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Leadership at the 'Deid


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If you treat people like adults, they might just surprise you, and act like them...

Most will. Focus on those who do. Recognize and reward them. Spend as little time on the others as possible and make it clear to them there is no second chance at screwing it up for everyone so they cannot claim they are a victim when the hammer falls.

Technique only.

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Out of curiosity, how long are your deployments?

60's plus whatever time on either end it takes to get us to and from there on the rotator. I realize that there are plenty of dudes who have it worse than us, but 7 of 12 months at the Deid in any given year still sucks whether they're 2.3 months at a time, or 7 all together.

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60's plus whatever time on either end it takes to get us to and from there on the rotator. I realize that there are plenty of dudes who have it worse than us, but 7 of 12 months at the Deid in any given year still sucks whether they're 2.3 months at a time, or 7 all together.

Probably more so when it's 2.3 months at a time, when you have to do a right start and right finish every time.

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Would someone please find out who the new OPSEC PM is that just showed up here and tell him/er to quit posting their stupid signs on all the urinals, shitters and CC barracks entry doors. It has to be someone begging for some attention from the higher ups. Or searching for that last EPR/OPR/LOE bullet before they leave.

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Would someone please find out who the new OPSEC PM is that just showed up here and tell him/er to quit posting their stupid signs on all the urinals, shitters and CC barracks entry doors. It has to be someone begging for some attention from the higher ups. Or searching for that last EPR/OPR/LOE bullet before they leave.

HAHA I hear you man, I walked into one of the showers yesterday and they had one hung up in there as well. Why this place hasn't been declared a free-fire zone for good idea fairies I'll never understand. Oh well, 11 days and that concludes my last trip to the Deid...at least in this airframe. nothing more than stops from here on out hopefully.


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60's plus whatever time on either end it takes to get us to and from there on the rotator. I realize that there are plenty of dudes who have it worse than us, but 7 of 12 months at the Deid in any given year still sucks whether they're 2.3 months at a time, or 7 all together.

Yep, it's just like a 7 month deployment. Except that you get to go home every two months, go to the kids t-ball game, kick back some beer, and bang the wife. Wait a second, that sounds like a pretty good deal!

Bitching about 60 day deployments to the Deid...wow. I don't understand the endless pissing match about deployment length...just do what is asked of you. It's okay if you don't deploy as much as somebody else. I'm sure some poor cop A1C out there spends more time in much more austere conditions than any of us.

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Yep, it's just like a 7 month deployment. Except that you get to go home every two months, go to the kids t-ball game, kick back some beer, and bang the wife. Wait a second, that sounds like a pretty good deal!

Bitching about 60 day deployments to the Deid...wow. I don't understand the endless pissing match about deployment length...just do what is asked of you. It's okay if you don't deploy as much as somebody else. I'm sure some poor cop A1C out there spends more time in much more austere conditions than any of us.

I don't envy guys on 179s or other longer trips, but 60s have their ups and downs. Usually you're gone so frequently that you get no sense of normalcy at home. Right as you're getting settled back in, you're out the door again for another 60. At least with the longer tours you get a few more months of dwell time than you get with frequent 60s. Not bitchin, not braggin, just sayin.

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I don't envy guys on 179s or other longer trips, but 60s have their ups and downs. Usually you're gone so frequently that you get no sense of normalcy at home. Right as you're getting settled back in, you're out the door again for another 60. At least with the longer tours you get a few more months of dwell time than you get with frequent 60s. Not bitchin, not braggin, just sayin.

True- for me I'd prefer the stay in place longer over than constant back and forth. Longer tours are easier once you get a daily routine established.

I'm sure some poor cop A1C out there spends more time in much more austere conditions than any of us.

Maybe, but then they aren't on the road when at home station flying training/JAATT/channel missions missing their kids' t-ball games, graduations, birthdays, etc.

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I don't envy guys on 179s or other longer trips, but 60s have their ups and downs. Usually you're gone so frequently that you get no sense of normalcy at home. Right as you're getting settled back in, you're out the door again for another 60. At least with the longer tours you get a few more months of dwell time than you get with frequent 60s. Not bitchin, not braggin, just sayin.

Good point, didn't think of it that way

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  • 1 month later...

heading back out in a few more days.... what's the latest from clown city?

Was through there about ten days ago. More of the same. New bar is open, funded by Fox (except for the booze). It's a pretty nice setup.

Other than that, I had no interaction with the locals so can't speak to the current SHOECON. All in all a pretty painless couple days.

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Was through there about ten days ago. More of the same. New bar is open, funded by Fox (except for the booze). It's a pretty nice setup.

Other than that, I had no interaction with the locals so can't speak to the current SHOECON. All in all a pretty painless couple days.

As in Fox News?

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I'll take that kind of improvement.

Any chance Hooters could sponsor another upgrade to the Deid?

Probably not... but I heard Nathan's is sponsoring the pool.

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Guest CharlieDontSurf

On the bright side, we lost BK and Pizza Hut, but gained KFC at KAF! $15 two piece special anyone? Nothing goes better with fried chicken than the lofty aroma of four shit ponds within a stone's throw of everything. I'll take the Deid anyday.

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On the bright side, we lost BK and Pizza Hut, but gained KFC at KAF! $15 two piece special anyone? Nothing goes better with fried chicken than the lofty aroma of four shit ponds within a stone's throw of everything. I'll take the Deid anyday.

Charlie, How's KAF?

Get rid of the Shoes at the Deid and it wouldn't be half bad... Until then, I'll take Bagram anyday.

cheers :beer:

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