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What's wrong with the Air Force?


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Let's have some fun with the uniform police!

I'm guessing this new change won't be too publicized...

My plan is to get all decked out on Friday....Friday patches, pencil tab, single name nametag, bright red squadron shirt, and then maybe stroll around MPF or finance...maybe get lost in the MSG building.....phishing for Chiefs.

Of course, I will have the appropriate pages conveniently printed in my pocket to correct said Chief....bye-bye...thanks for playing...your prize is a home version of our game called STFU!!!

Good hunting boys!


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Another small victory. New change to AFI 36-2903:

Holy shit, I didn't believe you and had to go look for myself! E-9's worldwide must be seething with rage right now.


...Changes eliminated athletic shoe color restrictions; authorized black socks with athletic shoes;

...deleted the requirement for reflective belts with the PT uniform (commander’s discretion remains).

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The AF has realized how many flyers are chomping at the bit to submit VSP/TERA paperwork...they had to do something to improve morale in the midst of their "pilot shortage".

I believe you are correct. I fully expect to see more small "improvements" to the AF in the near future. Too little, too late for most of us.

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We do it as well, it's usually the delivery that is much different.

I think it's more of an individual issue, than what rank that person has.

And most officers aren't wholly consumed by uniform corrections, which is the stigma associated with SNCOs.

When you say Officers are you including non-rated Officers? Because non-rated Officers are just as bent on uniform corrections than anyone else. What I don't understand is there's an AFI that says what you can and can't do dress & appearance wise. And for the past 13-years I've adhered to it and haven't had much issues about it. Why is it such a big deal? Do you follow your MDS's Vol 1, 2, and 3? Why not follow this AFI as well?

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People have corrected various uniform infractions of mine in the past, they were always pretty much spot on. They were also almost always NCO/SNCOs. That being said, the three biggest douche bags that corrected me were all captains.

One captain corrected me because I was wearing a black ankle brace in my PT uniform because I was coming off a bad ankle sprain. He told me I had to go and try to find a white one to wear instead.

The other captain told me my Air Force issued sunglasses were not in regs. I took off the sunglasses and showed him the Air Force symbol on it and he still didn't care.

This isn't a uniform correction, but once again a captain, drove up from behind me as I was walking. He got out of his Air Force van and told me that I had to salute the van because it had the two star placard on it. I said that I didn't see him because he came from behind me but I would look more carefully next time. The van was empty by the way. He said to tell my friends because there was going to be a DV on base next week. He was driving around looking for people that didn't salute the van.

This is definitely not something associated with only SNCOs.

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Why not follow this AFI as well?

"We're past the point of doing everything just because it says so in an [Air Force Instruction]," Welsh said. "If it wastes our time, we should stop, and we should stop today."

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The van was empty by the way. He said to tell my friends because there was going to be a DV on base next week. He was driving around looking for people that didn't salute the van.

Copy. Put a general in the van next time and I'll salute it.

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People have corrected various uniform infractions of mine in the past, they were always pretty much spot on. They were also almost always NCO/SNCOs. That being said, the three biggest douche bags that corrected me were all captains.

One captain corrected me because I was wearing a black ankle brace in my PT uniform because I was coming off a bad ankle sprain. He told me I had to go and try to find a white one to wear instead.

The other captain told me my Air Force issued sunglasses were not in regs. I took off the sunglasses and showed him the Air Force symbol on it and he still didn't care.

This isn't a uniform correction, but once again a captain, drove up from behind me as I was walking. He got out of his Air Force van and told me that I had to salute the van because it had the two star placard on it. I said that I didn't see him because he came from behind me but I would look more carefully next time. The van was empty by the way. He said to tell my friends because there was going to be a DV on base next week. He was driving around looking for people that didn't salute the van.

This is definitely not something associated with only SNCOs.

Did you correct the captain for having a placard without the DV on board?

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Did you correct the captain for having a placard without the DV on board?

Exactly. How much fun would it have been to inform the Captain that he was in violation of AFI 34-1201 para 2.30 which clearly states, "An automobile plate indicates the official status or rank of the senior military individual occupying the vehicle. The plate will be removed or covered when the individual for whom the plate is issued is not in the vehicle."

What a douche canoe. You could have also asked to see the completed AF 1800 to ensure that the proper government vehicle inspection had been completed prior to operation.

The only thing that is worse than people wandering around enforcing meaningless AFI's is people wandering around and enforcing incorrect meaningless AFI's.

