall, not this.
Guest Brewdog Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 There is indeed a credit check for the Eagle Cash Card. You sign a release for a credit check on the application form. I just don't see how legally they can force somone into a contract. I don't see how that could be a lawful order. I am sure there are terms of agreement for the thing. If I'm not using finance to cash checks and if I only used my personal credit/debit cards at the BX there is no difference. Like I said, it may be the greatest thing since sliced bread but making it mandatory chaps my ass.
Herk Driver Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 There is indeed a credit check for the Eagle Cash Card. You sign a release for a credit check on the application form. I just don't see how legally they can force somone into a contract. I don't see how that could be a lawful order. I am sure there are terms of agreement for the thing. If I'm not using finance to cash checks and if I only used my personal credit/debit cards at the BX there is no difference. Like I said, it may be the greatest thing since sliced bread but making it mandatory chaps my ass. All deployed personnel (military, civilian and contractors) using Air Force finance office check cashing services are required to have the EagleCash Stored Value Card and are highly encouraged to use it. It is not mandatory, for you based on the quote above. BTW, they force you into a contract with the GTC. There are few exceptions and you can decline the GTC. However, it appears that if you decline the Eagle card then finance will "decline" to cash your check. Of course, since you said you don't need finance to cash a check then you don't need to get one (i.e. not mandatory for you). Can you still get cash back from a debit at the BX? If so, easy enough work around.
189Herk Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 It is not mandatory, for you based on the quote above. BTW, they force you into a contract with the GTC. There are few exceptions and you can decline the GTC. However, it appears that if you decline the Eagle card then finance will "decline" to cash your check. Of course, since you said you don't need finance to cash a check then you don't need to get one (i.e. not mandatory for you). Can you still get cash back from a debit at the BX? If so, easy enough work around. There are big signs next to the cashier saying no cash back at the Al Udeid BX, but they will give it to you if you ask nicely and their boss isn't around. I got 10 out for a haircut/eyelid massage yesterday. I have noticed lately that all the AAFES card swipe machines at registers default to debit automatically. You have to hit cancel to choose credit on your debit/credit card. Does AAFES pay fees to the CC companies if debit is chosen? The opposite. All merchants pay a fee to Visa/MC/AMex etc. if you run the card as credit. That's why they will make it a lot easier to do debit than credit. No real reason to do credit though if you have a debit card. You aren't getting any of the credit card protections (Ie. chargeback) using a debit card as credit.
busdriver Posted August 11, 2008 Posted August 11, 2008 Well, I just had a run in with my debit card number getting out, and based on where the random charges were made I can only assume it got out while I was in Iraq. With that said, I fully support the Eagle Cash card. It was stupid easy to set up, and you pick how much cash you put into it. It's not a credit card that can hurt your rating, and I honestly don't see any downside.
HuggyU2 Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 (edited) I understand the Eagle Card is in use at Balad, Kandahar, and Bagram. That said, can you still use cash (US dollars) everywhere on these bases? Pros/cons for card vs cash? Edited February 9, 2011 by Huggyu2
Bluto Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 I understand the Eagle Card is in use at Balad, Kandahar, and Bagram. That said, can you still use cash (US dollars) everywhere on these bases? Pros/cons for card vs cash? I used cash everywhere, never got the Eagle card while I was there for 200+ days. There were ATMs and they did not charge a fee.
