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Leadership at the 'Deid


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How are they handling Ramadan at the CC/BPC? Here at OKAS we have to wear the swishy pants when we head down the hill to Ops. Just wondering if that crap has been implemented at OTBH. Thanks!

Ops normal in the CC/BPC, no food, water, gum, or tobacco in ops town during daylight hours outside of designated smoke pits (for tobacco of course), the chow hall, and SQ buildings.

Different rules for downtown, PM me if interested.

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Okay, small victory today. Just got back from flying. Anyone over here who is flying knows the little red headed girl who works the xray machine area in customs. I went through with my four bags so I was loaded down as usual. Put my sunglasses up on my head while I put all my bags on the belt, walked through the metal detector and was grabbing those same four bags off the belt when I hear, "Excuse me, sir. Take your sunglasses off." I never looked at her and just said "Don't have anywhere to put them" and kept walking. Approximately ten seconds went by before she was able to come up with this gem...."Talk to your commander, this IS customs and courtesy". I said, without even looking back, "okay, I'll get on it".

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Okay, small victory today. Just got back from flying. Anyone over here who is flying knows the little red headed girl who works the xray machine area in customs. I went through with my four bags so I was loaded down as usual. Put my sunglasses up on my head while I put all my bags on the belt, walked through the metal detector and was grabbing those same four bags off the belt when I hear, "Excuse me, sir. Take your sunglasses off." I never looked at her and just said "Don't have anywhere to put them" and kept walking. Approximately ten seconds went by before she was able to come up with this gem...."Talk to your commander, this IS customs and courtesy". I said, without even looking back, "okay, I'll get on it".

UFB. "Take your sunglasses off." Sounds like an order. I can't believe the balls that these airmen have. I think that they must be getting direction from their leadership that they are OBLIGED to be barking this s***. I can't fathom that they would come up with that on their own.

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Okay, small victory today. Just got back from flying. Anyone over here who is flying knows the little red headed girl who works the xray machine area in customs. I went through with my four bags so I was loaded down as usual. Put my sunglasses up on my head while I put all my bags on the belt, walked through the metal detector and was grabbing those same four bags off the belt when I hear, "Excuse me, sir. Take your sunglasses off." I never looked at her and just said "Don't have anywhere to put them" and kept walking. Approximately ten seconds went by before she was able to come up with this gem...."Talk to your commander, this IS customs and courtesy". I said, without even looking back, "okay, I'll get on it".

Haha, this is the same chick that tries to guess what plane you're flying by the bags you're carrying, and then proudly announces that she's "starting to learn" the planes of the AF. Here's your sign...

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the little red headed girl who works the xray machine

same chick that tries to guess what plane you're flying

I think pictures would help those of us who haven't been to the Deid lately understand better....

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UFB. "Take your sunglasses off." Sounds like an order. I can't believe the balls that these airmen have. I think that they must be getting direction from their leadership that they are OBLIGED to be barking this s***. I can't fathom that they would come up with that on their own.

Those were her exact words. Of course, I was anticipating (anticipating....sounds like I may have been trolling) that she was going to tell me to "take your sunglasses off your head" so my plan was just to put them over my eyes and keep walking but she threw that little curve. So my response was "Don't have anywhere to put them". The intent of the "no sunglasses" in customs rule, I believe, is not to walk up and do business with the Qataris wearing them over your eyes which I think is rude anyway no matter what country you are in. In this case, the Qatari is just standing over supposedly looking at the screen on the xray machine. They look like they could care less about anything.

I think pictures would help those of us who haven't been to the Deid lately understand better....

Dude, you don't want to see. As we all know red heads are either really hot or really not. She is really not.

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The latest editions of the Desert Penguin are attached...feel free to disseminate.

May desert penguin "tanker article". :flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:

BTW I'm flying to MALAK every time I hear a 130 in the pattern from now on. :moon:

Edited by PasserOGas
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2. Kind of a butterface.

