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Quick question. Its been a couple years since I've been at Bagram and I'm heading back soon. I was wondering if anyone there now has any idea what the internet situation is? Last time, you had to hand over your computer to some sketchy dude that messed with it for a few minutes and then you had to connect to a crappy wired system that sucked anyways. I'm asking because I would like to use an iPad or iPod touch and do the Facetime thing with my kids. Is there WiFi now and how is the connections for doing what I mentioned or skype, etc.? I tried finding older threads in the search and I couldn't find anything. If opsec stuff is an issue, then just send me a message. Save your time if you just want to give me crap about WiFi questions in Afghanistan, I already know this question sounds lame but its worth it to keep in touch with my kids.


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They still have the sketchy guy and crappy wireless here ($70-$100 per month). The new buildings are hard wired since the WiFi signal can't get through but the speeds are similar. You do have enough bandwith to use skype if thats what you're after. MWR buildings have free WiFi that you can register your device for. I think you can use your IPad or IPod if you can get the MAC address off of them.

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I'm using the wired internet in the new buildings right now. Still the same sketchy setup, as Robo said, but it works fine. I Skype on it all the time, though if you want to do video you'll need to shell out the $100/mo for the top plan. I have my iPad registered for the wireless hotspots, but it's less reliable and a lot slower than the wired setup. My advice: bring a laptop to use in your room.

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yep, I'm too rolling with the $100/month because it's the "fastest" connection. As mentioned, you can skype on it, but sometimes (like tonight) it's pretty much just a blur even on the "fast" connection. Some guys in my squadron here do the middle speed ($70/month) they said they can see the fam, but the fam basically gets no video from here. It's ridiculous, talk about a monopoly.

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We had our own wireless setup in our ops building but it was slow as molasses. Anything like Skype was out of the question. We're in a new building now, and no wireless has been set up yet. The ISP for the dorms is IOGlobal. Major ripoff, but I'm willing to pay for it in order to see my family.<br>

Also, apparently they upgraded the morale wireless around here in various places. Supposedly they added more bandwidth, but I can't tell the difference.

AFCENT/CC directive to provide a "robust morale network"

Robust my ass. At least it's something, though.

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I'm here now. Out of our entire squadron not one person that I am aware of uses the Hajji net (we've been here 7 months). There is a "Morale Net" like mentioned earlier and its pretty hit or miss, though its convenient and in most camps and MWR buildings. Sometimes its fast enough to skype and other times you can't even check webmail. Check with the unit you're going to. Our ops building has a pretty quick wifi network for everyone (although its been down for 48 hours) and its the same set-up with our maintainers.

Hope that helps - let me know if you have any more questions.

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There is a Morale net that is run by MWR but now you're dealing with everybody playing BINGO, karaoke, poker night, and everything else it become a huge pain in the ass. Our Ops had its own wireless but thats been down for weeks and even when it was up I couldn't do much more than use text for free on my iphone. After owning BAF for over 10 years, I don't see why there shouldn't be some expectation of infrastructure on the base.

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There is a Morale net that is run by MWR but now you're dealing with everybody playing BINGO, karaoke, poker night, and everything else it become a huge pain in the ass. Our Ops had its own wireless but thats been down for weeks and even when it was up I couldn't do much more than use text for free on my iphone. After owning BAF for over 10 years, I don't see why there shouldn't be some expectation of infrastructure on the base.

There is infrastructure on the base. The local area network is fairly robust and comparable to any college/company in the U.S. Tapping into the INTERnet is a little more complicated in the 10th poorest country in the world and has nothing to do with the base itself.

I'm sure if you've got suggestions on how to deploy a country wide fiber optic backbone connecting all the major U.S. bases to the outside world effectively and cheaply, somebody would listen. Keep in mind your only option is run it north to the former Soviet republics. You'd better open it up to the local populace as well in order to make the consequences of disrupting the network too steep for the enemy to consider, or it'll be knocked offline in hour number one of operation.