Vertigo Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 I understand the Eagle Card is in use at Balad, Kandahar, and Bagram. That said, can you still use cash (US dollars) everywhere on these bases? Pros/cons for card vs cash? Eagle card is mandatory AOR wide now, I think. You can use both though. Eagle card is like an ATM/debit card. You preload it up from your bank account. If you need cash (for example the Haji shop selling pirated DVDs) then take the Eagle card to finance and withdraw cash from it. I haven't had to use cash in my time here in Kirkuk- all Eagle card. Once I get ready to leave and want to get some gifts from the bazaars I'll use the Eagle card to get my cash. Cons of cash- easily stolen or lost. Pogs from the BX. Pros of cash- needed for shopping at non AAFES sponsored stands Cons of card- haven't come across one yet Pros- easy to use, same card is good on multiple deployments (just need to go see finance to renew the expiration date), no worry of debit/credit card lines down, can get cash from it if needed
Jughead Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Eagle card is mandatory AOR wide now, I think. True statement--required to have one, that is; using it (or not) is up to you. You could probably manage to dodge getting one if you feel strongly about it, but I can't see any reason why you'd want to. Cons of cash- easily stolen or lost. Pogs from the BX. Pros of cash- needed for shopping at non AAFES sponsored stands Cons of card- haven't come across one yet Pros- easy to use, same card is good on multiple deployments (just need to go see finance to renew the expiration date), no worry of debit/credit card lines down, can get cash from it if needed I agree w/ Vertigo, except for the bolded part. That may vary from location to location, but in at least "some" locations, you can use it just about everywhere, with the only exception being any local national "bazaars," etc., that may be on base. Even the LN-run restaurants and shops at Balad took the card. YMMV depending on where you go. I went into my deployment (Nov - Jun last year) approaching the card w/ the same caution you are--and within a week I'd fully embraced it as being easier to use than cash w/ none of the lost/stolen issues. The security aspect is great--there's NO connection between your card & your bank account, so even if you lose the card, no one can use that as a way into your bank account. As for getting any residual balance off it, I had something like a $40 balance left when my time was up--while I was waiting on the rotator at the 'Deid the night of my departure, I walked across the street to the shoppette and offloaded the money to my bank account (simple--just the reverse of the way you normally load it). If you get "stuck" leaving the AOR w/ some money on the card, there are ways to get that back, too, though I gather it takes a bit longer (week or two?). I can't think of any reason to have so much money on the card that I'd care about a week or two, so even that's not an issue for me. One other consideration: if you plan to take advantage of the USDP (and if not, I want to know where you're getting better than 10%!), or if you otherwise need to move a lot of money around (e.g., my TSP contributions got completely porked w/ the CZTE, I had to make a ~$7.5K "cash" contribution to fix it), the deployed Finance office has the ability to give you a temporary limit suspension--instead of the normal daily limit ($300?), you can upload whatever you need (say, $10K for the USDP), then give the card to the Finance troop who will deduct it & apply it to wherever you need it. MUCH better than writing a check, IMO. Last point is that using a credit card over there seems to be a bad idea all around. There were multiple cases at Balad while I was there where folks would buy whatever at the BX on their credit card, then all sorts of fraudulent charges would show up. They stopped short of shutting down any credit card usage (in my cynical opinion, mainly because a lot of the small supplies moved around via GPC purchases), but it was "highly discouraged" (and, if you have the Eagle card, unnecessary). If you can't bring yourself to get the Eagle card, go with cash and leave the credit cards locked up. Bottom line, I really think they "got this one right." Good luck--have a safe deployment!
Napoleon_Tanerite Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I use it to avoid getting those infuriating pogs. That alone is reason enough for me to use it. 1
AWACSEng Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Can you get one in theater, or does this have to be done prior to leaving home station?
stract Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 you can get the paperwork to fill out at home, but it will have to be turned in downrange. Also, the Bazaar at Bagram takes EagleCash. Most of the Haji stores on the Boardwalk at KAF also take EagleCash. I'm a big fan... 1
Napoleon_Tanerite Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Anyone know if you can renew it stateside? It's looking like it might be a year between deployments for me, so i want to keep it from dropping dead, especially since I think there's some money still on it.
Guest nsplayr Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Man, surprised by the responses. I've never used the Eagle Cash card and don't think almost any of our guys use them either. I've never been required to even have a card at BAF and have paid cash in the past with no issues. You guys make it sound like a good deal but I guess I've never really bought more than like $40 worth of stuff out there so having a couple of Jackson's in my wallet before arriving in theater was the easiest possible system.
TarHeelPilot Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I've always used Eagle Cash with no problems. Huggy, get the Eagle Cash card when you get down range if you don't want to hassle with carrying cash around. It's a basic debit card (PIN required) linked to a checking account. If you prefer cash, go with that.
stract Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Anyone know if you can renew it stateside? It's looking like it might be a year between deployments for me, so i want to keep it from dropping dead, especially since I think there's some money still on it. If you call the number on the back, Treasury will transfer the remaining balance back to your linked bank account. New rule as of Aug 10 is that expiration dates cannot be adjusted, so you will need to get a new card each time you deploy, or convince the young finance troop to give you an extended expiration date if you are a frequent deployer. I was able to set my expiration date at 37 months, to cover the 4-5 deployments I will most likely do between now and my next PCS, but that was with a lot of sweet talking... 1
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