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C-130 IP School


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Anyone been through this recently? Stories, advice?

Show up prepared and ready to work. The ARANG has recently "upped the ante", and about 60% of the students going through are having problems at one point or another in the program. 3 IP candidates sent home this year for lack of basic knowledge/flying proficiency.

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Show up prepared and ready to work. The ARANG has recently "upped the ante", and about 60% of the students going through are having problems at one point or another in the program. 3 IP candidates sent home this year for lack of basic knowledge/flying proficiency.

Just finished w/in last month or so.

Training on the hill is same as it ever was. Get in the books a bit. Use the lighter schedule to bone-up on flyin' type stuff and 11-2c-130 v1/v3 type stuff.

Sim #2 - You'll never get a more accurate WX briefing in your life (unless the sim operator decides to screw with you). Get the IAPs from the sim guys a few days prior (they'll hand 'em out), do some math, gouge-up the paper and have a plan. Roll with the plan in the sim when it's not exactly what you expected. Don't sweat it.


These guys take care of you and train you... assuming you've got your $hit in one sock. If you know your stuff, but screw stuff up... they'll work with you on that. But if you just don't know your $hit... God help you. Excellent training all around. I had good instructors that challenged me, kicked me in the ass when I needed it, and gave me great feedback and things to think about.

Bottom Line: Know your stuff. Have a plan. Go have a great time with the bubbas from your class! We had a bunch of good dudes in 08-12... If you wanna know anything more specific - PM me or somethin'.



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Show up prepared and ready to work. The ARANG has recently "upped the ante", and about 60% of the students going through are having problems at one point or another in the program. 3 IP candidates sent home this year for lack of basic knowledge/flying proficiency.

By upped the ante do you mean a new syllabus or a new standard they are holding studs to?

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I finished in Sep and 5 of 6 active duty guys were on CAP (i was the only one who wasn't). It's pretty challenging, but if you do well in flight lead upgrade and know your pubs you'll do fine. We had one guy who was sent home; by far the best GK in the class but he couldn't catch any of the mistakes the IPs were making. He was so flustered by his total SA breakdown that he failed every ride. The ANG threatened an FEB but his unit recalled him instead. It was challenging on the flightline but the hill was an absolute waste of time. If you have any specific questions or need anything while you're here (I'm stationed at LRF) just PM me.

Edited by tac airlifter
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By upped the ante do you mean a new syllabus or a new standard they are holding studs to?

You're an IP candidate, which means you should already have the GK and flying skills to be an IP. If you show up lacking either, expect extra attention. As Linda and tac airlifter said--if you're prepared and work hard, you'll do fine.

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Guest TacAirDrvr
You're an IP candidate, which means you should already have the GK and flying skills to be an IP. If you show up lacking either, expect extra attention. As Linda and tac airlifter said--if you're prepared and work hard, you'll do fine.

So a couple of words of advice....

You should know all the basics and even some of the advanced stuff by now, you should have your own book of knowledge!! (Systems diagrams, etc)

Pay attention to:(Things I reviewed every night before the flights.)

Know -1 Chapters 2, 3, and 7 (E Model) Learn about the GCAS too, like all the ins and outs so you can teach stuff on the Low Levels about it.

Know v3 Chapter 9 COLD!!

Know v1 ALL

Know all Procedures COLD for the Run-in/Drop/Escape, Ask every NAV/Lead dude you know about timing techniques.

I studied the v2 just so I knew how to instruct everything in the plane to a Q1 level!!

The other thing I would say is go back to basics on the 217 v1. Remember for example the Proceed direct to a fix procedures, if you can use these in the plane, and use the techniques right from the book and you'll do just fine during the Pro portion. Take a look at the 217 when it talks about the approaches without a FAF. WOW...its MLU, and you might go there, a lot of guys get caught off guard with this place, short runway, VOR RWY 4, etc CAP Palace is what we called it!

There are 2 Phases for Pilots if you're a slick dude!

Pro = 3 rides

Tac = 3 rides

then a Combo Check that doesn't count for a real check unless you're at LRF and do the testing ahead of time and coordinate with the IP for a little extra time and make sure you get everything to count it as a check!

Maybe 2 weeks of flying....IF that....it all depends on how fast you move!! So as you can see not a lot of time like you had in AC school if you were an old school Co!

I used CFPS A LOT. I would pull up all of the LAT Longs for the approaches and fixes at the field and show with my own Nav Log, no one in the plane is gonna help you except.....YOU and your preflight planning!!! If you start to get behind the jet, you can fall back on SCNS to get your SA back up!! So what I am saying here, you should review SCNS and how to plug in a flight plan, etc to give you SA!!! I always chair flew everything the night before!! To include all approaches etc. SIM 2 will teach you this one, if you don't preflight/chairfly this profile you will hook it. I didn't know that you could hook a sim until a couple of guys in the class ahead of me hooked this sim! The LM instructors on the hill WILL hook you, and talk with the ANG guys a lot about who sucks and doesn't!