I couldn't really tell about the bod. Her face is so bad that I don't think the rest could make up for it. I don't hang at the pool but I have heard that she hangs out over there and has some dude all over her. Of course I heard he is a real winner too.

May desert penguin "tanker article". :flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:

BTW I'm flying to MALAK every time I hear a 130 in the pattern from now on. :moon:

Ah, come on, that $hit was hilarious!

Hey, wait a minute, we flew the MALAK the last two times in here. Now I'm offended....time to talk to my commander. I guess we can get this and customs and courtesies in one meeting :rock:

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I couldn't really tell about the bod. Her face is so bad that I don't think the rest could make up for it. I don't hang at the pool but I have heard that she hangs out over there and has some dude all over her. Of course I heard he is a real winner too.

Ah, come on, that $hit was hilarious!

Hey, wait a minute, we flew the MALAK the last two times in here. Now I'm offended....time to talk to my commander. I guess we can get this and customs and courtesies in one meeting :rock:

She's a buttereverything, downright fugly. No bullshit, she asked a guy on my crew if he was "having a case of the mondays" one day. Another guy on my crew last time i was here (yep, she was here then too) made it his personal mission to wear his sunglasses through there without her saying anything. He would hide behind people (he was 6'4, so it wasn't easy), walk backwards, all sorts of tricks. She's like a shoe-ninja! He finally made it, but I had to run blocker and ask her some idiotic question about the stamp on the orders being dark enough or some shit.

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She's a buttereverything, downright fugly. No bullshit, she asked a guy on my crew if he was "having a case of the mondays" one day. Another guy on my crew last time i was here (yep, she was here then too) made it his personal mission to wear his sunglasses through there without her saying anything. He would hide behind people (he was 6'4, so it wasn't easy), walk backwards, all sorts of tricks. She's like a shoe-ninja! He finally made it, but I had to run blocker and ask her some idiotic question about the stamp on the orders being dark enough or some shit.

I made it my mission to try to get her to say something to me. Two days ago I was pissed because I walked through with the shades on my head and she didn't say $hit. As soon as we got outside I told my AC that I couldn't even get a nibble. Today he witnessed the whole thng and was laughing his ass off once we got outside. He said that I hooked a 12lb bass.

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THE GINGER!!!!!!! (As she was known in the 816th from the time she showed up in late March until we left in May). I almost fell out of my chair when I read this, I can’t believe she is still fighting the sunglasses battle after all the hell we gave her. For us, it started off as a passive resistance; we would just walk through with our sunglasses on our head while ignoring her. She would only ask us to remove them once and the give up. But over time her resolve grew and she started to get a little more confrontational.

On my very last flight at the deid, she called me out by name as I walked through the metal detector. I looked her directly in the eye (that face still haunts me) and told her “NO!” She then asked if I was refusing to cooperate and I simply said “yes”. You should have seen her head explode! The Ginger then ran to some MSgt sitting behind the counter where you drop your orders off and proceed to tell her I was refusing to comply with Qatari customs. The MSgt just laughed at her. I just kept walking and thanked her for all she contributed to the war effort. The last thing I heard as I was walking out the door was something about calling my commander and being detained next time I inprocess. It was all empty promises because I didn’t hear a thing about it back in the squadron. FTD!

THat's f'ing hilarious. Two flights before the one this morning, my Co (he is actually our D.O. at home and is a LTC, acting as a seeing-eye-dog for our young AC) went through the detector with his shades on and she said something to the effect "Sir, you should remove your shades....I wouldn't want you to get deported". He just turned, looked at her for about three seconds (through his shades) and walked on. DEPORTED! for wearing sunglasses. I was really hoping she would use that line on me. My reply was going to be something to the effect "Really??? Is it that easy? Please don't throw me in that briar patch" :salut:

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What do you guys think about getting some "Kanye West" style sunnies just to wear for the walk through customs? I think her head would probably do a 360 and she might spit up green pea soup.

