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I can't quote you the actual reg, but I believe you have to have retainability through the deployment. That being said, there were a BUNCH of people deployed on 365s in Iraq while I was there that were within 18 months or less of their retirement date. It seems AFPC just knew they weren't going to 7-day opt (or 3 day, whatever it is now).

Can someone explain the 7 day option to me? If there's a better thread to ask the question in, I can move it to there.

Guest Crew Report

Can someone explain the 7 day option to me? If there's a better thread to ask the question in, I can move it to there.

You have 7 days once being formally notified of an assignment/365 to turn it down and retire/separate in lieu of taking it.


You have 7 days once being formally notified of an assignment/365 to turn it down and retire/separate in lieu of taking it.

I think the AF changed the wording on the 7 day policy. If you decline PCS/PME/TDY, you will seperate within 7 months of declining the request.


You have 7 days once being formally notified of an assignment/365 to turn it down and retire/separate in lieu of taking it.

And what if you have ADSC remaining? You obviously can't just turn down a PCS/TDY if you have time left on your commitment. Is it only an option to take it if the duration of the assignment or tdy is greater than the time remaining for you ADSC?

I feel ignorant asking this question.

Guest shadow95

go to the aef center page. all the documentation should be there on the main page.

Could you be more specific on the location of the "AEF center page"? Thanks.


If you decline a PCS/PME/TDY which would last longer than your established ADSC or incur additional retainability, you have 7 days to establish a retirement or separation date -- if you have unserved ADSC, that date will *normally* be the day after your current ADSC ends. For example, if you get non-vol'd to Cannon and you still had four years left on your UPT commitment, you gotta go anyway. It's only if the additional ADSC would extend beyond your current that you can say ix-nay. If you only had one year left, and they said go, you could say "bite me". HUGE CAVEAT -- THEY CAN STILL SEND YOU!!! But, you aren't forced to serve beyond your newly established separation date one year in the future.

Which is why the commitment got upped to 10 years and the bonus is 5 -- once you're there, AFPC has your retirement by the short and curlies. Enjoy your 365.


I think the AF changed the wording on the 7 day policy. If you decline PCS/PME/TDY, you will seperate within 7 months of declining the request.

Remotes and 365s are now a 3 day policy. 72 hours to make one of the most important decisions of your life...awesome.

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

I 3-day opted a 365 last year.

I was notified at 1400 on a Friday, and had to formally turn my paperwork in by Monday afternoon.

Saying "no" drove a retirement date of the first day of the 7th calendar month after getting the assignment.

Example: you get notified on 8 Oct, you must retire on 1 May.

Edited by Huggyu2
  • 1 year later...

Situation: a person with an indefinite DOS has 1.69 years of ADSC left. They get orders to PCS CONUS to CONUS. If they 7-day opt in order to turn down the assignment, is their DOS required to be established NLT 7 months later or would it be 1.69 years later, i.e. at the end of their original ADSC?

Any clarification or 1st hand experience is greatly appreciated...been reading AFI-36-2110 paragraph 2.30 but words no worky so good sometimes...

Table 2.9 line 8 looks like it covers this. If there's an ADSC, separation date NLT ADSC. If no ADSC, then NLT 7 months. Of course, the AF can give you the boot earlier if they want.


Nsplayr, I was in that exact situation after a non-vol to a base whose identity you can surely surmise. To confirm what Dupe said, if I had 7-day opted, my DOS would have been set for the day my Nav school commitment was up. I elected to go ahead and take the known bad deal (with some hope for a better one down the road) rather than commit myself to getting out in 3 years with whatever potential bad deals awaited in the interim. Based on your BODN history, I'm guessing your orders are to the same base where I was sent. In any case, good luck figuring it out!


So you can decline the PCS and maybe get a bad deal, or you can accept it, incur additional ADSC, and definitely get a bad deal? Sounds like a no-brainer to me. I've been deployed to nicer places than Clovis.


FWIW, I was in a similar situation a few years back. Took the shitty assignment, made the best of it, and left AD when I had the chance. So far the water's nice in the ARC. Don't regret my decision at all, and actually took some good things away from the unwanted assignment while fulfilling my original commitment. Good luck with whatever route you choose.


Plenty of people have jumped ship who were uncommitted and I know of a couple of people who declined the assignment based on the fact that it would take them past their adsc. I know that leaders are trying to do right by the institution and the people. But it is a tough sell given the ops tempo and projected duty location.

For everyone facing this assignment who don't already have two mws's under your belt I feel for you but it's no different than the TAMI debacle that lead me here.

If cannon is that bad for you then decline the assignment and establish your dos...


