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Leadership at the 'Deid


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....either that, or the woman who in comfortable shoes that what the host nation escort for aircrew that had to go through customs every flight.


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Guest GrouchyHerk

Ladies and Gents-

You'll have to forgive me and while I haven't spent much time at the 'Deid, some of the other bases suck around here quite a bit when it comes to leadership focus. Just a fair warning it you're passing throug OKAS, leadership is on the prowl and sniping mustaches or sideburns pushing the limits. And by pushing the limits I mean still in regs, just not their definition of what military officers should look like, you'll be told to shave'em. morale 0, leadership 1. Cheers

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There needed to be some 40 year old Herk guy with a gut and farmers tan up there posing with a six pack of near beer.

Yup, 40 lbs overweight and wearing the obligatory micro-mini Speedo for total gross out effect no less… take up a collection, someone would do it just for laughs if nothing else.

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Playing Dress-Up :vomit:

Why do I even bother looking at af.mil anymore?

That wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is IF, all of that didn't take place where it did. I kind of like looking at the uniforms through time, but to ship them to SW Asia from AK for a AF uniform model show is beyond friggin' ridiculous.

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Playing Dress-Up :vomit:

Why do I even bother looking at af.mil anymore?

Lurker, new poster...

From the article: "The base's five private organizations -- Company Grade Officers Council, Desert Chiefs, Desert Diamonds, Top IV and Desert V..." WTF?

I agree with the idea but the location is just all wrong, then again, since I've done escort duty, I know what caliber of Airmen is sent to run that pony show...

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Lurker, new poster...

From the article: "The base's five private organizations -- Company Grade Officers Council, Desert Chiefs, Desert Diamonds, Top IV and Desert V..." WTF?

I agree with the idea but the location is just all wrong, then again, since I've done escort duty, I know what caliber of Airmen is sent to run that pony show...

Obviously the ones that were banned from the clubhouse/treehouse during their childhood! :M16:

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"Since the moment I arrived, I have wanted to get the uniforms here," said Sergeant Waid.

Seriously WTF. Does this guy have nothing better to do? Not to mention, if your life's dream is to show off your uniform collection, you might want to QC it. I'm pretty sure Crocs weren't standard issue in the past.



Edited by HerkDerka
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Obviously the ones that were banned from the clubhouse/treehouse during their childhood! :M16:


We must really have our sh*t together over there to spare folks for this nonsense. How many dudes pulling 12+ hour shifts on the flight line so some slacker could have this dog and pony show. I can see the buttet statement now: "Organized Opeation Uniform what the fvck ever; provided immeasurable enjoyment for shoes to get wothless bullets themselves modeling old ass uniforms rather that doing their actual jobs"

Awesome to see sortie generation is taking a backseat to this crap.

To those of you who are still in the fight fixin and flying :beer:

To the shoes :M16:

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Seriously WTF. Does this guy have nothing better to do? Not to mention, if your life's dream is to show off your uniform collection, you might want to QC it. I'm pretty sure Crocs weren't standard issue in the past.



Senior Leaders;

With the close of this AEF Rotation and the start of the new…Requesting your assistance with re-iteratering the guidance on “Croc” footwear at ###. Please ensure “all” our Expeditionary Warriors are aware that the only colors authorized are:

1. Black

2. Silver

3. Gray

4. White

5. Blue

6. Brown

**Note: This applies to everyone assigned to/transiting ###…US Military, Coalition, Civilian, and Contractor personnel.

While AAFES sells more colorful versions…they “are not” authorized for wear on this installation…period! Let’s ensure all of our Warriors are fully aware/are in compliance.

Would not want to prohibit the option to wear this type footwear (6 colors stated above) because a few “knuckleheads” wish to make a fashion statement!

…Someone already used the excuse that they are “color blind”…that was the second time (first & last)...!

Remember our Core Values: 1) Integrity First, 2) Service Before Self, and 3) Excellence in all we do. More than just a catchy phrase…they are our way of life.

Reference (Foot wear with PT Gear):

Issued desert combat boots, ABU boots and sandals with a strap are authorized year round. Sandals are only authorized in coalition compound and Blatchford-Preston Complex (BPC). "Croc" style shoes constructed with a commercial strap are authorized in the following colors: black, silver, gray, white, blue, or brown. Shower shoes and flip-flops are only authorized to wear to- and from- the "Cadillacs" (toilets/showers). No temporary stops authorized while wearing flip-flops or shower shoes; i.e. quick stops to the laundry, smoking pits, memorial plaza, pool, DEL, or BX area.

Thank you in advance for your continued leadership…V/r, ###

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Thank you in advance for your continued leadership…V/r, ###

Who the F wrote this? Thank you in advance for your continued Leadership in the fight against improper footwear. Everyone knows that Pink crocs = a total deterioration of military bearing and discipline! Please... That MF'er even referenced core values when talking about F-ing Crocs. YGTBFSM! I'm in the F-ing Pentagon and we don't have to put up with BS like this.

Why couldn't they simply write this:


Could you remind your people that Crocs are only authorized in the following colors:


Thank you.

Hell, you shouldn't even have to write anything. At the weekly standup tell Sq/CC's, etc. that their people shouldn't wear orange crocs, then let them "lead". Talk about F-ing douchebaggery...I can't adequately describe my disgust. Maybe throw in some more F bombs...Holy shit - where's the tylenol?!?

Edited by Spoo
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