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Gen Welsh will be begging for these "Iron Majors" about a year from now when he sees how his pilot force is dangerously losing experience. I personally know at least a dozen guys from my community that have 3 or 7 day opted in just the last 3-4 months on assignments... all IPs or EPs... because they can! CSAF has to look no further than his current Wing Commanders and recent crop of selected O-7s if he wants to look for who is to blame for that. These are the same folks who were the 2 BPZ O-5 Sq CC/DOs in 2003-2007 timeframe that were beating down the crew force that was on perpetual TDY/Deployment status with "you need to get your SOS in Cor, you need your Masters, you need to volunteer to run the OG Christmas Party" crap. At least these clowns did one good thing by helping the economy because business is thriving at Higher Power and All ATP's these days.

  • Upvote 3

New vision out from the CSAF today.

My NSHO: excellent job stating realistic priorities and eliminating fluff. Most of the feel-good stuff was moved to the narrative sections, but when he lists his priorities, they are very mission centric.

Posted (edited)

New vision out from the CSAF today.

I've personally enjoyed the amount of communication we have received thus far from Gen Welsh. I honestly believe that he cares about mission accomplishment, Airmen, and our service's viability in the future. Sure there will be a lot he can't fix, but his messages at least give me confidence that he is trying. The only communications we ever got from Norty were safety messages or directives to wear blues.

My wife is a developmental engineer and got an email from the CSAF addressed to 62Es thanking them for what they do and acknowledging some of the issues they face. She was relatively certain Gen Schwartz was unaware that the 62E career field existed.

Add to it the fact that my blues have been in the dry cleaning plastic for about a month now, and I'm pretty excited about his leadership right now.

Edited by Gravedigger
  • Upvote 7

Gen Welsh is an amazing people person. He could meet you once and learn a few things about your life and family...and then months or years later meet you again and ask about your spouse, kids, and dog by name.


Gen Welsh is an amazing people person. He could meet you once and learn a few things about your life and family...and then months or years later meet you again and ask about your spouse, kids, and dog by name.

Very true. I've had the pleasure of flying Gen Welsh a few times already, and he is hands down the most sincere, and personable GOs I have ever met. In talking with him, you can honestly sense that he truly does care about Airmen.

I also really like how his letters & emails to the masses are in normal speak.

I'm a believer & am excited to see what he can do for the Air Force.

  • Upvote 1
Very true. I've had the pleasure of flying Gen Welsh a few times already, and he is hands down the most sincere, and personable GOs I have ever met. In talking with him, you can honestly sense that he truly does care about Airmen. I also really like how his letters & emails to the masses are in normal speak. I'm a believer & am excited to see what he can do for the Air Force.



When did this thread become the U-2/JSTARS Urinary Olympics?

Does it matter to you?

These are the type of threads I get some real good info on. It's called "learning".

  • Upvote 2

Does it matter to you?

These are the type of threads I get some real good info on. It's called "learning".

2.... until this thread I didn't know that current U-2s are relatively new-build aircraft. I had always assumed the airframes were upgraded 50s and 60s models.


2.... until this thread I didn't know that current U-2s are relatively new-build aircraft. I had always assumed the airframes were upgraded 50s and 60s models.

No, just Huggy

  • Upvote 1
Gen Welsh will be begging for these "Iron Majors" about a year from now when he sees how his pilot force is dangerously losing experience. I personally know at least a dozen guys from my community that have 3 or 7 day opted in just the last 3-4 months on assignments... all IPs or EPs... because they can!

I’ve heard the same dire prediction several times throughout my mediocre career and Armageddon has yet to materialize, perhaps this time will be different. The early to mid 90’s in particular saw a few really bad years of retention and prognostications about everyone leaving. Perhaps it was the internet that gave more voice to the chorus of complaints (it helped form this site), but other events like 9/11 stopped a wholesale exodus. As has been discussed in multiple threads, sometimes people bitch and moan but when push comes to shove they are afraid to make the leap and leave the comfort of a steady paycheck. Perhaps this time it is different, on the airline side there certainly does appear to be a perfect storm of hiring about to begin. The real train wreck in my uniformed opinion will be on the fighter side. SECDEF jammed requirements unrealistic RPA and ISR demands down our collective throats through cajoling, public embarrassment, insults and direct orders. Our senior leadership at the time finally got on the bus and went along with the plan and in the process our service mismanaged the fighter pilot so ineptly that it will take 10+ years to fully recover. I honestly think that if there is a wholesale run for the door on the fighter side, our leadership will step in with Stop-Loss.

CSAF has to look no further than his current Wing Commanders and recent crop of selected O-7s if he wants to look for who is to blame for that. These are the same folks who were the 2 BPZ O-5 Sq CC/DOs in 2003-2007 timeframe that were beating down the crew force that was on perpetual TDY/Deployment status with "you need to get your SOS in Cor, you need your Masters, you need to volunteer to run the OG Christmas Party" crap. At least these clowns did one good thing by helping the economy because business is thriving at Higher Power and All ATP's these days.

