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What's wrong with the Air Force?


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6 hours ago, tac airlifter said:

Also work for a female Col at WG, get sent to staff with perfect strats, then get school when all the people putting in time on the line are denied.  Have said Col order your attached SQ/CC to upgrade you, take 18 months on a specially made syllabus, then never fly and ask the SQ/CC to make you an evaluator on paper.  Come back as the SQ/CC, don’t deploy, wreck any lethality of the team and continue upwards. Much inclusivity, very diverse and warrior queen.

Spend months planning the next “fly like a girl” public affairs stunt instead of actually contributing to the effectiveness of the unit

These vignettes could go on forever; it would be funny if they weren’t so accurate and indicative of the sad state of affairs of our military. 

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Want to fly fighters?

Step 1. Find a ANG fighter unit that needs a quota because it’s overmanned with white males where you won’t have to compete to get there.

Step 2. Min run the training system, if anyone questions you not meeting standards, request a new UPT flight, different IPs or different FTU unit.

Trust that the system will ensure your success thru unlimited pandering regardless of your actual potential as a combat asset.

Based on a true story.

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

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36 minutes ago, di1630 said:

Want to fly fighters?

Step 1. Find a ANG fighter unit that needs a quota because it’s overmanned with white males where you won’t have to compete to get there.

Step 2. Min run the training system, if anyone questions you not meeting standards, request a new UPT flight, different IPs or different FTU unit.

Trust that the system will ensure your success thru unlimited pandering regardless of your actual potential as a combat asset.

Based on a true story.

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app


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2 hours ago, di1630 said:

Want to fly fighters?

Step 1. Find a ANG fighter unit that needs a quota because it’s overmanned with white males where you won’t have to compete to get there.

Step 2. Min run the training system, if anyone questions you not meeting standards, request a new UPT flight, different IPs or different FTU unit.

Trust that the system will ensure your success thru unlimited pandering regardless of your actual potential as a combat asset.

Based on a true story.

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

step 3. piss off new FTU with your "untouchable" attitude...get "fired" from your ANG fighter unit before graduation.

step 4. repeat step 1.

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11 hours ago, di1630 said:

Haha, ain’t no leadership that’s gonna stand up to this madness and risk their career.



Most of the ANG SQ/CCs already have a seniority number and are close enough to a 20 yr retirement, they're not that worried 🤣.  

Edited by SocialD
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9 hours ago, HuggyU2 said:


A lot of people are under the misunderstanding that DE&I means diversity, equality and inclusion.

 It may have originally, but now it means diversity, equity and inclusion. AKA management/leadership forced outcomes no matter the input.

Also known as make the slides green.


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43 minutes ago, HeloDude said:

The Air Force doesn’t want its members to go a conservative rally…shocking.


Copy of the chat posted below, pulled from the Air Force amn/nco/snco Facebook page.

Fox News obviously has their own bias, and they love to rage-bait their audience.  But I really love how the SFS (and to a lesser extent, the MDG) really step all over their dick on this, for all the world to see.  This could have been: "Hey military members, there is a large political-related gathering downtown this weekend.  If you go, please use caution, as these things can get sporty  Also, don't be a dumbass and wear your uniform at the rally, because UCMJ."

Instead, they let their bias show: The Turning Point Action group is "Alt right?"  "Confrontational to military members?"  Says who?

Along with a veiled threat about attendance could "jeopardize their military careers."  And in the interest of just kinda throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks, they try to tie the rally to some random shooting elsewhere in Minot.

5SFS/CCF is the First Shirt, right?  Used to be that being posted as a Shirt was something special, reserved only for those SNCOs with superior levels of knowledge and judgement.  I'm going to take a wild guess that this First Shirt who chose to shine his/her ass for all the world to see is your typical diversity posting, promoted to a level and a position beyond his or her skill.  And nonsense like this is the inevitable result.

Kudos to the Air Force amn/nco/snco page.  It's 75% memes and other nonsense, but buried in there is a lot of real-live shining the light on the stupid, idiotic, and absurd.  This is an exceptionally good example - the chat was posted to the page about noon on Sunday, and made it to Fox News less than 48 hours later.

Look forward to the Minot Public Affairs folks releasing their inevitable back-pedaling statement.