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There is a reason that people refer to the uniform correction act as getting "Chiefed" and not as getting Capt'd or Major'd.

While I have been corrected by a Lt for a uniform infraction (honest mistake at the time) it's always the MSgt and above that are in the full out sprint, almost breaking a leg in order to be "first" to nab the uniform criminal.

I was Chiefed at 2am...in the RLB bathroom....at Bagram....in Jan during a snow storm because my unit issued thermals (desert colored to match desert FDU) that I was wearing under my PT/sleeping attire trying not to freeze to death because the heat pump in my room was hard broke, was not the approved black or blue authorized color.


Edit: I type gooder

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There is a reason that people refer to the uniform correction act as getting "Chiefed" and not as getting Capt'd or Major'd.

While I have been corrected by a Lt for a uniform infraction (honest mistake at the time) it's always the MSgt and above that are in the full out sprint, almost breaking a leg in order to be "first" to nab the uniform criminal.

I was Chiefed at 2am...in the RLB bathroom....at Bagram....in Jan during a snow storm because my unit issued thermals (desert colored to match desert FDU) that I was wearing under my PT/sleeping attire trying not to freeze to death because the eat pump in my room was hard broke, was not the approved black or blue authorized color.


Copy, however the underlying tone that I always see on this forum is that SNCO's only job in life are to "Chief" Officers and fellow Enlisted about uniform infractions, which is obviously not true. I do agree that some folks need to be reminded where their place is in a military hierarchy and tact when talking to senior ranking individuals. On the flip side it's very frustrating to tell the A1C Boom Operator to wear their uniform correctly when CGO/FGO's that are in our Sq and fly on our crews don't.

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Copy, however the underlying tone that I always see on this forum is that SNCO's only job in life are to "Chief" Officers and fellow Enlisted about uniform infractions, which is obviously not true. I do agree that some folks need to be reminded where their place is in a military hierarchy and tact when talking to senior ranking individuals. On the flip side it's very frustrating to tell the A1C Boom Operator to wear their uniform correctly when CGO/FGO's that are in our Sq and fly on our crews don't.

The crews I have flown with, O and E alike, have always been good about policing themselves when it comes to this stuff, if for no other reason at times than to avoid harassment. Yet even so...there's still no way to avoid the fly trap of constant stupidity, no matter how hard you try it seems. The example of Bagram in the winter is a perfect one...and everyone has a handful of stories about dumb crap like that they've been chiefed for. Not your only job sure, but a reputation well, WELL earned after years of going completely off the ranch with this stuff.

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Copy, however the underlying tone that I always see on this forum is that SNCO's only job in life are to "Chief" Officers and fellow Enlisted about uniform infractions, which is obviously not true. I do agree that some folks need to be reminded where their place is in a military hierarchy and tact when talking to senior ranking individuals. On the flip side it's very frustrating to tell the A1C Boom Operator to wear their uniform correctly when CGO/FGO's that are in our Sq and fly on our crews don't.

In my opinion, the reason for this is the interaction that most operators have with senior NCOs, and more specifically the interaction that most senior NCOs have with operators. Look at the command structure in most wings - your highest officers are the DOs, deputy commanders, and commanders, and your highest NCOs are generally first shirts, superintendents, and command Chiefs. By the nature of their job, the enlisted leadership do not deal with officers, but unfortunately from my experience until the last couple years it also tends to mean they don't interact with them. My entire flying career the only NCOs I dealt with on a working level were the NCOICs of SARM/HARM and life support. Until I was a major I was addressed directly by E-9s only twice; once for acknowledging but not returning an airmen's salute on the flightline (because it's no salute and my gear was in my right hand), and once for having my flight suit sleeves pushed up.

In my last two assignments that has changed significantly, but I put that more specifically on the senior enlisted personnel in those two assignments. The first shirts and chiefs actually get out among the populace to interact rather than solely being a reactive entity and only dealing with enlisted personnel.

So when someone's only interaction with an E-9 is him acting as a uniform nazi, it is understandable why they have that impression.

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Jesus tap-dancing Christ. The GO's are batting a thousand this month! At least cutting those numbers will be easier when you have a list of volunteer slappy's like this line up.

Holy hell.


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While our country is at war, we shit all over a 2 star because he yells at his aides, doesn't have official "feedback" sessions, takes leave without using leave web, and takes an AOA indicator from a military aircraft headed to the boneyard. Isn't getting yelled at on a daily basis a form of feedback? How soft is our military getting?

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