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Leadership at the 'Deid


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Long time reader but first post and a newly minted actual account, so hello.

Now that that is out of the way, I ran into this thread while looking for some dirt on what kind of place to expect out of AUAB since I have managed to avoid it up until now. Unfortunately, fate caught up to me and I am now going to be doing a YEAR there rocking the glorified conex housing units.

I knew that coming from SOF and having to do the ACC gig was going to result in culture shock, but after reading some of the posts here I am convinced I'm not going to make it the full year without loosing it and kicking some F@c%-tard in the head.

For those that have spent some quality time in the AUAB slice of heaven, any pointers? Black reflective belt ordered, so check item number 1 off the list. :salut:

I'm not exactly a grizzled Deid veteran like some of these guys, but IMHO if you wear your reflective belt (good call on the black!), tuck your PT shirt in, and don't put your sunglasses on your head in the CC/BPC, you will be just fine. I haven't heard one story of any of our guys getting hassled yet. There are bigger battles to fight around here than arguing with some narrow-minded shoe clerk about a uniform policy that we aren't going to get changed.

I don't know what the internet situation is in the Beautiful People's Compound (where the 1 year folks live) so hopefully someone who does know can chime in. I can tell you that I will never live in CC again without a good USB wifi antenna. My boom just got one, and he went from no signal to full signal in his room. Definitely worth the $30 to be able to skype back home and email without going outside. A definite must for a 1 year tour.

Honestly, other than being the hottest/most humid place on Earth right now, it's not that bad. I've been flying nights, so haven't had any time for half of the stuff they offer, but there is a pool, movie theater, great gym at the BPC, sports bar (football season is almost upon us after all), and 3 beers a day. If you are creative or "know people who can get things" that limit is only a small inconvenience. Honestly, most days we're either too tired or too close to crew rest to have more than 3 so it's not that big of a factor. They have indoor plumbing at the BPC, so you should either have your own bathroom or only have to share with one other person.

Good luck on your tour!

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I'm not exactly a grizzled Deid veteran like some of these guys, but IMHO...Honestly, other than being the hottest/most humid place on Earth right now, it's not that bad.

Wow. Bergman comes through again with a mature outlook AND some actionable intel.

Are you the commander yet? :notworthy:

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another one of my trademarks-- the fedora boonie hat. Still can't believe nobody's said shit about that either. I really need to up my troll game.

And if you want a black reflective belt, they at http://www.belts.breflective.com/retroreflective-belts-colors-2in.php, but don't bitch about the price. It's a small price to pay to troll shoe clerks.

Napoleon T,

My black belt is on the way and I had a thought. Maybe there needs to be a little organizing among the operators. A group of organized but decentralized band of operator bros with one mission in mind...resist the shoes. The name I came up with is "Operators Front Unified" or "O FU" for short. To be an official member, one would only need a black belt with an "OFU" buckle and the proper mindset. Thoughts....

Edited by HerkFE
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I support this effort!

FYI, there used to be a base "paper" to vent this kind of frustration. It was along the lines of the onion with many things being intentionally taken out of context. Everyone had a laugh...until the Med Gp/CC (who rode a bicycle to work...and insisted on having a parking space and colonel's plates for it) had pictures of his bicycle taken with an inflatable sheep (you can guess the kind of sheep...)

After that, the paper was canceled.

I highly recommend coordinating efforts. Multiple people, especially officers, should get together and wear those black belts in a group and wait for some shoeclerk to stop them. Then when they do, you confront him/her, ask for THEIR name/rank and check THEIR uniforms over for violations (I guarantee there's a cable on it or some small hole/tear. Check the color/make of their shirts. If it isn't 100% cotton, light 'em up).

Alternative: go through AFIthirtywhatever and pick out the singularly most unbelievable uniform combinations worn at the bare minimum of standards (such as PT gear with a jacket, boots, and a black watch cap) and repeat the above scenario. Bonus points for anyone who wears dress blues with the "bus driver" hat.

Your ideas?

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That's exactly the kind of stuff I have in mind. A little bit of trolling combined with non-engagement tactics and whatever else would fit the given situation. As has been discussed already, you can't engage. Even an O can't crack an E's skull because the E will cry and the O's spineless boss won't back him (the O). Hell, haven't we all been professionally trained in resistance. Put that training to use. Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble and raise a stink just actively resist. Over time the word will get around the shoe community that "those dicks wearing black belts won't take our shit" and they'll go to feeding on their own. When we see the black belt we can just smile and know "that guy has my back".

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That's exactly the kind of stuff I have in mind. A little bit of trolling combined with non-engagement tactics and whatever else would fit the given situation. As has been discussed already, you can't engage. Even an O can't crack an E's skull because the E will cry and the O's spineless boss won't back him (the O). Hell, haven't we all been professionally trained in resistance. Put that training to use. Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble and raise a stink just actively resist. Over time the word will get around the shoe community that "those dicks wearing black belts won't take our shit" and they'll go to feeding on their own. When we see the black belt we can just smile and know "that guy has my back".

