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Leadership at the 'Deid


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Hard to see the failure coming from YOU and your policy of "we're gonna be a place where we randomly try to humiliate you over something not focused on the mission, and hammer you if you get it wrong" Chief Xxxxxxx, when you're too busy focusing on looking for the failure in everyone else. :bash:

Wanna see failure while your there, Chief Xxxxxx? Pretty simple. Head on over to the bathroom sink and look directly above it. Tell me what you see. Have you found the failure yet? :flipoff:

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What is a 5MT? Does asking that question make me a failure as an Airman?

This is a 5MT. The plan is for the E9 to get one of these so he can drive everywhere on base and ask people about the creed. When he's not asking, he can play a recording of it through strategically placed speakers on the outside of the 5MT. Heck, it's even small enough he could drive it into some buildings. That way he gets the double benefit of never having to walk and justifying reflective belts for everybody indoors.

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It's not a complete disaster. If you read the "who what where why and hows", the "how" is described as "based on your personal preference."

If that's not an invitation for sarcasm, mockery and general ridicule, I don't know what is. My personal preference is to recite the creed with my best Joe Pesci "Casino" impersonation, with an f-bomb as every 4th word. What's your personal preference?

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My personal preference is to recite the creed with my best Joe Pesci "Casino" impersonation, with an f-bomb as every 4th word. What's your personal preference?

To not recite it at all. I haven't learned it yet, and I don't ever plan on learning it...

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This email officially shows that most people at the Deid don't even know there is a war still going on that they are supposed to be there supporting. They just think they get to go to the desert, get "combat" pay and tax free pay, check a container for a deployment and possibly get a short tour and that is about it. The rest of their time is spent drinking their 3 beers a day, suntanning at the pool, working on their masters, bachelors, PME and PLAYING soldier.

It is time to start bringing people home from the Deid and giving them real jobs throughout the AF!

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Guest Hueypilot812

That would involve being a real warrior. Too dangerous.

No, to some people the US military has become a full-time extension of ROTC field training or basic training. To them, that's all it's about...haircuts, tucked shirts and reciting creeds.

To the rest of us, the haircut/tucked shirts/creed thing was merely an exercise designed to instill certain thought patterns in people's minds and weed out those that can't hack it or adapt. It's a means to an end, not the end in itself. Apparently a lot of people haven't figured that out.

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To the rest of us, the haircut/tucked shirts/creed thing was merely an exercise designed to instill certain thought patterns in people's minds and weed out those that can't hack it or adapt. It's a means to an end, not the end in itself. Apparently a lot of people haven't figured that out.

Absolutely! The queep instilled in basic AETC courses like that are there to induce stress. It's not the mission of the AF.

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No, to some people the US military has become a full-time extension of ROTC field training or basic training. To them, that's all it's about...haircuts, tucked shirts and reciting creeds.

To the rest of us, the haircut/tucked shirts/creed thing was merely an exercise designed to instill certain thought patterns in people's minds and weed out those that can't hack it or adapt. It's a means to an end, not the end in itself. Apparently a lot of people haven't figured that out.

This. Not all regulations are equal because some are meant to instill discipline, standardization, and a compliance-mindset, and others are actually relevant to a real-world mission. A dose of the first kind is part of the military way of life and those regulations help us maintain higher standards than the civilian world, but are not an end unto themselves; following them to a T doesn't actually accomplish anything real. Detailed knowledge of mission-related pubs, checklists, etc. leads to excellence in carrying out a real-world mission, that is an end worth pursuing.

I've said it a million times; loss of mission focus. This E-9 is exhibit #69.

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ASAB Enlisted Corps,

Welcome to 5MT accountability one and all. Today marks the day that you are

required to know the Airman's Creed and Air Force Song as outlined in my

first 5MT to the Enlisted Corps. At no time did I alleviate ANYONE from this

requirement, so the demographic is clear. If you are an "E-something", this

applies to you. To some it applies even more, especially if you are a

supervisor. If in a supervisory role, you are also accountable TO and FOR

your people.


we delve into the "whys," let's first revisit the "Who, What, Where, and

When" parts. Those were provided in BOTH the initial and follow-on emails

that I've attached. The "how" was left completely up to you.

- Who: Every Enlisted member assigned to the XXXAEW.

- What: Be able to RECITE from MEMORY the Airman's Creed and "sing"

the first verse of the AF song

- Where: In public forums during Wing events or when asked by

senior leadership.

- When: Primarily by 1 September 2011

- How: Based on your personal preference

- WHY: To forge LEADERSHIP and FOLLOWERSHIP capability and to drive

Enlisted uniformity during ### AEW ceremonies.

