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Directly related to the 'Deid thread, but it deserves its own. I don't think it's already in there, but I may have missed it somewhere in the 70+ pages.

I normally don't join these, but I had to support the cause.


Joined, although it doesn't have the same level of anonymity that Baseops provides. Who'm I kidding, this thing ain't really that anonymous. Maybe it'll be good to get all of this in the open away from the C-of-C so people can see what the troops really fell about it.


Although my own reflective belt has been put away for years, I'll happily support the cause and join.

Would the internet equivalent of 'zapping' a transient aircraft be posting links to the "I Hate Reflective Belts" page on the Air Force's own Facebook page?

Guest nsplayr

Great pic from the facebook page...


Wouldn't want that herk to get hit by a car crossing the street at night! Wonder if she has to wear the belt in the hanger?


Toro, I never thought I'd see that group here. I created that group on FB. Please send as many invites as possible. I'm out of people that I can think of that are AF related to add to the group. It started out as about 10 people. I'm hoping to hit the 1,000 mark before the end of the year now. :salut::salut::salut: To all you who join.

i joined months ago and uploaded the "someone must have talked" pic to the group, which ironically i got from baseops. :rock:


Joined, and my wife too. She even left a snarky comment to some tool who posted about how the belts could have prevented a death in GW 1. ######.

+1 to your wife on her comment, that shits funny


Toro, I never thought I'd see that group here. I created that group on FB. Please send as many invites as possible. I'm out of people that I can think of that are AF related to add to the group. It started out as about 10 people. I'm hoping to hit the 1,000 mark before the end of the year now. :salut::salut::salut: To all you who join.

You might hit that mark by the end of the weekend. Membership just about tripled in 24 hours.

Oh yeah, joined+invites sent.


Membership up to 630 this morning from 350 yesterday. I think your goal should be more like 10,000 by the end of the year. This group could become like those email chains, once they hit the critical mass, they are unstoppable!

Guest Flyin' AF Hawaiian

Joined, excellent group idea.


Joined and invites sent.

Should see if you can get this turned into that kid whose professor said he would buy the class a keg if he got 1,000,000 to join. If we get it to "X"... the belt shenanigans stop and we have a big ass bonfire with them at the bra.



I knew that Baseops was a powerful monster, had no idea that it could triple the group membership in less than 48 hours. Please continue to send this group along to all your friends. :salut::beer::salut:


What is the "facebook" all the kids are talking about? It sounds like a fad. I think titbook or assbook would have more staying power.


Joined...word spreading.

The guy posted a message on FB, our influence is strong:

Thanks to all of you that have joined in the last 24-48 hours. Baseops is a powerful monster, I just had no idea how powerful. I'd like to ask you to continue to pass this group along to all your friends. I would love to see this group pass the 1,000 member mark.

Thanks and have a great weekend.

Guest AlphaSigOU

Joined too... thank God 'Kwajatraz' doesn't have such a chickens*** rule!

Guest AltazanSW

Joined- Now up to 1,080 members!

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