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Isn't this why we went to the ABUs in the first place?


1/27/2011 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Airmen deploying to Afghanistan in 2011 will see a new uniform issued to them as part of their deployment gear beginning in March.

While Airmen have been faced with a slew of uniform changes in recent years, this new uniform is not a matter of image or heritage but instead has resulted from a joint initiative that ensures all outside-the-wire deployers in Afghanistan, regardless of branch of service, have the best ground combat uniform in order to enhance combat effectiveness.

According to Lt. Col. Shawna McGowan, the Air Force future programs branch chief, Air Force leaders collaborated with Army experts to develop a solution to meet evolving camouflage and fire-retardancy demands in theater.

The new uniform, called the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern, or OCP, is the same uniform recently fielded in Afghanistan to U.S. Soldiers, Colonel McGowan said.

"At first, Airmen receiving the (Airman Battle System-Ground, or ABS-G) uniforms with mission responsibilities outside the wire in Afghanistan will have priority for the OCP."

But the plan is for the OCP uniform to eventually become the only ground-combat uniform worn by Airmen in Afghanistan both inside and outside the wire, she said. This also will minimize the number of bags Airmen will carry into and out of the theater.

"The OCP uniform is scientifically developed to blend in with Afghanistan's terrain, which will make our Airmen safer and more effective on the battlefield," she said. "The new material is also flame resistant and lighter weight than either the ABS-G or the (Airman Battle Uniforms, or ABUs)."

The material also contains a bug repellant to protect our deployed Airmen, she added.

And, the colonel said, not only is this uniform better than its predecessors, but working jointly with the Army to use a tested uniform is the fiscally responsible thing to do.

"It's not only a joint use of the best ground combat uniform available," Colonel McGowan said, "it saves fiscal resources and also aligns with the National Defense Authorization Act language that encourages collaborative efforts between the services."

Since the OCP is replacing the other uniforms, there also will be a savings that will come from not needing to store and supply both the ABS-G and ABU, she said.

This won't be the first time Airmen have worn this camouflage pattern in Afghanistan though.

"Some Air Force personnel who are assigned to Army units were already issued the OCPs in the Army fielding initiative that began in August," said Colonel McGowan, who restated that these uniforms will be issued to individuals, and they won't be covered out-of-pocket by Airmen.

Individual units won't even be authorized to purchase these uniforms for the foreseeable future, the colonel said.

"The only authorized OCP uniforms are those purchased and issued by Air Force Central Command," Colonel McGowan said. "While some units are interested in procuring the OCP for training, future deployments and such, they won't be authorized to do so because those orders would take away from supplies that are prioritized for the most at-risk deployers."

The colonel emphasized that patience and teamwork are critical during any individual equipment transition and while actions to field the OCP as quickly as possible are ongoing, Airmen should be reassured they will have them as soon as they can be fielded.

She also discouraged individuals from purchasing their own uniforms as that could result in them receiving non-tested, non-compliant uniforms that ultimately could put lives at risk. With any new uniform, 'knock-offs' are readily available and Airmen need to use sound judgment and not spend personal funds on potentially non-compliant OCP assets, she said.

"Essentially, any unauthorized purchase of the OCP uniforms could result in putting Airmen at risk either on the front lines or at home," the colonel said.

She said switching to the OCP and having AFCENT as the sole issue point for these uniforms will meet the ultimate goal of ensuring that Airmen are equipped with the best, most advanced uniform available today.


This is getting borderline rediculous.

I wonder how many billions of dollars have been wasted on uniforms. The tax payers should be pissed, heck I am anyways.


I hope we change it every 2 years so I can keep wearing my black boots and shirt with my flight suit.


3 the same uniform

Side note: If I am not deployed Oct 31st or whatever the deadline is for the ABU I will be wearing old skool Woodland BDUs with Black Boots. I have yet to wear ABUs and I will not go quietly.


Thats what you get when you have a uniform wear tested by a bunch of AFMC office workers.

The new uniform, called the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern, or OCP, is the same uniform recently fielded in Afghanistan to U.S. Soldiers, Colonel McGowan said.

OCP? Really? Are you that fucking desperate for an OPR bullet?

It's MultiCam you failure!

But I guess the AF isn't the only one making this OEF dependent:

Instead of the “MultiCam Combat Uniform” or something that easily rolls off the tongue like that, the Army has decided to officially call it the Operation Enduring Freedom Fire-Resistant Army Combat Uniform — or OEF FR-ACU.

Source: https://kitup.military.com/2010/05/it-isnt-multicam-anymore-call-it.html

Seems like both services are going to make sure that this is an OEF only uniform.

