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Classic Thread - Don't be a douchebag on Baseops

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Can anyone share the procedure used to attain a type rating. Can an MPD C-130 co-pilot get one? My last qual check ride was a year ago, and I'm my next check ride is due in MAR 2010. Do I still qualify for a type rating with the FAA?


Dude, you suck @ the internet. Not only did you post 3 consecutive threads, you didn't even bother using the search button.


I might suck at the internet, but you're really good about being a dick!

  On 11/15/2009 at 5:10 AM, !2#4 said:

I might suck at the internet, but you're really good about being a dick!

Suck less and you'd probably get an honest answer

  On 11/15/2009 at 5:10 AM, !2#4 said:

I might suck at the internet, but you're really good about being a dick!

Really, how's this one for you?


There's a reason you have two ears and one mouth. Try listening more than you talk.

The info you're looking for is in the thread that Techsan gave you.

  On 11/15/2009 at 6:00 AM, Napoleon_Tanerite said:

to answer your question, you need PIC time for a type rating, thus as a co you cant get it

Don't really need the hours, just a PIC check in the plane. They recently changed a whole bunch of rules to the CFR in 61.73 (military pilot shit) including new rules on instructor pilots being able to become CFIs or something like that. (don't know first hand, just what I was told by the FAA guy when I went to get my certs. recently)

!2#4, try not being a douchebag when you ask for advice...it pays off, especially around here.


Just curious but why do you want the type rating?

  On 11/15/2009 at 5:48 AM, Gunnerlit said:

In before the lock!

In with what?

  On 11/15/2009 at 9:08 AM, WNFRED said:

Just curious but why do you want the type rating?

Airline job.


  On 11/15/2009 at 4:47 AM, !2#4 said:

Can anyone share the procedure used to attain a type rating. Can an MPD C-130 co-pilot get one? My last qual check ride was a year ago, and I'm my next check ride is due in MAR 2010. Do I still qualify for a type rating with the FAA?

  On 11/15/2009 at 5:10 AM, !2#4 said:

I might suck at the internet, but you're really good about being a dick!

Wow, nice work !2#4. I would call your first attempt at posting here an unqualified success! Not too creative with the screen name though. You should've gone with "d0oshb@g". I doubt it's taken.

Lit, THAT's in before the lock.

  On 11/15/2009 at 5:10 AM, !2#4 said:

I might suck at the internet, but you're really good about being a dick!

You're going to make an excellent AC, that is if you make it that far.


  On 11/15/2009 at 5:10 AM, !2#4 said:

I might suck at the internet, but you're really good about being a dick!

Hey pot, this is the kettle....

Gather round all and I'll explain why being a dickhead on the internet isn't always the smartest thing.

After !2#4 started this thread, I sent him a PM about forum rules. It's a cut and paste I use a lot, looks like this -

You need to use the search function to look for your info before you start new threads. Your info has already been discussed here - possibly not the exact answer to your question, but there is an existing thread(s). This info is detailed in the Posting Rules (#6 and #7) and there's a whole thread that covers why we do this - ROE on posting new threads. You were provided links to both of these pages when you registered and agreed to read and abide, which you have not done. I have disabled your posting ability until you read those two links above. Once you have read them and will agree to follow them, I'll reinstate your posting ability.

Oh yeah, and don't post the same thing three times. (this was user-specific since his mad internet skillz caused him to start three separate threads in the same forum).

Most folks respond with "Yup, got it, my bad." Occasionally I got responses like what he PM'd me:

What a life. You have time to fly an F-15, stay current, deploy, manage and gripe at folks on a message forum - daily. With 3218 posts over a 6 year period, how do you find time for anything else? You make some sort of input 1.48 times per day - you are quite the juggler! Keep it up! Baseops is a better place because of your influence. I can tell you take great pride.

A new thread was started - so what! Assholes like you give the Air Force a bad name. Go back to your gameboy and shut your cock-holster for change.

He was right on several notes - I do take great pride and I do have a Gameboy. But oh, what a dumb dumb man on so many other levels. I decided to dig into his profile a little (you see, I'm an admin, I can do that).

E-mail: toroisgay@yahoo.com

Damn! Stymied! Ah, but he can't hide his IP address: Traces to Dallas, and let’s see if anybody else has the same….wha…looky here:

Trashman has the same IP address. Trashman registered 11 Nov and made one post the same day – that I redirected to the

I sent Trashman the same PM, but never got a response. Weird. Trashman was last active on the forum yesterday at 5:43AM and !2#4's account was created at 5:47AM. Trashman’s email: oldtruck90@yahoo.com.

So it would appear that we have an MPD C-130 co-pilot with a shitty attitude and bum knee recently off PT profile who is going to PIT in February and has the email oldtruck90@yahoo.com. Any bets on how long it would take to figure out who this guy is?


...and this is why I don't piss anyone off (well I try my hardest)

and on that note, some folks here have silly ridiculous internet skills. I'm still trying to get past the reading and writing thing...

