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Posted (edited)

Agreed - it was silly. I still laughed my ass off - especially at the "Korean Jesus" part.

Stand by for the onslaught of "Five Phases of the Drug"-esque scene parodies.

Edited by Ram
  • Upvote 1
  • 3 weeks later...
I am not sure how I feel about this.

No trip to Mars? What would this movie be without the chick w/ three boobs?!?


Stand by for the onslaught of "Five Phases of the Drug"-esque scene parodies.




Interesting stats, but they focus on the top ten grossing films in each year. There have been plenty of good original films over the last few years. They just don't make wads of cash. Has Hollywood really lost its creativity? Or are audiences who are unintersted in little things like plot to blame? Face it, Hollywood has discovered the magic formula for the blockbuster and it has made studios a lot of cash. As Colbert would say, the market has spoken.

  • Upvote 1
Guest Grind

Interesting stats, but they focus on the top ten grossing films in each year. There have been plenty of good original films over the last few years. They just don't make wads of cash. Has Hollywood really lost its creativity? Or are audiences who are unintersted in little things like plot to blame? Face it, Hollywood has discovered the magic formula for the blockbuster and it has made studios a lot of cash. As Colbert would say, the market has spoken.

It's not so much that they have lost their creativity, it's the fact that the economy has put that industry on lockdown. Big name producers like Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, etc... can't afford to take the risks they used to way back when. Add in the fact that every year, more and more movies are being pirated and leaked before they are even released, and that causes even more turmoil for the movie makers.

Unfortunately, now a days, movie makers continue to lower their moral, intellectual, and overall script writing standards to these "generation-x'ers" whose only focus in life is ", money, weed" and facebook statuses. (reference almost any "comedy" in the past 5-10 years and you'll see my point.) These aren't movies, these are instant sellers to retards who watch jersey shore and listen to lil wayne all day when they aren't blaming the 1% for their problems.

It's unfortunate that the movie industry has gone down this path. Gone are the days of quality screenwriting, good moral standards in which to base characters off, good acting, interesting storyline, and a coherent plot. Now it's all over producing, stupid MTV music to cheap action sequences, the quintessential love scene, the party scene, the over the top product placement, and the mushy shit to make the girls in the audience cry. Oh yeah, don't forget the titties (not that that's a bad thing).

Orson Welles is turning over in his grave right now.

/rant off

  • Upvote 1

Unfortunately, now a days, movie makers continue to lower their moral, intellectual, and overall script writing standards to these "generation-x'ers" whose only focus in life is "######, money, weed" and facebook statuses.

/rant off

Fighter pilot attendance is up 6,900% to this particular genre of film.

Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)

...stupid MTV music...

Showing your age here man, MTV hasn't played music in quite some time.

Edited by nsplayr
Guest Grind

Showing your age here man, MTV hasn't played music in quite some time.

You get the point....


It's unfortunate that the movie industry has gone down this path. Gone are the days of quality screenwriting, good moral standards in which to base characters off, good acting, interesting storyline, and a coherent plot. Now it's all over producing, stupid MTV music to cheap action sequences, the quintessential love scene, the party scene, the over the top product placement, and the mushy shit to make the girls in the audience cry. Oh yeah, don't forget the titties (not that that's a bad thing).

Orson Welles is turning over in his grave right now.

/rant off

I take it you didn't watch The Descendents, Hesher, or The Artist then...


I take it you didn't watch The Descendents, Hesher, or The Artist then...

Well I tried to recommend The Artist a couple pages back and I got yelled at :beer:


I take it you didn't watch The Descendents, Hesher, or The Artist then...

You know how I know you're gay?

  • Upvote 1
Guest Grind

I don't care. The only film worth watching is The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia....

  • Upvote 1

You know how I know you're gay?

Because you fly Eagles?


Because you fly Eagles?

Rainman defending Vertigo about a silent, French, romantic comedy. Those Mayans may have been on to something...


Rainman defending Vertigo about a silent, French, romantic comedy. Those Mayans may have been on to something...


However, you follow up by proving you actually know there even is such a thing as a silent French romantic comedy.

  • 3 weeks later...

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