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So in dumb pilot speak, is this to say at least 5th gen should prioritize more weight of training effort to the "virtual" side in order to take advantage of full system capes? I'm well aware of all the "we can't go full up" limfacs, but no sim will ever replace the training available in live fly, even if there's some "trick fucking the system" that has to be done. Sims are great training tools, but they belong in the 10-20% max category when it comes to training allocation.

Still have to be able to fly the $100M airplane and and land it, fly formation and deal with EPs. I agree with you.


Copy, could not hack UPT, punched out under guise of marital stress.

I punched before phase 1, EABOD. I decided to free up my class seat for another stud instead of waste people's time and money staying when I knew I was going to leave.

The AF is a comfortable place for those mediocre types that don't have the skills or work ethic to succeed in truly competitive workplaces - you know, the types that punch out of difficult training.

Those (you) are not the one with the options I was talking about on the outside. Enjoy your time-based promotions and keep scoffing those who finished what you couldn't. You fit right in.

You are exactly right in the first sentence. Your second sentence is a baseless cheap shot, but your holiness has been called into question, so I can understand why you feel the need to attack.

I'm not all that familiar with "support" units, as I've never been in anything other than an ops squadron in an ops group, but I'm also not part of the flying world, so to everyone with wings I'm support. It's just too difficult to understand ops outside of flying. I get it.

Thanks for the support 17D.



I think we've been played...and played well. I'm thinking Gravedigger is a crusty ole' fighter pilot who is getting a kick out of this shit. I mean, no way a dude quits pilot training because of his or his old ladies QoL requirements, becomes a satellite officer, then gets on a website called "flying squadron forums by baseops.net", then calls out those who finish an entire flying stint "a bunch of ing whiners". I've met some some characters in my time, but no one with the brass balls and/or total lack of SA to make themselves look so completely ridiculous.

So here's to you GDigger...you got us good.


Dude I pointed out some miscalculations by management that have led to retention probs and offered an argument as to where they misstepped. I never called out non-flyers. I simply said that leadership is not doing enough to keep those of us with lots of options to stay in. You called us a bunch of whiners.

GFY. I don't care how or why, but you didn't complete training and now have flight suit envy like countless other light switch dicked people in the AF.


If the AF didn't allow me to occasionally fly their aircraft and all I had was AF office work, I might be a civilian by now.

There is obviously a lot of disconnect between parts of the AF. It's sad and almost funny when another agency/squadron assumes they can just ask for a flying squadron to do something with 18hrs notice, not knowing it takes WG/CC or MAJCOM level approvals to do said thing. I'm sure you have seen similar things.
It tends to leave a poor impression when people try to get stuff done, but the customer service window at whatever agency they are dealing with is only open when they cannot go, due to flying, crew rest, etc. It seems non-sensical to take 2-3 weeks to get 30 minutes of work done, because the only people who can submit your documents or conduct an appointment are never around when you are not otherwise committed.
I realize that many support agencies are undermanned, and many of our processes are so convoluted that we probably generate 75% of our own misery, but that doesn't help the frustration. That said, the subject matter expert for travel vouchers should be the SrA/SSgt in finance, not the C-17 IP.

In every support squadron/agency I've dealt with, there are always at least 1 or 2 people who are clearly experts at their jobs. I certainly appreciate them, as they get things done right, even when the customer (me) has little to no idea what's going on.
The AF needs to figure out how to retain and promote them!


I think we've been played...and played well. I'm thinking Gravedigger is a crusty ole' fighter pilot who is getting a kick out of this shit. I mean, no way a dude quits pilot training because of his or his old ladies QoL requirements, becomes a satellite officer, then gets on a website called "flying squadron forums by baseops.net", then calls out those who finish an entire flying stint "a bunch of ######ing whiners". I've met some some characters in my time, but no one with the brass balls and/or total lack of SA to make themselves look so completely ridiculous.

So here's to you GDigger...you got us good.

Do you even internet, brah?
That would be nothing compared to the average CNN/Youtube comments section.

Posted (edited)

In the investment world, there's the idea of the risk vs return frontier.