What greener pastures are there for Navs? Like what does a nav do when they get out of the military? All the navigators I've known have crossed over to other career fields.

Posted (edited)
What greener pastures are there for Navs? Like what does a nav do when they get out of the military? All the navigators I've known have crossed over to other career fields.

The solution isn't as obvious as the A-word for pilots, but there are opportunities out there. I know a few guys who have used their post 9/11 GI Bill to go to med school or to get a MBA. There's always civilian SPO and ACC/HAF requirements jobs. The UAV world is exploding quickly. I was offered jobs as a systems engineer and in a flight test department of a defense contractor when I was briefly considering getting out. There's a few of us with the FAA ratings to go into the civilian flying world as well. It turns out that smart people who communicate well and can work as part of a team will usually land on their feet.

Edit: speeling

Edited by Dupe
  • 2 years later...

I'm planning on going down this road, but want to make sure I understand it properly. I have an ADSC that is up in Apr 2018. If they try to tag me with an assignment that has a RNLTD of Apr 2106 or later I can opt due to the two year PCS ADSC that would take me beyond my existing ADSC? Also the way I understand it is once I officially opt the AF has three options:

1. Stay at current location to finish commitment, potentially with a nice 365 thrown in

2. Set a DOS now and potentially waive the remaining ADSC

3. Force the move anyway and don't force the additional ADSC

Any "correct me if I'm wrong" would be really appreciated.


I've had friends do that and get Options 1 and 3. They didn't experience any 365s due to already high optempo in our community. I think for Option 2 to work, you'd have to petition SECAF.

A friend who was separating due to ADCS expiration (paperwork already in and approved) was able to make this happen (getting a DOS earlier than ADSC) with SECAF approval b/c of follow-on job opportunity.


I've had friends do that and get Options 1 and 3. They didn't experience any 365s due to already high optempo in our community. I think for Option 2 to work, you'd have to petition SECAF.

A friend who was separating due to ADCS expiration (paperwork already in and approved) was able to make this happen (getting a DOS earlier than ADSC) with SECAF approval b/c of follow-on job opportunity.

I really woudn't mind serving out the rest of the ADSC. Options 1 and 2 are both perfectly fine by me.

Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)

I did the 7-day option as my exit from AD and was granted Option 3. From what I understand options 1 and 3 are the primary COAs, haven't heard of anyone being released sooner than their original commitment date (i.e. option 2). I was sent on the assignment with the additional PCS ADSC waived and separated at the expiration of my UFT commitment.

BL: Looks like you've got a handle on the potential scenarios although I'd rate option 2 as very unlikely

Edited by nsplayr

I did the 7-day option as my exit from AD and was granted Option 3. From what I understand options 1 and 3 are the primary COAs, haven't heard of anyone being released sooner than their original commitment date (i.e. option 2). I was sent on the assignment with the additional PCS ADSC waived and separated at the expiration of my UFT commitment.

BL: Looks like you've got a handle on the potential scenarios although I'd rate option 2 as very unlikely

That's what I don't want. I'm hoping that since I'm at UPT right now they'll look at the $$ of a full up requal and decide it's not worth it to move me to get a year of CMR out of me.

Guest nsplayr

Looks like you have a good chance of staying if you would need a requal at the new assignment, that's my guess anyways.

My situation was pretty dumb but at least I could show up day 1 and fly the airplane. I had less than a year from my RNLTD until my separation date so who knows. Kind of a unique situation of standing up a new unit at an undesirable location so they really did need guys out there.

May the odds ever be in your favor!


Looks like you have a good chance of staying if you would need a requal at the new assignment, that's my guess anyways.

My situation was pretty dumb but at least I could show up day 1 and fly the airplane. I had less than a year from my RNLTD until my separation date so who knows. Kind of a unique situation of standing up a new unit at an undesirable location so they really did need guys out there.

May the odds ever be in your favor!

This uncertainty is the very thing that's driving me to the exit to begin with. If they were serious about retaining pilots they should offer a bit of stability and predictability. Instead, I'm facing being FORCED to move for no good reason to a TBD location. I think I'll seek greener pastures.


From what I've seen its all option 1 or 3, mostly depending on how bad they need bodies at the new location. If you don't mind, what's the airframe?

Down vote for thug U by the way.


From what I've seen its all option 1 or 3, mostly depending on how bad they need bodies at the new location. If you don't mind, what's the airframe?

Down vote for thug U by the way.

Currently flying T-1. Haven't gotten anything yet, but it would be an 11R gig. I'm former JSTARS, but could just as easily do RC-135 or E-3.

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