Full disclosure, I am one of clowns you reference above and I guess we have different points of view. Was the force in perpetual beat-down mode, absolutely, that was directed from above and we were at war. Did I tell those same folks to complete SOS and get a Masters, absolutely. The more important question is why did I do that?...because those were the rules as set by on high. Did I think it was right, No, did I try to fight it, YES, did my guys know I was fighting it, No. As a DO and a CC I saw my duties as the following, accomplish the mission, take care of my people, and take care of their families. I wanted my guys to advance because it was good for them and the service, promotions mean more money, and I wanted their families to get that money. By your logic I should say fuck all master’s degrees and SOS, lets party…then sit back and watch as every single one got passed over. For the record, I pushed back, to the Wing/CC when I fought tooth and nail for a guy that didn’t have all the squares filled (I won a few), to the MAJCOM/CC when he asked me personally what the major issues were, to a soon to be CSAF who asked my opinion, and to a Deputy SECDEF who express an interest. It was my job to voice the concerns of “my guys and girls”, but when things didn’t change I did everything in my power to help my folks succeed. On two occasions I also helped to superstars gracefully dismount. I had two WIC grads that were on the leadership track…easily could have been DO/CC’s, and neither one wanted it. I spent considerable time, effort, and favors helping them exit the leadership track without pissing everyone off. For the record I never asked or volentold one of my folks to raise a paw and lead the OG Christmas Party, CFC, or community event. Perhaps I am quibbling, but one of the most frustrating things about being one of those “clowns” was people had no idea how much time and effort you were expending to protect and help them…the only person that seemed to notice was my wife who would call to yell at me because it was the fourth night in a row I stayed at work past 2200 to work on OPRs and such, “do you plan on seeing your son this week?”

Institutional change takes time and I honestly think Gen Welsh is trying to turn the ship, but there is a lot of momentum to overcome and a constant fear it will shift right back when he retires. I sincerely hope we can overcome those who want to wait him out and return to the corporate bullshit Air Force…our nation deserves better.

  • Upvote 21
constant fear it will shift right back when he retires

This last part quoted for truth--to an even greater degree than the rest of your post. One need look no further than the AAD nonsense for a concrete example of that.

My "mediocre career" has peaked well below yours (i.e., it's not self-deprecating for me to use that phrase), yet even so I can claim some of the experiences you note. When I was a DO, it never ceased to amaze me how little my folks understood the difference between implenting higher-ups' policies vs coming up with my own practice bleeding ideas... until I remembered how many stupid policies I'd seen DOs implement when I was I captain that I put in the "what's that dumbass thinking now?" file. Good on you for fighting those fights, and I hope your rise in the organization continues to the level where you can directly make a difference.

  • 2 months later...

Posted 4/4/2013

"We're past the point of doing everything just because it says so in an [Air Force Instruction]," Welsh said. "If it makes sense, if it helps us be more combat effective, if it protects people, if it takes care of our people and develops them better, we should do it. If it wastes our time, we should stop, and we should stop today."


Any interpret-ologist want to stab at what the CSAF means by this?


If the AFI is dumb/wasteful don't follow it, but god help you if anyone in your chain between you and the CSAF doesn't also share the same view.

Posted (edited)

Boss: why did you not follow the AFI?

AC: I was just following the Commander's Intent. He says to not follow dumb AFIs.

Boss: You are dumb because you are not in a position to judge AFIs. That is my job. Now go sit in the corner.


Edited by disgruntledemployee

Yup, when he gave a talk at my base, he brought this up specifically. He made the point that logic/common sense should define AFIs and not the other way around. He used the example that everytime a government vehicle is driven, AFI dictates that we are supposed to check the oil and do that dumb 13 point inspection. He said an airman asked him recently why we have to do this inspection because we don't expect our POVs everytime we drive them. CSAF agreed and told the airman to stop these inspections immediately.

With that being said, guaranteed the long chain of command between airman and CSAF will make the airman continue to do these inspections because the AFI says so.


I wonder what the boss would have to say about the AFI that is about to turn every bit of the flightline inside the fence at Little Rock into an Industrial Maintenance Complex, thus preventing 2/3 of the parking spots used by flying squadrons from being used by POVs.


And all the Chiefs say, "But you've got it backwards, sir. AFI's define an Airman's common sense, not the other way around."


He made the point that logic/common sense should define AFIs and not the other way around.

Isn't this how "regulations" became "instructions," followed shortly by "COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY" being printed on all the "instructions" that we were supposed to treat as general guidelines...? Welcome to the mid-90s....


Isn't this how "regulations" became "instructions," followed shortly by "COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY" being printed on all the "instructions" that we were supposed to treat as general guidelines...? Welcome to the mid-90s....

Oooohhhh. Interesting bit of history there, Jug. Had not thought about it from that aspect. AFR 36-2903 forever!!


Oooohhhh. Interesting bit of history there, Jug. Had not thought about it from that aspect. AFR 36-2903 forever!!

Fuck that, it's still 35-10 in my book! :thefinger:

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Fuck that, it's still 35-10 in my book! :thefinger:

Damnit, that's what I meant! AFR 35-F'in 10! :beer:

Edited by discus

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