When I say say chairfly, think about you pattern pacing/debriefing in the plane to the student. You will learn more about this, but remember you're gonna have to talk and fly now, something that tends to get guys expecially ones that were in my class!!! They couldn't talk, fly, run checklists, and catch the "student" 200 high and 15 slow!!

The thing here is that the ANG dudes have been doing this job forever. I think they've seen it all (combined). What I think they show you are the big things that could get you killed in the airplane with an idiot in the left seat. The things they teach you on the ground are the techniques VS the PROCEDURES!!! Thats where the GK comes in, sometimes you're just gonna have to use the book to teach to make sure you don't teach things that were techniques taught to you! Don't be a douche bag and hang on your class mates either. Show up ready to work, the training isn't long. So thats why you are told to show up already an instructor. Guys that show up and get on CAP are the ones that should have studied a lot more and maybe shouldn't have been sent in the first place except (and correct me if I am wrong RASH) that the IP manning in the C130 is at all time lows ESPECIALLY AT THE SCHOOL HOUSE so we need IPs!!

Bottom line:

You won't know it all, accept it!!!! You WILL F*CK UP so Learn...don't bitch!!! Remember YOU SUCK compared to them! HAVE FUN! This training was the best training I have ever had!!! EVER!!!! In just a short time they will give you the knowledge to get you started on becoming a good IP!

Sorry this post took so long, this is my standard speech to dudes who are in IP prep I hope this helps!! These things are the things that got me through, some have little problems with this program, some have a lot, and even FEB. I would take this program seriously, IE, CANCEL YOUR TEE-TIMES!!!

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Wow great post, really appreciate it!! I'm really looking forward to this training, really don't want to f*ck it up...TacAirDude, are you a LRF IP? Is there a need for IPs, Ie. are you guys still bringing in dudes from the guard/reserve for 6 month tours?

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Guest TacAirDrvr
Wow great post, really appreciate it!! I'm really looking forward to this training, really don't want to f*ck it up...TacAirDude, are you a LRF IP? Is there a need for IPs, Ie. are you guys still bringing in dudes from the guard/reserve for 6 month tours?

I can only speak for the AMC side of the house, but I wish we could afford to "buy" some IPs to take care of the MPDs we have! You would have to ask RASH about that one! He would know best1

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I can only speak for the AMC side of the house, but I wish we could afford to "buy" some IPs to take care of the MPDs we have! You would have to ask RASH about that one! He would know best1

I thought the 463rd (now 19th) was doing that.... did they quit

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Guest TacAirDrvr
I thought the 463rd (now 19th) was doing that.... did they quit

We "borrow" some guys from the AR ANG but only on a month to month basis, we haven't farmed out jobs yet to just any Guard IP for more than a month.

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I can only speak for the AMC side of the house, but I wish we could afford to "buy" some IPs to take care of the MPDs we have! You would have to ask RASH about that one! He would know best1

RASH is a good dude. He helped me get up to speed with the whole PCO program. My squadron tasked me to gather as much info on this seeing as how me and one other dude were the first MPD's in my unit to upgrade to A/C.

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RASH is a good dude. He helped me get up to speed with the whole PCO program. My squadron tasked me to gather as much info on this seeing as how me and one other dude were the first MPD's in my unit to upgrade to A/C.

Yeah I'm in the same boat...first PCO, now first IP school in awhile so I'm working with the training shop and we're making stuff up as we go along...What did you guys end up doing for PCO, I know a lot of the mission you actually fly ends up being commander directed. They made me do an off station and it had to be a JAAT.

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  • 3 years later...

Thread revival...

Anyone been to C-130J IP school lately? What's the scoop?

Any insight would be appreciated. So far heard it's all in the simulator and the JMATS guys run most profiles until checkride, which is in the sim too .

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I know that if you were a legacy Herk IP you can accomplish IP upgrade in-house.

I believe that is the case across every MWS - as long as you have been to some Big Blue instructor course, you can upgrade to IP in your new MWS in house. I know we have a few guys from other airframes that we sent to IP school anyway, and others upgraded in house.

For the original question - I went a little over a year ago. All sims - 10 total, peppered with academics and about 4 different presentations to the class on TOLD or systems. It was all right-seat stuff - 3-engine, assault, NVG, etc. Checkride was with a dude from the 48th and was pretty low threat. If I remember, about 3 rides were transition type stuff with assaults, approaches, and 3-engine stuff. There were quite a few NVG rides, and about 3 or 4 formation rides too, including the checkride.

When I went through, they were trying to keep guys with the same IP for most of the program. I think we had the same guy for 7 rides, then two other dudes, then the check. So there was good continuity. Our dude was very cool, but I heard some IPs make it not as laid back and fun. Most of the stuff they pull on you is stuff they say that have seen in real life - throttle chop short of the assault zone, wrong rudder on 3-engine go, hard landing, accidentally taxiing when both guys are heads down in the box on NVGs, etc. Only unrealistic thing is that you probably wouldn't see ALL of those things on the same ride, but they are limited in how much they can show, I guess.

Overall, it was a good course in my experience. Let me know if you have any questions.

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