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White jet land? Fighter CC?

You know these are the reasons we started saying cranium/container, F these guys.

Yes, white jet land.

Said CC had a fighter slot as a UPT grad but washed out of IFF and then went to fly some big airplane with 4 engines....his disdain for the fighter guys is evident in just about every encounter.



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So if, for example, you calculate your rotate speed at 69 knots, must you now rotate at 70? Will all briefings now be 10 minutes to avoid offending someone by falling in the 6-9 minute range? We should also probably ban the ILS into KBQK.

6 and 9 are just numbers and they happen to comprise 20% of available digits. It would be very difficult to operate with only 80% of digits for those of us having jobs involving numbers merely to avoid possibly offending those who sexualize every comment and are then offended by their own interpretation. Sometimes this feels like high school.

Edited by HU&W
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So if, for example, you calculate your rotate speed at 69 knots, must you now rotate at 70? Will all briefings now be 10 minutes to avoid offending someone by falling in the 6-9 minute range? We should also probably ban the ILS into KBQK.

6 and 9 are just numbers and they happen to comprise 20% of available digits. It would be very difficult to operate with only 80% of digits for those of us having jobs involving numbers merely to avoid possibly offending those who sexualize every comment and are then offended by their own interpretation. Sometimes this feels like high school.

I prefer just to use the term "more than 5 and less than 10" now

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I think this person fails to realize by trying to make an issue out of this, he has in fact just opened a can of worms. I find it similar to the "big red button" that nobody thinks about pressing until told not too.

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Guest LumberjackAxe

Yes, white jet land.

Said CC had a fighter slot as a UPT grad but washed out of IFF and then went to fly some big airplane with 4 engines....his disdain for the fighter guys is evident in just about every encounter.



I flew with him a few times during UPT... my Flight CC warned me to be careful what I said around him, because he had a habit of throwing everyone under the bus (especially if you wanted -38s). Can't say I was the biggest fan of the dude. It seemed like he was trying to ruin everyone's dreams because he was a bitter IFF washout stuck flying a "tube of shame". Totally makes sense that as a commander himself, he would try to end all fun.

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Said CC had a fighter slot as a UPT grad but washed out of IFF and then went to fly some big airplane with 4 engines....his disdain for the fighter guys is evident in just about every encounter.

I flew with him a few times during UPT... my Flight CC warned me to be careful what I said around him, because he had a habit of throwing everyone under the bus (especially if you wanted -38s). Can't say I was the biggest fan of the dude. It seemed like he was trying to ruin everyone's dreams because he was a bitter IFF washout stuck flying a "tube of shame". Totally makes sense that as a commander himself, he would try to end all fun.

Which UPT base?

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Have I missed this gem being posted somewhere on baseops?

**bullshit letter**

This goddamn job has turned into such a bait-n-switch. Timing and luck.. you nemesis of mine!

This is what happens when you base your vocational aspirations on information off fuckin' 1980s military-themed movies....I shoulda been a dentist. fvck.

Edited by hindsight2020
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I am going to start using so to speak at times its does not make sense. Really gonna fry the minds of the politician shoe clerks when I give a wing briefing and throw a few blatant out with no innuendo whatsoever. F- em

Anyone know the source unit? Gotta be DM, Hill or Mountain Home given 12AF fighters.

Edited by di1630
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so to speak

as one might say; said a certain way, even though the words are not exactly accurate.
John helps me with my taxes. He's my accountant, so to speak. I just love my little poodle. she's my baby, so to speak.

See also: speak

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Just start using it in the dictionary way. Watch leadership head explode.

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My favorite part is he "outlawed" 68+1 as a replacement for 69. OGV, you need to ban Page 69 from every AFI and T.O. maintained in the XX FW. And since you can't just cross it out and and replace with 68+1, you need to renumber it to 70 and hence renumber every page thereafter. Don't forget the list of effective pages!

Oh, and callsigns are approved by the fucking squadron at large, not one man. What a dickless "leader."

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I think this person fails to realize by trying to make an issue out of this, he has in fact just opened a can of worms. I find it similar to the "big red button" that nobody thinks about pressing until told not too.

Close to the "big red button". http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/nuke-commander-suspended-amid-probe-20406208 See what you made me post.

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The lobotomy happened. I met the man once as a Lt...he actually seemed pretty down to earth and was downing Jack right alongside the rest of us. Actually made me feel optimistic about some good dudes "making it." Some leadership seems to be able to stiff arm the lobotomy for different amounts of time, but eventually it either catches up with them or they retire. Unfortunately for Baba, it seems to have caught up. Damn shame.

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Anyone know the source unit? Gotta be DM, Hill or Mountain Home given 12AF fighters.

I've never heard of a WDO in a hawg squadron so I think Hill or Mountain Home.

I think everyone in the squadron should just not say anything to each other all day, finish the minimal amount of work required, and go home. Obviously working our asses off and fighting the man hasn't worked. Give them what they think they want, just to see what happens.

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Suggestive phrases such as "so to speak" will not be tolerated.

WTF does that even mean? What article of the UCMJ is violated by the use of a common English-language phrase? If this is tested and stands, does it then set precedence for CCs to ban any word or phrase they happen to dislike? Complete bullshit...can't wait until somebody fights an LOC for saying "so to speak."

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It was the SQ/CC of the Spang F-16s that were in deployed to Kandahar who got fired for the "chiefed" comment.

I'm late on this reply, but when did this firing happen? I thought the 480th CC was a good dude when I was there. Hopefully it wasn't him. He was a good dude, so it probably was.

WTF does that even mean? What article of the UCMJ is violated by the use of a common English-language phrase? If this is tested and stands, does it then set precedence for CCs to ban any word or phrase they happen to dislike? Complete bullshit...can't wait until somebody fights an LOC for saying "so to speak."

I get what you're saying, but everyone knows what this means. We can bitch and nit-pick, but we all know what constitutes an "inappropriate" so to speak. That's what makes it funny. If you don't understand that, please stop using STS because you're not doing it right.

I'd bet my balls that the official paperwork says something along the lines of "CGO used sexually suggestive verbiage specifically barred by the CC." You can split hairs over what is a legal word and what's not. Anything that comes close to "sexually inappropriate" is a hot potato for leadership and you will most certainly be considered guilty immediately.

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