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Damn. Read Fox news much? Good thing Fox has never been accused of being biased or anything.

Dude seriously. Every news media outlet out there is biased because no one reports the news anymore. CNN, FOX, NBC...

Damn. Read Fox news much? Good thing Fox has never been accused of being biased or anything.

Damn. Actually read the articles? 2 of the 3 are from the AP wire...

Good thing that people that make snap decisions based on no information are never accused of being ignorant...

Damn. Read Fox news much? Good thing Fox has never been accused of being biased or anything.

All news is biased. However, I highly doubt that Fox is putting out fake or biased news reports because they want us to go to war.

Just in case you need proof:




Posted (edited)

All this happened with "In the Navy" by the Village People blaring in the background.

Yeah, and you thought it was just the US Navy that was like that.

Edited by Seriously
Guest nsplayr
LOL. WTF were people thinking back in the '70s?

Seriously...and I'll bet a lot of us here were born in the '70s as well...WTF were our parents thinking??

LOL. WTF were people thinking back in the '70s?

The really sad part is, 30 years from now our kids will look at us and wonder WTF were we thinking.

The really sad part is, 30 years from now our kids will look at us and wonder WTF were we thinking.

What is even more sad than that will be when they look back 30 years from now and say "$3.27 Trillion for stimulus handouts when the entire annual federal budget is only $2.6 Trillion." WTFF - what the fucking FUCK - were you idiots thinking?????

What is even more sad than that will be when they look back 30 years from now and say "$3.27 Trillion for stimulus handouts when the entire annual federal budget is only $2.6 Trillion." WTFF - what the fucking FUCK - were you idiots thinking?????

True, but they will be saying it in either Russian, Chinese or Spanish... :thumbsup:

Dude seriously. Every news media outlet out there is biased because no one reports the news anymore. CNN, FOX, NBC...

I resemble that remark. I mean, I resent that remark!

Posted (edited)
Dude seriously. Every news media outlet out there is biased because no one reports the news anymore. CNN, FOX, NBC...

Too bad there weren't any news media outlets named in your post. Just entertainment cable stations sensationalizing events in the hopes of higher ratings. No different from MTV, TNT, Oxygen, or any of those networks that have those dopey reality shows.

That was my point. I try and get my information (not "news") mostly from reading. And I try to get a diversified mixture of sources - liberal, conservative, plenty of international news outlets, and of course lots of books. I usually skim the headlines online (yes, I know some of these outlets are owned by the above mentioned big media conglomerates) of the NY Times, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, BBC, Bloomberg, and of course the best source of diversified, highly-accurate news - the baseops.net message board!

That was the basis of my joke (ha ha). One watches Fox News, reads foxnews.com, and then reads articles on baseops.net about stuff that Fox News reported on TV or on their website. We just have to be careful about the sources of the stuff that we are fed...I mean the news that we get.

True, but they will be saying it in either Russian, Chinese or Spanish... :thumbsup:

Yeah, I thought about adding something to this effect in my original post:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years."

- Attributed to Sir Alex Fraser Tytler (about 220 years ago)

..but you said it just as well.

Edited by JS
Guest Fatehunter

I'm hoping for war... to make the UCI go away. :M16:

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