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THE GINGER!!!!!!! (As she was known in the 816th from the time she showed up in late March until we left in May). I almost fell out of my chair when I read this, I can’t believe she is still fighting the sunglasses battle after all the hell we gave her. For us, it started off as a passive resistance; we would just walk through with our sunglasses on our head while ignoring her. She would only ask us to remove them once and the give up. But over time her resolve grew and she started to get a little more confrontational.

On my very last flight at the deid, she called me out by name as I walked through the metal detector. I looked her directly in the eye (that face still haunts me) and told her “NO!” She then asked if I was refusing to cooperate and I simply said “yes”. You should have seen her head explode! The Ginger then ran to some MSgt sitting behind the counter where you drop your orders off and proceed to tell her I was refusing to comply with Qatari customs. The MSgt just laughed at her. I just kept walking and thanked her for all she contributed to the war effort. The last thing I heard as I was walking out the door was something about calling my commander and being detained next time I inprocess. It was all empty promises because I didn’t hear a thing about it back in the squadron. FTD!

Someone needs to get a video of "The Ginger" in action and post here

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If you tried to capture her image on video or photo, I don’t think it would develop. Gingers have no sole……

True. A friend of mine growing up started to develop gingervitis...so his parents decided to put him down. I think it was better that he not continue to live like a soulless vampire.

EDIT: Thanks nsplayr and SuperWSO....oh the power of suggestion.

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True. A friend of mine growing up started to develop gingervitis...so his parents decided to put him down. I think it was better that he not continue to live like a soleless vampire.

Aw come on. Two guys in a row? I hate being the grammar Nazi, but if she has no sole, buy her a new pair of shoes. If she has no soul, hammer a wooden stake (not a steak, those are at the DFAC) through her heart.

Edit: NSPlayer got there first. Must be a new sensation for him.

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Guest Hueypilot812

THat's f'ing hilarious. Two flights before the one this morning, my Co (he is actually our D.O. at home and is a LTC, acting as a seeing-eye-dog for our young AC) went through the detector with his shades on and she said something to the effect "Sir, you should remove your shades....I wouldn't want you to get deported". He just turned, looked at her for about three seconds (through his shades) and walked on. DEPORTED! for wearing sunglasses. I was really hoping she would use that line on me. My reply was going to be something to the effect "Really??? Is it that easy? Please don't throw me in that briar patch" :salut:

WTF...when I was an Army E-4, I wouldn't have dared challenge an FGO over something like sunglasses...but I guess that's the difference in the culture we promote today compared with 1994. I'll add that this culture change includes the attitudes of the officers...today's O-5 will try and slink by and not cause a scene, but 15 years ago, had I said something like "The Ginger" stated, I could very well expect that O-5 to get in my face and tell me "how about you mind your own business and do your ing job, SPECIALIST".

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...today's O-5 will try and slink by and not cause a scene, but 15 years ago, had I said something like "The Ginger" stated, I could very well expect that O-5 to get in my face and tell me "how about you mind your own business and do your fucking job, SPECIALIST".

As long as leadership backs you up and doesn't send an O-4 home for getting in the E's face about a sunglasses incident...

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Aw come on. Two guys in a row? I hate being the grammar Nazi, but if she has no sole, buy her a new pair of shoes. If she has no soul, hammer a wooden stake (not a steak, those are at the DFAC) through her heart.

Edit: NSPlayer got there first. Must be a new sensation for him.

Really DFAC from a flyer? I refuse and still call it a "Chow Hall" Just to piss on the shoes and REMF a little bit more.

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WTF...when I was an Army E-4, I wouldn't have dared challenge an FGO over something like sunglasses...but I guess that's the difference in the culture we promote today compared with 1994. I'll add that this culture change includes the attitudes of the officers...today's O-5 will try and slink by and not cause a scene, but 15 years ago, had I said something like "The Ginger" stated, I could very well expect that O-5 to get in my face and tell me "how about you mind your own business and do your fucking job, SPECIALIST".

It's not the difference between '94 and now, it's the difference between the Air Force and the Army.

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