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Guest AlphaSigOU

Here's the current AETC 341:


The most feared words heard at the 3711 BMTS: "Yo, hero, gimme a 341!"

Thank God I'm a silly-vilian now!

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...because someone with more brass than you or I thinks it is unprofessional. That's it.

Exactly! Some GO had a hard-on for it...or one of his lackeys had the hard-on and now it's policy. Anybody remember it being a big deal prior to 01? I I know I didn't hear anything about it until my first deployment when the shirts started going ape-shit over it.

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Here's the current AETC 341:


The most feared words heard at the 3711 BMTS: "Yo, hero, gimme a 341!"

Thank God I'm a silly-vilian now!

I LOVE the fact that they made it an EXCELLENCE/DISCREPANCY Report. I want my EXCELLENCE documented Godammit! Obviously a 4"x6" piece of paper with a crooked xerox copy of some silly AETC crap is the only thing that can give it real meaning.

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Guest AlphaSigOU
I've always wondered why it is unprofessional to roll up your sleeves in a flightsuit, but its OK to roll 'em up in BDUs/ABUs.

Had to have been a jealous shoe clerk who had an axe to grind when he wrote the latest 36-2903.

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Though I had no reason to go to Lackland anyway, now I think I shall avoid it like the plague. Looks like it's had a shoe infestation.

Of course, it could be a golden opportunity to piss off a random shoe. "Hey LT, roll your sleeves down, and give me your discrepancy form!" "Sorry chief, I'm from Randolph."

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Guest Smoke_Jaguar4
YGTBFSM, it's a F'n 341?!?!

Why yes, I am f#ck!ng sh!tt!ing you.

It was a joke, but that's pretty much what the 37TRW is doing with this :rainbow: idea. This has its place in BMT, but doing this in the 'real' (well, for AETC) USAF is a sign of deeper problems. I don't have a problem stopping someone if they're out of uniform or fail to salute, but this just creates a layer of bureacracy which just adds to the gerbil-wheel of pain.

I'd like to know what happens after someone gets a demerit ticket, especially if they belong to one of the many tenant orgs on base.

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Why yes, I am f#ck!ng sh!tt!ing you.

It was a joke, but that's pretty much what the 37TRW is doing with this :rainbow: idea. This has its place in BMT, but doing this in the 'real' (well, for AETC) USAF is a sign of deeper problems. I don't have a problem stopping someone if they're out of uniform or fail to salute, but this just creates a layer of bureacracy which just adds to the gerbil-wheel of pain.

I'd like to know what happens after someone gets a demerit ticket, especially if they belong to one of the many tenant orgs on base.

If it were me, I'd probably wipe my ass with it.

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I don't have a problem with most of those items. There's a point where we gotta remember that we're in the military and should look and act like it. Following 36-2903 doesn't make you un-cool.

The headphones thing, guys can't run topless thing, service medley; they piss me off, because they're senseless.

I disagree. If it doesn't help me kill people, I don't freakin care. I signed up to bear arms, not be a gay-ass toy soldier. If that's your bag, fine, but don't bring it on me.

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I shit you not, when I was at FT, we were handed out 341's for 'Not Moving at the Speed of Excellence'.

If anyone can top that in :rainbow: ness I will buy 5 rounds of virtual beers for the entire thread.

I got a mild case of sunburn on my face...341 for damage to government property.

I then laughed in the CTAs face, asked if he was serious, and then had to do pushups in addition to it. FT was so lame...

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I shit you not, when I was at FT, we were handed out 341's for 'Not Moving at the Speed of Excellence'.

If anyone can top that in :rainbow: ness I will buy 5 rounds of virtual beers for the entire thread.

During a room inspection, way at the back of the vanity under the sink there was a dead moth. 341s for my roomate and me for "Unauthorized contraband" (little redundant don't you think)

"Cadet!...what's 682 divided by 2?"


"Yep, one for each of you."

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fvck you.

[no, it was not said with a smile]

Clearly NOT a shoe clerk. I agree with you in principle that we should follow orders, BUT that doesn't make them all gems of wisdom. Being able to vent is an appropriate thing to do and may lead to changes that make the USAF a little less painful.

I've always wondered why it is unprofessional to roll up your sleeves in a flightsuit, but its OK to roll 'em up in BDUs/ABUs.

Duh. Safety.

When in the jet, you have to have gloves on and sleeves velcroed for engine start. You can't do that with your sleeves rolled up...

...now why it applies OUTSIDE the jet I have no fvckin' clue, but, as stated, it's probably a "we can't trust them with using common sense!" issue and the response from on high (emphasis on high) said, "Well, just make 'em wear it sleeves down all of the time."