I also like this quote (from USAF article):

While Airmen have been faced with a slew of uniform changes in recent years, this new uniform is not a matter of image or heritage but instead has resulted from a joint initiative that ensures all outside-the-wire deployers in Afghanistan, regardless of branch of service, have the best ground combat uniform in order to enhance combat effectiveness.

Yes...I am so glad they finally came out of their shell and said what the ABU was about: IMAGE and "heritage." Not a "Battle" uniform. Shit, not even a barely functional uniform. It was an image change. Way to go!!!

So let make sure everyone is clear: MultiCam will not doing anything for our heritage or image...yet is FUNCTIONAL, inter-service, and is the "best ground combat uniform that enhances combat effectiveness (tell me that isn't straight out of an OPR).

And for those reason's Multi-Cam will never be the USAF primary uniform (that and it would take the USAF ten years to field it and when produced the tops and bottoms will never match).

And just a little tid bit: MultiCam was offered to the USAF and Army for the next generation combat uniform but both services rejected it. The Army went with the Universal Combat Pattern (UCP/ACU) because it was about $2 cheaper per uniform. The USAF wanted a unique uniform to be visually different from the Army yet close enough where they could just steal all their tactical gear. So they took the ACU, added blue, and added tiger stripe. When we all could have had MultiCam years ago.

Real world:


Gillie suit, MultiCam, and ACU


And to reward those that read this rant:



I hope we change it every 2 years so I can keep wearing my black boots and shirt with my flight suit.

Navy announced new uniform regs today. Amongst them:

The final set of changes announced in the update were regarding the manner of wear for the aircrew flight suit. While in the continental United States, the green flight suit will be worn with a black undershirt, while overseas, aircrew may wear tan flight suits with brown undershirts as determined by the Navy component commander.
Guest nsplayr

Can we get multi cam 2 piece flight suits too?

Didn't we have authorization for them like a year ago and then the money got turned off last minute? I know that was one of Deacon's pet projects (figures...). Either way, we're probably f-ed now that the Army is eating up all the capacity to produce the things and since we just got those spiffy ABU two-pieces.


"It's not only a joint use of the best ground combat uniform available," Colonel McGowan said, "it saves fiscal resources and also aligns with the National Defense Authorization Act language that encourages collaborative efforts between the services."

And this is why the ABU should have never been created.

  • Upvote 2

So, now that we have a deployment-specific uniform, what's the over-under on the date when starching your ABUs becomes mandatory like it was for BDUs?


Can they also assess the costs for the Airman Battle Uniform that does NOTHING FOR GUYS ACTUALLY IN BATTLE?

I'd be interested to see a picture of an actual WARRIOR (not just someone that arbitrarily took the label of one because someone said they were) wearing that piece of shit.

I think you'll find that you'll see a lot of ACUs, desert flight suits, and various other combinations.


Can we get multi cam 2 piece flight suits too?

they exist already. Dri-Fire. Some in our community already have them, just waiting on the omni-omni to go forth and be camo'd.

  • Upvote 1
Guest Safe&Clear

Navy announced new uniform regs today. Amongst them:

I'm betting Navy & Marines will continue wearing desert flight suits WHEREVER they are in hot weather no matter what their regs say. Which is cool, cause that's what they were designed for.... Now the AF, on the other hand, will keep in place its regs mandating dark green flight suits even in 95-deg Florida summer weather.


they exist already. Dri-Fire. Some in our community already have them, just waiting on the omni-omni to go forth and be camo'd.


U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Daniel Duffy, HH-60G Pave Hawk pilot and Commander of the 66th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron, removes his gear after a medical evacuation mission, Jan. 10, at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan.

(U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Manuel J. Martinez/Released)

Like this I presume?

Posted (edited)

well, he's actually wearing a multi-cam outer garment in that picture (which is a year old). We fly doors off in combat, and Jan at KAF is a bit nippy... See the back of his collar - tan.

Edited by stract

Good Lord. I honestly can't even begin to keep up with all the changes. Is it sad that I really have no clue what ABU/DCU/BDU/STFU uniform is authorized? Chances are good that I don't have the proper headgear or boots for it no matter what they are calling it. I do, however, own a wheel cap. Top that one.

I have officially reached the "Dinosaur" stage of my career. I will continue wearing my green bag, with black shirt and boots, until I retire.

Guest nsplayr

Is it sad that I really have no clue what ABU/DCU/BDU/STFU uniform is authorized?

I love your last one...I also enjoy wearing the Standard Tan Flight Uniform (STFU) while serving in deployed locations :beer:

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