Yes, WWII veterans all over the world are rolling in their grave. If you've got the option to talk to your family on a daily basis and you take it, I don't have a problem with that, but to complain as if the world owes you something when it doesn't work is weak to say the least. God forbid you have to revert to relying on the mail system. Sorry, it's a pet peeve.

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  • 4 months later...

Bring a lot of lube and porn. The best activity at BAF other than killing the enemy is beating off mercissily or maybe trying to sleep as long as possible.

Also a nice spot to go vintage furniture shopping; the very b-huts you may live in is at least 10 years old and if you know where to look some poor asshole from days gone by has already fabricated a desk or shelves or something that is better than what you could make. The most expensive marginal pizza hut in the world on the east side of the flight line is also legend, back from the grave after the mccrystal ban.

Enjoy your time there and check out ilovebagram.com which is funny and somewhat true as long as you ignore people complaining about too much war noise.

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  • 4 months later...

Just passed through a week ago, the USO is nice, at OAMS now, the Bagram guys who travel here to work on USAF equipment here says our internet Sniper Hill is better than Bag, video is slow to load up but Skype works well at least today it did. At least its warmer here than Manas and not as crazy as Bagram.

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If you pay for the wifi through the local ISP, you can skype from your room. If you use the free Air Force wifi, you can get away with skype as long as the video is turned off. You likely won't get a strong enough singal to do that in the RLBs, but if you are in a B-Hut you probably can. USO & AF Morale center have computers with webcams attached that you can skype from, if you are inclined to do that in a room with 20 other people.

I've heard guys get better voice quality with Google Talk than with skype, but haven't used myself.

Quality of life is decent. The flying is awesome. The weather sucks. Endless sternly worded emails from "leadership" about fleece jackets, patches, and moustaches really suck.

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Camp Vance still doing pizza night at the fire pit? The Afghani naan bread made for a really good crust.

Fwiw, BAF is way better than the Died. I never wore a disco belt and nobody said anything when I went off compound without a gun. I started arming up the second half of my deployment but it wasn't bc of a sternly worded email from a chief. The boss lead by example, never mentioning it, and before you knew it most of the unit was wearing their M9 on the way to chow.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm deploying to Bagram in a few months for the first time and was just wondering what life is like over there. What should I expect for accommodation and what essentials do I need to bring with me that a person wouldn't normally think about?

Also, what's the leadership/chickenshit atmosphere like?

Any info would be helpful. Thanks!

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What do you fly? What camp will you be living on? More details needed...it's a big base with lots of units and YMMV. Don't compromise OPSEC but honestly no one will be able to give you good gouge if we know nothing other than that you're going to Bagram. Or go on baseops SIPR. Or ask a dude in your unit.

Have fun...Bagram is wonderful this time of year!

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Well, that alone tells me something. I'm actually a ground-pounder. Literally. Civil Engineering officer. Not sure if I'll be base CE or expeditionary. Trying to get that from my FAM now, but nada so far. Not so much asking for operational or OPSEC sensitive stuff as much as quality (?) of life, like where's the best strip club?

Is life different for rated versus non-rated guys?

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FAM? As in Functional Area Manager? Why in the heck would you ask them those questions?

You need to talk to your Unit Deployment Manager. If your UDM is useless (or like so many others, overtasked in a position that should NOT be an additional duty for non-Logi types), talk to your home station Installation Personnel Readiness folks to give you the lowdown on what you'll be doing and who you're working for.

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Figure out what unit you are going to before you worry before you worry about QOL. If you stay at Bagram, it's a pretty easy life. There are several CE jobs that hub out of there that will have you shitting in a hole with the Army. Not going to list units on the website, so check with your UDM and ask around the squadron.

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I just don't understand. Getting Jesus on the phone is easier than talking to my functional manager. Is a "FAM" something different for you guys than the guy who hands out assignments?

In a nutshell- yes.

For the guard the FAM has their hands in a lot of things. Everything from approving MCRs to making sure their areas have the right MICT checklists loaded.

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  • 6 months later...

Does anyone know where (or have) a copy of the quality of air/particle letter that they gave us out there for our medical records?

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!

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