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Posted (edited)

I just had my AFSC drop and although I received 38F1 (Force Support Officer :vomit:), I have a lot of bases to choose from. There are very few bases that I can't be assigned to, so with that what are the best bases for a single Lt to be assigned to?

Not that it matters what I request anyways...

I was thinking in this order:

Hickam (long shot?)






Edited by spudsmac
  • Upvote 1

There are no "best bases", there are only "better for me" bases. What are your interests, your lifestyle preferences, your needs? For instance, if you love to ski and do outdoors stuff, places like Hill AFB and the Colorado locations are likely places, as are Germany and Italy and even northern Japan (Misawa). If you're a surfer and beach bum, then Hickam, Patrick, LA AFB, Vandenburg, etc. may be good choices. If you're hot on pursuing advanced education, a location near good schools may be important. Catalog your needs and likes, then look for places that match.


First: Never think that your request doesn't count. Some of the best assignments I've heard of dudes getting happened simply because they asked for them.

Second: If you are a single LT with few attachments here in the states, go ANYWHERE overseas (to include KOrea). You won't regret it. The only people that bad mouth it are the people that haven't been.


Posted (edited)

If you are a single LT with few attachments here in the states, go ANYWHERE overseas (to include KOrea).


If I was you I'd be putting all the overseas bases available first. Followed by OCONUS and then CONUS.

edit* me no type good

Edited by Vertigo

Concur with the posts above on going overseas first. When (if) you begin a family, it will only get harder to live over there. You will also build up your OSRD, which can help you 'Heisman' the non-vols to shitty locations later.

Looking at your list, you have some high cost of living areas selected. I went to Malmstrom for my first one, and I was able to get a larger place for my money than what you will get at some of these - however, it sucked for single guys. That being said, if that is secondary, go for where it sounds interesting. None of your picks are bad places.

Posted (edited)

Dude, Vandenberg is not that great. Santa Maria and Lompoc have nothing to do. The nearest entertainment is in Santa Barbara or SLO, about an hour away.

The only thing I liked about being stationed at Vandenberg was In-N-Out.

As a force support person you can go anywhere in the world, and like everyone else I would recommend trying to go overseas.

Edited by Gravedigger
  • Upvote 1

I'm biased but I'd definitely choose an International location. Japan (Okinawa specifically if you like hot and humid), Korea, Italy, Germany, England, Australia and Spain would top my list. I grew up in Asia (5yo to 18yo in Pakistan and Taiwan) but have lived for short periods of time in both Germany and England (just under a year each). There is a completely different culture in each country listed and each would have unique pluses and minuses but, I would guess any of them would be great for a 2 to 3 year tour.

If you want to try different without having a huge language barrier go for England or Australia. Language can still be an obstacle at times for Americans in those 2 countries but we share more similarities than differences.


Ok, so international looks like where it's at being single, but what if I want to meet girls(I'm 24 and not getting any younger)? I know you're going to laugh at that, but where I am, there are almost nil girls (and the ones we have are unsat). Cali maybe?


Echoing Gravedigger here, Vandenberg is terrible. It was on my list and now that I've been sent there TDY a lot I'm so glad I didn't get that base. It's in a shitty part of California with nothing to do unless you drive at least 45 minutes north or south to SLO or Santa Barbara. If you like the outdoors Peterson is great in Colorado Springs. Hill has good skiing but because it's a mormon state alcohol laws suck and good luck finding a sports bar to watch a football game on Sundays.

I agree with overseas. Hickam isn't exactly overseas but it is OCONUS and a nice location. Not sure what Force Support Officer does but there is a little known AFRL location on Maui as well if you're interested in the beach. Very few jobs there, mostly 62E and 63A but it might be worth looking in to.


Ok, so international looks like where it's at being single, but what if I want to meet girls(I'm 24 and not getting any younger)? I know you're going to laugh at that, but where I am, there are almost nil girls (and the ones we have are unsat). Cali maybe?

What you need is a stout German wife. I recommend Ramstein.


nah, Creech is the tip of the spear.

I heard the social scene at Holloman just edged out both Cannon and Creech, in that order.


I heard the social scene at Holloman just edged out both Cannon and Creech, in that order.

Alamagordo now has both a Chilli's and an Applebee's. Its crazy.

Posted (edited)

Do Hickam or Aviano have a Club Arriba? Nope! Laughlin should be your #1.

Basically I have nothing to add here since I've spent my entire AF career in Texas. But, echoing what others have said, you'd be an idiot to not want to go overseas. I've met 1 German chick in my life, and she was smoking hot. So based on my extensive evidence, I've concluded that all German women are hot. Go there.

Edited by BADFNZ

Alamagordo now has both a Chilli's and an Applebee's. Its crazy.

Nothing beats hanging out with the locals at the Sonic though.

Guest Hueypilot812
Posted (edited)

Aviano, Ramstein, Spang, Mildenhall, Lakenheath, Yokota, Misawa should all come first. If you are a LT and must live in the US, then I'd suggest Hickam, MacDill, Peterson, Falcon, Nellis, McChord, Eglin, Tyndall, Travis, Los Angeles, or Hill.

As a single LT, avoid places like Minot, Grand Forks, Vandenberg, Dyess, Cannon, Malmstrom, FE Warren, etc. I'm not saying those spots don't have anything good to say about them (ok, Cannon really doesn't), but there's not much for single people in those spots as far as a social scene.

All the other places are somewhere in the middle. Think about what you like (mountains vs beach, city vs country) and look for places that match your tastes. But do not pass up a chance to go overseas...specifically to Germany, Japan and Italy (or anywhere in Europe if there's a position for you).

Edited by Hueypilot812
Guest Crew Report

Nothing beats hanging out with the locals at the Sonic though.

Sounds like Altus.


Randolph is a great base (despite every HQ on earth being there). Definitely recommend for a first assignment, as San Antonio kicks ass. (Location of Randolph is way better than Lackland/Kelly/Wilford Hall - although those are at least in SA).


Ok, so international looks like where it's at being single, but what if I want to meet girls(I'm 24 and not getting any younger)? I know you're going to laugh at that, but where I am, there are almost nil girls (and the ones we have are unsat). Cali maybe?


Guest nsplayr

If you want FL I'd recommend MacDill first cause it's right in Tampa with all the sun, beaches, and silicon you can handle, Patrick 2nd, then Hurlburt 3rd (over Eglin) if you want the panhandle. AFSOC > AFMC, enough said.

Like everyone else said though, overseas is the way to go if you can choose anywhere man.

Guest Hueypilot812
Posted (edited)

Haha, dude you're old. We have been Schriever since 1998! Hey don't worry, google maps still lists it as Falcon as well. :beer::salut:

Schriever, Falcon...whatever the it is. It's just "the other" base out that direction that people seem to forget exists...so if Pete isn't doable, then maybe that one. Don't forget Buckley AFB as well.

It doesn't seem that I'm old, but last time I looked in the mirror I was suprised how much gray hair I have. Maybe I am getting more like M2. Hell, if you include my 7 years of ARNG time, I've been in the military for 18+ years...it's hard to believe it's been that long.

Randolph is a great base (despite every HQ on earth being there). Definitely recommend for a first assignment, as San Antonio kicks ass. (Location of Randolph is way better than Lackland/Kelly/Wilford Hall - although those are at least in SA).

While I agree that San Antonio is a great place and I'd live there in a heartbeat, I don't want to steer this young LT wrong. If he can go to Aviano, Ramstein, Spang or any of those other good OCONUS places, he should do it now. Find a hot Italian woman and THEN move to San Antonio. That's what I'd do, if I could re-live my career.

Edited by Hueypilot812

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