<grumble> effin shoe clerks...

During a room inspection, way at the back of the vanity under the sink there was a dead moth. 341s for my roomate and me for "Unauthorized contraband" (little redundant don't you think)

"Cadet!...what's 682 divided by 2?"


"Yep, one for each of you."

Sorry, no beer for that one.

I got a mild case of sunburn on my face...341 for damage to government property.

I then laughed in the CTAs face, asked if he was serious, and then had to do pushups in addition to it. FT was so lame...

also no beer

I shit you not, when I was at FT, we were handed out 341's for 'Not Moving at the Speed of Excellence'.

If anyone can top that in :rainbow: ness I will buy 5 rounds of virtual beers for the entire thread.

I can't top that at Field Training, but I did go to a military school and at one point we spent about an hour doing PT for "unauthorized pets in the dorm"

Our pets were dust bunnies...

Edited by BQZip01
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I've always wondered why it is unprofessional to roll up your sleeves in a flightsuit, but its OK to roll 'em up in BDUs/ABUs.

It's because there's no complicated way to roll them up (like BDUs). Hey! We should write down a needlessly complex procedure for rolling flight suit sleeves (inside out, fold over, THEN roll the outside over), and standardize it, and .....

...or we could stop trying to jazz up a utility uniform. I don't get why some brass get irritated if I have my cover sticking out of my leg pocket, or a zipper undone past my patch, or whatever. There's only so much you can do to polish up a frickin' flight suit--you can't starch the thing, for God's sakes. Maybe I should just zip the front all the way up and tie an official Air Force blue tie around the collar. Now THAT would be sharp.

mess dress flight suit? Bow tie + cummerbund. nice...


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It's because there's no complicated way to roll them up (like BDUs). Hey! We should write down a needlessly complex procedure for rolling flight suit sleeves (inside out, fold over, THEN roll the outside over), and standardize it, and .....

...or we could stop trying to jazz up a utility uniform. I don't get why some brass get irritated if I have my cover sticking out of my leg pocket, or a zipper undone past my patch, or whatever. There's only so much you can do to polish up a frickin' flight suit--you can't starch the thing, for God's sakes. Maybe I should just zip the front all the way up and tie an official Air Force blue tie around the collar. Now THAT would be sharp.

mess dress flight suit? Bow tie + cummerbund. nice...




Delete post, ban user! :bash:


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PT for dust bunnies? You freaking band queers were just flat out stupid. Besides you guys never really did anything but eat all the donuts from duncan.


(for what it's worth, being called a band queer is quite a compliment at A&M...at least I never started Yell Practice without a date...In any case being a BQ is far better than being a Corps Turd! ;-) Must be nice to get any bag-ins during the fall semester; I'm sure we never got them. And what's up with making all your freshmen address everyone twice? Ahhh...good natured rivalries...)

As for the donuts, that may be true during the fall semester, but they also run out of the good food earlier too (grapefruit, the cereal bar). But somehow, when the spring semester rolls around and the BQs are after the CTs marching into chow, they seem to run out of donuts and the good food before the Qs ever get there; we get stuck with runny cackle, deal, and battery acid. I wonder why...

What we need to do is unite as a Corps and stop blaming each other when we know the real culprit: The DVs (Duncan volunteers...for non-Aggies, that would be the waiters)! Those f***ers are there before EVERYONE! (always did like their "chant": "Best of the best! We cook your meat! F*** with us and you don't eat!")

Do you know why A-Battery classes '99-'01 wasn't allowed to know/use the term "donut"? If you do, for the love of God don't post it here. Some practical jokes go WAAAAAAAAAAY too far...

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I can't top that at Field Training, but I did go to a military school and at one point we spent about an hour doing PT for "unauthorized pets in the dorm"

Our pets were dust bunnies...

Oh we had a 'dust bunny zoo' according to our pissheads at one point. Oh those were the days...

Back at my FT, back in '00 at Lackland, I said I was "bored" at one point. I really was. After that, anytime anyone in my flight got a 341, so did I. Then during :rainbow: ultimate frisbee, I was getting really tired of some douche constantly calling "point of order..his shoelaces are not tucked it" that I supposedly yelled out "you've got to be f'ckin kidding me"...I thought I was just thinking about saying it. :)

That equated into 341's anytime I spoke the rest of the day....I also had to stand and salute the rest of the game.

Needless to say, I spent my entire Sundays working off 341s...lots of PT and cleaning up the barber shop.