I've seen a few dudes wearing black belts around here, I know one of our MX troops has one, and another one of our pilots, though they're the cloth ones. I'm pretty sure someone isn't going to rock the black unless it's a FU to the system, since I've never seen black belts even remotely close to being issued, or even for sale in the BX-- you have to actively seek them out. I've worn the black batman belt exclusively since I put it together, and surprisingly no shoe has said shit to me. Please-o-please-o-please let them do it! I really want to have them show it to me in writing, and when they can't, tell them to get bent.

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This is reminiscent of when guys started wearing the brightly colored crocs to "stick it to the man." We saw where that went. They'll have a reg defining what color reflective belts we're allowed to wear in no time.

You are right. The man can make a rule at the drop of a hat but the black belt thing is a lot less conspicuous than neon crocs. We are just talking a quiet resistance, no big rallies with loud speakers at the bra.

Oh, and NT, you are right. People would have to seek out the black belt and not many will buy it due to the cost but maybe over time a movement will start.

Does anyone know where the F you can find all of these policies that we supposedly must abide by at AUAB? I have just wasted an hour of my life trying to find them on the 379 Home page.

Edited by HerkFE
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Guest Sunrunner

You are right. The man can make a rule at the drop of a hat but the black belt thing is a lot less conspicuous than neon crocs. We are just talking a quiet resistance, no big rallies with loud speakers at the bra.

Oh, and NT, you are right. People would have to seek out the black belt and not many will buy it due to the cost but maybe over time a movement will start.

Well, the $40 is more than worth the expense in exchange for a solid year of subtle resistance. Am also considering EXTRA reflective tape for the shoes, ect... Let them write that into a reg. "Excessive safety is detrimental to troop health and welfare. Reflective material must not exceed XX percentage of the overall garment surface".

How command and support persons ever got the idea that being a reg-nazi equals leadership is beyond me.

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Well, the $40 is more than worth the expense in exchange for a solid year of subtle resistance. Am also considering EXTRA reflective tape for the shoes, ect... Let them write that into a reg. "Excessive safety is detrimental to troop health and welfare. Reflective material must not exceed XX percentage of the overall garment surface".

How command and support persons ever got the idea that being a reg-nazi equals leadership is beyond me.

True. I only have a little over 30 days left here and I will NEVER be back so I spent the money for probably only a month of resistance. In fact when are you coming over? If you get here before I leave (sept 15) I may just have to pass on the belt if you will pass it on to someone worthy. And speaking of being overly safe. I saw a dude tonight getting out of a car at the BPC chowhall wearing two belts. Not sure if he was trying to make the same point or if he was just a tool. His buddy that was with him wasn't wearing one at all so maybe he was just being a good "wingman" and being extra visible for his bud in close proximity.

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This is reminiscent of when guys started wearing the brightly colored crocs to "stick it to the man." We saw where that went. They'll have a reg defining what color reflective belts we're allowed to wear in no time.

We were going to prank the incoming squadron in our final days...we were going to "edit" the uniform policy and assign reflective belt colors for each rank. LTs, of course, would be neon pink.

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I'd actually prefer conex housing units to the billeting at the Deid. Although, being there for a year you'll probably get to live in the "Better Person's Complex"

I lived in a tent both tours even after the trailers were moved in...

...but I lived on the Ops Side about 100 ft from where I worked :-) Was worth it!

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The latest editions of the Desert Penguin are attached...feel free to disseminate.


I support this effort!

FYI, there used to be a base "paper" to vent this kind of frustration. It was along the lines of the onion with many things being intentionally taken out of context. Everyone had a laugh...until the Med Gp/CC (who rode a bicycle to work...and insisted on having a parking space and colonel's plates for it) had pictures of his bicycle taken with an inflatable sheep (you can guess the kind of sheep...)

After that, the paper was canceled.

I highly recommend coordinating efforts. Multiple people, especially officers, should get together and wear those black belts in a group and wait for some shoeclerk to stop them. Then when they do, you confront him/her, ask for THEIR name/rank and check THEIR uniforms over for violations (I guarantee there's a cable on it or some small hole/tear. Check the color/make of their shirts. If it isn't 100% cotton, light 'em up).

Alternative: go through AFIthirtywhatever and pick out the singularly most unbelievable uniform combinations worn at the bare minimum of standards (such as PT gear with a jacket, boots, and a black watch cap) and repeat the above scenario. Bonus points for anyone who wears dress blues with the "bus driver" hat.

Your ideas?

Desert Penguin Feb 2010.pdf


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How are they handling Ramadan at the CC/BPC? Here at OKAS we have to wear the swishy pants when we head down the hill to Ops. Just wondering if that crap has been implemented at OTBH. Thanks!

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The latest editions of the Desert Penguin are attached...feel free to disseminate.

We always talked about publishing "The Spread Eagle", but you guys actually did it. Those newsletters brought back depressing memories filled with sweat, diarrhea and unintelligible controllers.

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How are they handling Ramadan at the CC/BPC? Here at OKAS we have to wear the swishy pants when we head down the hill to Ops. Just wondering if that crap has been implemented at OTBH. Thanks!

Last year, the rumors and email threats were insinuating that we would have to 'fast' along with the mythical Muslims in the chow hall and construction workers working on buildings. We were not allowed to eat in public (outside our workplaces) during the entire month during daylight hours.

I guess somewhere up the chain, it was decided that it was silly, and life went on as usual. There were no trips downtown except for the airport.

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