My dad worked as MX troop in the 8th TFW in Thailand, while I always took his stories with a grain of salt, he like everyone else would have followed Robin Olds to the depths of hell. One of his favorite stories was how the old guy took the time to know first names and hometowns of all the maintainers, I'd assume as many of the other enlisted troops as well.

One leadership style based on personal interaction, trust and a willingness to give a shit


a style based on intimidation, needless information and worthless embarrassment in front of peers.

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Not really leadership, but incoming crews should note:

Marriott of Doha lost the laundry service contract, and has been replaced by blue shirt wearing "Dream Laundry Services." I turned in my laundry on the 1st, came back on the fourth, said "not ready, come back tomorrow." Came back on the 5th and only my flight suit was ready - so I went back to talk to someone about it.

In the back, I filled out a Laundry Investigative Complaint form, and wrote the above. Came back today (the 7th) and after the guy disappearing for 15 minutes, coming back and saying "not ready, come back tomorrow" I asked to speak to the guy in charge. I ended up speaking a the white guy in a suit and tie (Emoh?) who gave me some lip service, asked if I wanted to wait while he called the Operations Manager at the warehouse (I did) and listened to him read every item I was missing, along with ticket number and Complaint Form #. Said to check back tonight, and talk to the night supervisor, named Kevin. Furthermore, the base contracting officer was in the back talking to everyone else.

I did my own laundry today. Every time I went in, there were of 4-8 people complaining with lost items/clothes not ready/people getting random ABUs & other people's clothing. The Wing CC had dinner with us a few days ago and we let him know as well.

Furthermore, on a related note, I came back to this in our crew's hallway:


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Every time I went in, there were of 4-8 people complaining with lost items...

The Wing CC had dinner with us a few days ago and we let him know as well.

OSI needs to get involved. Losing uniforms is a threat.

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Just a heads up through the email chain:

From our shirt, an email chain forwarding:

Good Afternoon Shirts,

First and foremost, I apologize for the experience your members have had with the new linen contractors. As you may know, the laundry linen service changed contractors on 1 Sep 11. Both the Force Support and Contracting Squadrons are aware of some the issues the new contractor is facing and at this time we are providing them as much information and support as we can to resolve some of the initial problems. As you can imagine, there are growing pains anytime you change over to a new organization as the processes will undoubtedly change and it will take time to make it a seamless process once again.

That being said, I wanted to pass along some temporary changes to the hours of operation at our Laundry Linen Exchange. The linen exchange will close between 0830-1030 and 1400-1600 daily until further notice. These hours are in place to mitigate the growing pains and allow the contractors to improve on their service.

Your continued feedback is appreciated. We will be using these comments in order to continue to tracking and monitoring the service from your point of view. Your members have the option to file a claim to be reimbursed up to $50 per item that the contractor loses if there is no resolution to their missing item(s).

Please let me know if you have any questions.


From the FSS Commander:

1. Linen Contract: Execution is not going well. We are fully aware of the

issues (lost items, missing items, not clean items, long lines) as our

quality assurance folks have been at the facility constantly. They also

visited the downtown portion of the operation. Please continue to send the

feedback. We are working with ECONS to help the contract through the

initial performance period. Our folks will also be advising your shirts and

chiefs periodically and we've elevated the situation up our chain as well.

Won't sugar coat anything - this is a huge challenge right now and is

understandably frustrating your folks. We'll advise as the situation


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That being said, I wanted to pass along some temporary changes to the hours of operation at our Laundry Linen Exchange. The linen exchange will close between 0830-1030 and 1400-1600 daily until further notice. These hours are in place to mitigate the growing pains and allow the contractors to improve on their service.

This is my surprised face.

Task a group of shoes to work on solutions to a customer service problem, and "reducing service hours" is bound to percolate to the top of the idea list.

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This is my surprised face.

Task a group of shoes to work on solutions to a customer service problem, and "reducing service hours" is bound to percolate to the top of the idea list.


The linen exchange will close between 0830-1030 and 1400-1600 daily until further notice.

Are they otherwise open 24 hours?

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Bombs on time on target and kill MiGs.

Wasn't that the quote on the sign that the aircrew would walk under at Ubon RTAFB during the Vietnam War?

As an example of how things have changed since; When flying C-17's from Rhine-Main AB to downrange locations (2002-04), the last sign we would see when leaving the ops building (which was near the flight line) reminded us to don our cover and to salute.

I haven't been downrange or to the Deid since 2004, but it seemed to me at that time we were trying to prosecute a war(s) with a peacetime mentality - not those on the ops side, but practically everyone else. From what I read, things haven't change much.

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