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(for what it's worth, being called a band queer is quite a compliment at A&M...at least I never started Yell Practice without a date...In any case being a BQ is far better than being a Corps Turd! ;-) Must be nice to get any bag-ins during the fall semester; I'm sure we never got them. And what's up with making all your freshmen address everyone twice? Ahhh...good natured rivalries...)

As for the donuts, that may be true during the fall semester, but they also run out of the good food earlier too (grapefruit, the cereal bar). But somehow, when the spring semester rolls around and the BQs are after the CTs marching into chow, they seem to run out of donuts and the good food before the Qs ever get there; we get stuck with runny cackle, deal, and battery acid. I wonder why...

What we need to do is unite as a Corps and stop blaming each other when we know the real culprit: The DVs (Duncan volunteers...for non-Aggies, that would be the waiters)! Those f***ers are there before EVERYONE! (always did like their "chant": "Best of the best! We cook your meat! F*** with us and you don't eat!")

Do you know why A-Battery classes '99-'01 wasn't allowed to know/use the term "donut"? If you do, for the love of God don't post it here. Some practical jokes go WAAAAAAAAAAY too far...

Thanks, but nobody cares. Where is A&M anyway? Lubbock or Austin?

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Oh we had a 'dust bunny zoo' according to our pissheads at one point. Oh those were the days...

Back at my FT, back in '00 at Lackland, I said I was "bored" at one point. I really was. After that, anytime anyone in my flight got a 341, so did I. Then during :rainbow: ultimate frisbee, I was getting really tired of some douche constantly calling "point of order..his shoelaces are not tucked it" that I supposedly yelled out "you've got to be f'ckin kidding me"...I thought I was just thinking about saying it. :)

That equated into 341's anytime I spoke the rest of the day....I also had to stand and salute the rest of the game.

Needless to say, I spent my entire Sundays working off 341s...lots of PT and cleaning up the barber shop.

Man, field training was so surreal. After about a week everything seemed like "The Matrix," or something. EVERYTHING was some sort of team-building exercise (code for teaching shoe clerks the intricacies of rule enforcement).

CTA Morpheus: "You think those are pushups you're doing? Huh."


EDIT: to post on topic, what difference does getting a "non-compliance ticket" from some enforcement official make, really? Wouldn't it just be up to your sq/cc to issue punishment? Isn't this yet another way we as fliers can make non-fliers jealous as we thumb our collective noses at useless rules? At my last base, my sq would sometimes function almost as a separate entity within the wing when idiocy would strike. All this assumes a sympathetic sq/cc, of course, but if that's not the case, well, you're pretty much screwed anyway.

Edited by kingpin
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(for what it's worth, being called a band queer is quite a compliment at A&M...at least I never started Yell Practice without a date...In any case being a BQ is far better than being a Corps Turd! ;-) Must be nice to get any bag-ins during the fall semester; I'm sure we never got them. And what's up with making all your freshmen address everyone twice? Ahhh...good natured rivalries...)

As for the donuts, that may be true during the fall semester, but they also run out of the good food earlier too (grapefruit, the cereal bar). But somehow, when the spring semester rolls around and the BQs are after the CTs marching into chow, they seem to run out of donuts and the good food before the Qs ever get there; we get stuck with runny cackle, deal, and battery acid. I wonder why...

What we need to do is unite as a Corps and stop blaming each other when we know the real culprit: The DVs (Duncan volunteers...for non-Aggies, that would be the waiters)! Those f***ers are there before EVERYONE! (always did like their "chant": "Best of the best! We cook your meat! F*** with us and you don't eat!")

Do you know why A-Battery classes '99-'01 wasn't allowed to know/use the term "donut"? If you do, for the love of God don't post it here. Some practical jokes go WAAAAAAAAAAY too far...

I may have been a CT...but better than that I was a bus driver. Best job I had in college by far...got me out of formations...march-ins (because standing in the middle of the street for hours waiting for the band to set up was soooo much fun)...got paid to watch home football games...and then there was the best route: Excel....right up and down University Oaks a.k.a. sorority row. Good times.

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I may have been a CT...but better than that I was a bus driver. Best job I had in college by far...got me out of formations...march-ins (because standing in the middle of the street for hours waiting for the band to set up was soooo much fun)...got paid to watch home football games...and then there was the best route: Excel....right up and down University Oaks a.k.a. sorority row. Good times.

This one time, at band camp...

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I don't get why some brass get irritated if I have my cover sticking out of my leg pocket...


Wait, you've actually had somebody pissed at you about that? Where the hell else are we supposed to put it?

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