In life, there's the bullshit vs benefits frontier. The AF keeps talking about benefits, but leaves the idea of the cost of those benefits (the bullshit) off the table. It's not that the airlines pay more... It's that a low six figure salary for working 12 days a month is a compelling proposition to many.

This rough arguement is the same in many areas: a shit hot cyber warrior may ask "Why am I working 14-16 hour days to answer data calls? I could just found my own start-up."

To Gen Welsh's Staff: I know you are reading this. How the AF distributes the bullshit in a BCA environment will be linked to retention in future years.

Edited by Dupe

It's a simple equation...


  • Upvote 7

Why does anybody do non-flying stuff past, say, 4:30 in the afternoon? The only work I do "after hours" is 100% mission related--usually trying to figure out why my mission is all jacked up while I'm trying to crew rest somewhere. Sorry, but that other queepy b.s. can wait till tomorrow. Nobody gets paid for their overtime in this business.

  • Upvote 2
  • Downvote 1

Why does anybody do non-flying stuff past, say, 4:30 in the afternoon? The only work I do "after hours" is 100% mission related--usually trying to figure out why my mission is all jacked up while I'm trying to crew rest somewhere. Sorry, but that other queepy b.s. can wait till tomorrow. Nobody gets paid for their overtime in this business.

Actually, I do. On another note, Welsh was at my base a few weeks ago and did mention online forums and their impact a couple of times.

  • Upvote 1

Actually, I do. On another note, Welsh was at my base a few weeks ago and did mention online forums and their impact a couple of times.

He must have been referring to BQZip's mom...


He must have been referring to BQZip's mom...

Every time she falls over, she has a big impact. Sinkholes everywhere nowadays, yo.


You guys are seriously giving the dude shit because he made a decision that was the best for his family? I personally can't imagine doing something other than flying but I can respect another persons (never mind fellow AF officer) decision based on the circumstances. I'm sure you've all said it/heard it but the Air Force will be there when your career is over, your family might not be.

And enough with the woe is me crap about support agencies. Learn to manage your time and delegate. Some of them suck complete ass, I agree. Notch appropriately.

  • Upvote 4

You guys are seriously giving the dude shit because he made a decision that was the best for his family?

Nope. I did the same thing, which is why I wear a Guard patch now. Some good sport-bitching was going on here and he busts in the door and calls a bunch of pilots whiny bitches from his pulpit, citing vast deployment experience with other services and how we are the biggest Sallies he's ever met. I taught UPT for a few years and there was one thing in common with every single SIE - their place/rank in the class. Hard-charging and bright dudes tend to worry less about their future and try to make it happen, thinking that one of them will punch (chicks get a freebie if preggo) when the time comes.

Newsflash, people are not here just to whine. I care a lot about the AF, especially because I continue to serve full-time. I got the assignments I wanted, loved flying/traveling and met some great bros. I wanted to find a reason to convince myself to stay - it just wasn't there. We see big problems ahead in our particular area of expertise and we discuss (aka pontificate, sport bitch, throw spears). I wouldn't frequent this board if I didn't care. If you can't fence into the conversation other than to call a bunch of people, all who know the ups/downs of operational flying better than you, a group of whiners - then go surf the Chive. We are here because we are like-minded individuals that give a shit. Leave the talking to adults.

  • Upvote 2

What ever happened to the eDodo? I followed that for a long time as a dink & an lt, but it faded away a few years ago

James died and everyone else scattered to the wind over time.


I was just trying to find Hef's old AWACS toons last week. Needed some humor.

Off to the CSAF event at Tinker. Maybe some hope for the 11R community.


What ever happened to the eDodo? I followed that for a long time as a dink & an lt, but it faded away a few years ago


not much activity these days but here it is...

Posted (edited)

What ever happened to the eDodo? I followed that for a long time as a dink & an lt, but it faded away a few years ago

Viewer base died when Granny D (desjardins) blocked it at the Zoo. You think being aircrew she'd be able to take a joke.

Maybe some hope for the 11R community.

Lol, that's cute. Edited by McDonut

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