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North Korea at it again

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We are all doomed....
/uploads/monthly_2016_01/5692b27ceb5f4_ImageUploadedByBaseopsNetworkForums1452454523.786441.jpg.25fe0af37d79d6c00ba55c0a683e9e7a.jpg'>5692b27ceb5f4_ImageUploadedByBaseopsNetworkForums1452454523.786441.jpg.25fe0af37d79d6c00ba55c0a683e9e7a.jpgI'm stealing that. I can think of a dozen uses for that in the next week.

Side note, did you not see the video? It works on my browser.

Worked fine on iOS for me. Have to love the general public.

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We are all doomed....
/uploads/monthly_2016_01/5692b27ceb5f4_ImageUploadedByBaseopsNetworkForums1452454523.786441.jpg.25fe0af37d79d6c00ba55c0a683e9e7a.jpg'>5692b27ceb5f4_ImageUploadedByBaseopsNetworkForums1452454523.786441.jpg.25fe0af37d79d6c00ba55c0a683e9e7a.jpgI'm stealing that. I can think of a dozen uses for that in the next week.Side note, did you not see the video? It works on my browser.

Worked fine on iOS for me. Have to love the general public.

Ah ok I couldn't tell if you saw the video or were talking sh!t for me making a dramatic four word post with no content.

The video terrifies me. Especially the follow your dreams moron.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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On 1/10/2016 at 11:22 PM, Clark Griswold said:

More dreams come true for NK...

North Korea Shows Latest Submarine Missile Test LaunchDecember ejection test appears on state-run television days after nuclear test


It's the raw excitement of the narrator that really brings out the victory of the worker's paradise...



Well, shit.

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6 hours ago, Right Seat Driver said:

Well, shit.

Things might not be that bad:


I am sure they are cursing the yankee imperialist scum for thwarting this triumph of the people but shit happens comrade. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/15/2017 at 8:38 PM, waveshaper said:

Sounds like another epic NK Ballistic Missile failure. What's the Vegas over-under on when they nuke themselves?

One that same note when these guys do something stupid and nuke themselves how are we going to convince the world that it wasn't a preemptive strike by the US?  Or anyone else for that matter... 

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1 hour ago, Stitch said:

One that same note when these guys do something stupid and nuke themselves how are we going to convince the world that it wasn't a preemptive strike by the US?  Or anyone else for that matter... 

I'd say the evidence is on our side, based on a long history of failed rocket launches.

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12 hours ago, Clark Griswold said:

Me and a couple of my teammates "once" crossed paths with two (adult male) North Koreans. It was late Feb 1991 in the same AO and was a very WTF/awkward - moment/situation.

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7 minutes ago, Clark Griswold said:

Did they have a cover story or just walk away?

We chatted for about five minutes (they spoke decent English) and they identified themselves as North Korean businessmen. They were very interested in Americans (we were in uniform). They also wanted to know if we had ever been to South Korea but I said no (even though by 1991 I had already completed 3 tours in the ROK). We did our best to end the conversation pronto and skedaddled. Note; This was on the military side of Tabuk Airfield A.K.A King Faisal Air Base (deployed location of the 58 Fighter Squadron/Brit GR-1's/and other folks). We mentioned this encounter to the boss (Base Commander) but nothing earthshattering happen that I'm aware of.

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1 hour ago, waveshaper said:

We chatted for about five minutes (they spoke decent English) and they identified themselves as North Korean businessmen. They were very interested in Americans (we were in uniform). They also wanted to know if we had ever been to South Korea but I said no (even though by 1991 I had already completed 3 tours in the ROK). We did our best to end the conversation pronto and skedaddled. Note; This was on the military side of Tabuk Airfield A.K.A King Faisal Air Base (deployed location of the 58 Fighter Squadron/Brit GR-1's/and other folks). We mentioned this encounter to the boss (Base Commander) but nothing earthshattering happen that I'm aware of.

Very good deflection.

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Saw this one on the early bird today:


So North Korea is getting frisky again and I doubt it will happen but if NK ever did attack (not just the small provocative attacks from time to time) but a major to the death attack, what would it be?

I had read some other hypothetical scenarios if NK ever decided to go for broke and this assessment is similar to those but most assume no Chinese intervention (for the purpose of theorizing) of any kind as all bets are off if they directly intervene, ostensibly for NK.  

I doubt they would intervene directly (on the ground) but what about in the air, only over NK and in a "defensive" way?

From a think tank (Journal of Political Risk):


They could assert a no fly zone pretty easily over NK, declaring a buffer zone for their national security and giving NK sanctuary from most air attack (cruise missile and artillery still an option to strike into NK) while not directly getting into the fight but supporting their sometimes useful proxy.  

NK uses its AF in the opening hours / days to maximize damage and disregarding its attrition by knowing that they won't need it as the PLAAF will keep their skies for them after their AF is gone.

NK still loses ultimately (probably) but the regime could remain intact with this kind of assistance.  Just thinking outside the lines.

