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Really?! Empathy belly?

I've already got one of those. :beer:


I just got done reading the top headlines from this 'secretive' Base X from it's webpage after Google gave me 544,000 options.

Let's not forget the near-porn in the BX you can buy after dumping your shit off at the amnesty box when you arrive. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, thrice, etc... well that didn't happen. The first time the Fashion Channel got me through some rough patches.

Aaaahhh, Midnight Hot....


Really?! Empathy belly?


Best quote from another site about this:

"Wow! It appears as though all of the branches have gone full retard lately. I think it's time to pull chocks ASAFP! I have an idea, I think women should have to don a strap-on to their waists to "better understand" what it's like to run with a penis. Ridiculous!"

The NCOs learn special exercises for pregnant women, who shouldn’t push themselves too hard or participate in high-impact activities such as snowboarding, bungee jumping or horse riding, York said.

To bring back middle school, No shit Sherlock!


To bring back middle school, No shit Sherlock!

Do you ever get the feeling part of the story is missing? Was there some squadron that had a game of full contact football and used the pregnant females as the offensive line? Hell, the extra weight will help them slow down the defense /sarcasm.

I guess a service that doesn't trust us to cross the street or walk in an area with no vehicles in the dark would find this a necessary measure.

The NCOs learn special exercises for pregnant women, who shouldn’t push themselves too hard or participate in high-impact activities such as snowboarding, bungee jumping or horse riding, York said.

High-impact bungee jumping? No thanks!


Can they discontinue retirement pay for this?

Retired general pleads guilty to sex abuse

The Associated Press

Posted : Saturday Feb 25, 2012 9:37:28 EST

HILLSBORO, Ore. — A 71-year-old retired Army general has pleaded guilty to sex abuse charges and agreed to a 10-year prison sentence.

John Christian Heldstab of Beaverton entered his pleas Friday in Washington County Circuit Court to three counts of sodomy and one count of first-degree sex abuse, according to The Oregonian of Portland.

He was arrested in August and faced 29 counts before the plea agreement was reached.

Evidence showed Heldstab abused a young victim for nearly a decade until the victim finally told someone when he was 19, Deputy District Attorney Kevin Barton said.



Bradley Manning (dude who leaked classified docs) is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.....


Keep it in perspective...

Every year, the five-member Committee sends out thousands of letters to qualified individuals — lawmakers, university professors and other figures involved in the public sphere — calling for nominations

So some dipshit academic or liberal lawyer decided to nominate the idiot. 191 individuals were submitted, that doesn't mean the committee will pick him.

Of course, this is the same organization that gave one to Obama for...well....something (no one seems to know what). It's pretty much a worthless distinction, remember that Jimmy Carter and Al Gore have "won" it as well...

Plus, when that little shithead ends up in FPMITA prison, it won't do him much good.


God bless your soul Doc


Jesus H. Christ.

What has been seen, cannot be unseen.


There. That's better.

Gonna need more...



There. That's better.

"Good afternoon, 369th Fighter Squadron. These two lady pilots are here from Eglin test (callsigns Candi and Mandi), and they're here to talk about the latest changes in the recommended BFM gameplan given the latest AIM-9X upgrades. Today's academic focus will be the rolling scissors. As you can see, the top surface of the bar has been covered in a satin pad, which will be used for the rolling scissors demonstration. I hope everyone read my email and remembered to bring their $1 bills."

"Tomorrow, Candi and Mandi will discuss 2v1 tactics. LPA: decide which one of you will be 'red air' for the demonstration."

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