  On 11/16/2009 at 12:26 PM, gearpig said:

Toro, I have to ask - why would a mod not simply delete posts, threads, pms and move on?

Are you kidding me?? This is WAAAAYYY Better!

Happy Hunting Toro

  On 11/16/2009 at 12:26 PM, gearpig said:

I have to ask - why would a mod not simply delete posts, threads, pms and move on?

Because hiding behind (supposed) internet anonymity shouldn't give you the right to be an a$$hole. We're all guests here, seems pretty easy to follow a couple rules and be civil. If you want to act like a dick, take it over to 4chan.

It's incredible the way people react - that's why I like this forum.

Exactly! Everyone likes a little real life drama, and quite frankly, I won't have a life or anything better to do for the next 47 days. I won't use the beer icon because I won't be having one for...47 days as it turns out.

  On 11/16/2009 at 12:26 PM, gearpig said:

EDIT: On second thought, I felt I should add "/sarcasm" because I'm sure some people here would take it seriously. Toro, I have to ask - why would a mod not simply delete posts, threads, pms and move on? Why does it have to be a huge f-in spectacle and shit-flinging contest every time? Many of these threads still exist with a bunch of posts bitching at the thread starter, which is no better than the original thread. Some of them do eventually get deleted, after the free-for-all, which also makes zero-sense. You've asked before to help clean up the forum, yet perpetuating the mess in threads like this. This thread could've been deleted after two posts and no drama. Personally, I don't care what someone called you in a PM and think it's hilarious you're really trying to track this guy down. For what? FOR WHAT? Someone please PM me and call me an "asshole" and see if I give a shit. It's incredible the way people react - that's why I like this forum. Anyway, just a friendly observation.

Can't we just call you an asshole here?

I do agree with gearpig asshole though. If we are going to pound users for posts or PMs with incredibly low SA, why not make users register with a .mil address or move this to the AF portal?

  On 11/16/2009 at 1:46 PM, slacker said:

I do agree with gearpig asshole though. If we are going to pound users for posts or PMs with incredibly low SA, why not make users register with a .mil address or move this to the AF portal?

But what about us poor civies who use the forum? No more de-motivational poster thread?!?

  On 11/16/2009 at 7:54 PM, donkey said:

But what about us poor civies who use the forum? No more de-motivational poster thread?!?

Get a contract/civilian job at a base. You'll get a .mil address :)

  On 11/16/2009 at 7:54 PM, donkey said:

But what about us poor civies who use the forum? No more de-motivational poster thread?!?

I don't like your tone, in fact reading between the lines, you called me an asshole. I vote find where donkey lives and show up with pitch-forks and torches.

  On 11/16/2009 at 1:17 PM, Ferg said:

Because hiding behind (supposed) internet anonymity shouldn't give you the right to be an a$$hole. We're all guests here, seems pretty easy to follow a couple rules and be civil. If you want to act like a dick, take it over to 4chan.

Bingo. There is no reason to be an ass clown like that, in any venue, internet or not. Those who choose to be assholes should be called out and penalized for their actions.

  On 11/16/2009 at 6:11 AM, Toro said:

Hey pot, this is the kettle....

Gather round all and I'll explain why being a dickhead on the internet isn't always the smartest thing.

After !2#4 started this thread, I sent him a PM about forum rules. It's a cut and paste I use a lot, looks like this -

Most folks respond with "Yup, got it, my bad." Occasionally I got responses like what he PM'd me:

He was right on several notes - I do take great pride and I do have a Gameboy. But oh, what a dumb dumb man on so many other levels. I decided to dig into his profile a little (you see, I'm an admin, I can do that).

E-mail: toroisgay@yahoo.com

I sent Trashman the same PM, but never got a response. Weird. Trashman was last active on the forum yesterday at 5:43AM and !2#4's account was created at 5:47AM. Trashman’s email: oldtruck90@yahoo.com.

So he intentially started this new thread to try to piss off Toro? Why else would he haved started a new account with "Toroisgay@yahoo.com," then posted something three times and the PM to Toro and everything?

Posted (edited)

This is why I don't piss off Toro, M2, CH, etc.

Regardless, people put a lot of effort to help others and give advice they wish they would've had back in the day. If some douchebag wants to act like a thundercunt then they should be recognized accordingly. Beggars can't be choosers, the rules are fairly easy for follow.

I hope oldtruck90@yahoo.com and triplefoxtrot@yahoo.com both understand their mistakes and learn from them.

I don't believe their should be any retaliation to oldtruck90@yahoo.com or triplefoxtrot@yahoo.com. Public humiliation should be enough.

However, if you would like to discuss it with them, they can be reached at oldtruck90@yahoo.com and triplefoxtrot@yahoo.com.

Edited by TheWolf424
  On 11/16/2009 at 3:14 PM, matmacwc said:

Hey Toro, you sure this isn't the kid that wanted an Eagle ride back in the day?

Wouldn't that be awesome! If it is, I'm gonna grab a cold one :beer: and some popcorn this'll be good.

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