So you have a conflict where the enemy has a safe haven from air strike or reprisal (Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos, North Vietnam for a while, etc...) so how do you as a JFACC fight and support when you can only engage the enemy in your territory?

Rhetorical and loaded with OPSEC problems question I know but can you just focus on AS / BAI / CAS locally and allow the enemy to attrit himself by relentless attack into your well defended and ready AOR?  

That does not work from our historical experience usually if our objective is to win (defeating fielded military forces/toppling the enemy political regime) and fighting not to lose is not sustainable ultimately.

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10 hours ago, Duck said:

How much later did you realize she was a dude?

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums

In 2001, you never had to worry about that happening in the AF. Times have changed. I'm afraid to call certain people a he or she who are currently in the AF because I can't honestly derive their sex when I first meet them. I just don't want to offend someone. I can't tell whether they affiliate with being a woman or man. 

Edited by cantfly
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There is a plan in place for the Korean peninsula for how things will go down. Think tanks don't matter. You aren't fighting some rag tag Iraqi troops who our Army forces actually struggled with enroute to Baghdad. The Army took a bunch of Apaches on a mission and the whole unit was grounded because of the small arms fire they encountered over the objective area. Their helos are not built to withstand a beating like a Russian helo or a Marine Cobra. The Marines absolutely crushed Saddam's elite Republican Guard enroute to Baghdad.
There is a larger issue here with the talk of war. There are S. Koreans who are currently serving in the military who may sympathize with N. Korea because a lot of them have family members living in the north. It's mandatory for people to serve in the S. Korean military and no amount of money can get you out of it. A lot of them despise military service and have no clue about the atrocities the N. Koreans inflicted on S. Korea during the Korean War because they didn't experience it first hand. I would not want to be on the ground serving next to them because when the stuff hits the fan, some S. Korean military members are going to bolt. These guys have never fought in a real war or experienced combat first hand. People in S. Korea aren't violent natured at all, hence their appeasement strategy to N. Korea for so many years.
If anything goes down, S. Korea will be decimated and when the dust settles the US will be blamed for it all. It's not worth blowing the human version of Miss Piggy's husband up in N. Korea. That will be the end of our military.
Let Kim Jong Un choke on a chicken bone or some of that great yaki mandu you grab while hammered and stumbling through the front gate at Osan 1 minute prior to curfew.


I had to reread that first paragraph a few times to figure out if you were actually serious. I'm guessing you've never served in either the Army/Marines or been near either of their helicopters let alone have any idea what happened at Karbala huh.

Your impression of the ROK forces doesn't match much in the way of mine or others I know. Language barriers not withstanding, those guys can fight, and given the choice between watching their cities glow/absorb massed artillery or taking their vastly better fed/equipped forces north I've got a good idea which one they'd want to do.
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7 hours ago, cantfly said:

There is a plan in place for the Korean peninsula for how things will go down. Think tanks don't matter. You aren't fighting some rag tag Iraqi troops who our Army forces actually struggled with enroute to Baghdad. The Army took a bunch of Apaches on a mission and the whole unit was grounded because of the small arms fire they encountered over the objective area. Their helos are not built to withstand a beating like a Russian helo or a Marine Cobra. The Marines absolutely crushed Saddam's elite Republican Guard enroute to Baghdad. 

There is a larger issue here with the talk of war. There are S. Koreans who are currently serving in the military who may sympathize with N. Korea because a lot of them have family members living in the north. It's mandatory for people to serve in the S. Korean military and no amount of money can get you out of it. A lot of them despise military service and have no clue about the atrocities the N. Koreans inflicted on S. Korea during the Korean War because they didn't experience it first hand. I would not want to be on the ground serving next to them because when the stuff hits the fan, some S. Korean military members are going to bolt. These guys have never fought in a real war or experienced combat first hand. People in S. Korea aren't violent natured at all, hence their appeasement strategy to N. Korea for so many years.

If anything goes down, S. Korea will be decimated and when the dust settles the US will be blamed for it all. It's not worth blowing the human version of Miss Piggy's husband up in N. Korea. That will be the end of our military.

Let Kim Jong Un choke on a chicken bone or some of that great yaki mandu you grab while hammered and stumbling through the front gate at Osan 1 minute prior to curfew.


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8 hours ago, Clark Griswold said:

So North Korea is getting frisky again and I doubt it will happen but if NK ever did attack (not just the small provocative attacks from time to time) but a major to the death attack, what would it be?

I had read some other hypothetical scenarios if NK ever decided to go for broke and this assessment is similar to those but most assume no Chinese intervention (for the purpose of theorizing) of any kind as all bets are off if they directly intervene, ostensibly for NK.  

Hopefully President Trumps NSC team (State Department/Intel Community/Sec Def/ and "Generals") read the tea leaves/play their cards better then Truman's bumbling NSC crew did back in 1950. Maybe China will let the US/ROK wrap-up that slightly delayed, Korean War ending,  grand finale/cake walk to the Yalu push A.K.A. "Home-by-Christmas Offensive" that General Walker of the Eighth Army started at 10 a.m. on November 24, 1950. Better late then never.  :<)

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