May be an image of text that says 'From MDG chat last night- "Leaders, please exercise caution if downtown this weekend. I've included a text from the 5SFS/CCF. Please pass along to your team and ask them to be careful and reach out for any concerns. We just got word of an event going at the fairgrounds downtown, called Dakota Patriot Rally. Its guest speaker is from an alt-right organization called Turning Point Action. Please advise your folks that if they are going to be'


May be an image of text that says 'downtown this weekend, it's good to be cautious, as the crowds this event may attract could be confrontational to military members. Additionally please remind them that participation with groups such as Turning Point Action could jeopardize their continued service in the US military." There was a shooting incident yesterday in Minot, unclear if it was related'

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 The definition of “alt right” is actually, “anything that isn’t in line with progressive ideology.” Same can be said for the opposite side. What if we just defined things for what they are, and only attached the “extremist” label on things that truly are an extreme departure from the majority. Hint, organizations like Turning Point are not extreme. 

Edited by brabus
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11 hours ago, Blue said:

Copy of the chat posted below, pulled from the Air Force amn/nco/snco Facebook page.

Fox News obviously has their own bias, and they love to rage-bait their audience.  But I really love how the SFS (and to a lesser extent, the MDG) really step all over their dick on this, for all the world to see.  This could have been: "Hey military members, there is a large political-related gathering downtown this weekend.  If you go, please use caution, as these things can get sporty  Also, don't be a dumbass and wear your uniform at the rally, because UCMJ."

Instead, they let their bias show: The Turning Point Action group is "Alt right?"  "Confrontational to military members?"  Says who?

Along with a veiled threat about attendance could "jeopardize their military careers."  And in the interest of just kinda throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks, they try to tie the rally to some random shooting elsewhere in Minot.

5SFS/CCF is the First Shirt, right?  Used to be that being posted as a Shirt was something special, reserved only for those SNCOs with superior levels of knowledge and judgement.  I'm going to take a wild guess that this First Shirt who chose to shine his/her ass for all the world to see is your typical diversity posting, promoted to a level and a position beyond his or her skill.  And nonsense like this is the inevitable result.

Kudos to the Air Force amn/nco/snco page.  It's 75% memes and other nonsense, but buried in there is a lot of real-live shining the light on the stupid, idiotic, and absurd.  This is an exceptionally good example - the chat was posted to the page about noon on Sunday, and made it to Fox News less than 48 hours later.

Look forward to the Minot Public Affairs folks releasing their inevitable back-pedaling statement.

May be an image of text that says 'From MDG chat last night- "Leaders, please exercise caution if downtown this weekend. I've included a text from the 5SFS/CCF. Please pass along to your team and ask them to be careful and reach out for any concerns. We just got word of an event going at the fairgrounds downtown, called Dakota Patriot Rally. Its guest speaker is from an alt-right organization called Turning Point Action. Please advise your folks that if they are going to be'


May be an image of text that says 'downtown this weekend, it's good to be cautious, as the crowds this event may attract could be confrontational to military members. Additionally please remind them that participation with groups such as Turning Point Action could jeopardize their continued service in the US military." There was a shooting incident yesterday in Minot, unclear if it was related'

I’ve seen some real dipshits work as “shirts” these days, just underneath a toxic lazy SEL. I used to respect the hell out of Command Teams SNCOs. 

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12 hours ago, dream big said:

I’ve seen some real dipshits work as “shirts” these days, just underneath a toxic lazy SEL. I used to respect the hell out of Command Teams SNCOs. 

Yeah, I don't know. I've been around a while and am not sure the good ol' days were any better. About 20 years ago I recall the Command SNCOs were telling be I couldn't eat at the chow hall because my shorts had pockets. I can think of a few more examples that date back even further.

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7 hours ago, skibum said:

Yeah, I don't know. I've been around a while and am not sure the good ol' days were any better. About 20 years ago I recall the Command SNCOs were telling be I couldn't eat at the chow hall because my shorts had pockets. I can think of a few more examples that date back even further.

Most Non Flying AF SNCOs are turds (I will never spell it with an u, those are for pussies lol), prove me wrong.  

"If I cant trust you to keep your hands out of you pockets, how can I trust you to fly a military aircraft?" -SNCO that isn't ops or mx

"Fuck off!" - Me 

Edited by Biff_T
U know
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3 hours ago, skibum said:

Yeah, I don't know. I've been around a while and am not sure the good ol' days were any better. About 20 years ago I recall the Command SNCOs were telling be I couldn't eat at the chow hall because my shorts had pockets. I can think of a few more examples that date back even further.

Did they only tell certain people who supported certain political parties, etc that they could/couldn’t eat at a chow hall because of their shorts?  Singling out those who follow one political party/ideology and not the other is far worse than anything I saw 20 years ago.

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14 hours ago, ViperMan said:

Well, you do put the 'u' in 'turd' - no one can argue that...


I learned how to spell turd on baseops.net.   

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13 minutes ago, HeloDude said:



"What's the difference?" - Intel Officer

"One likes Americans the other doesn't." - Pilot 

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4 hours ago, HeloDude said:

He was a top General in the Air Force and was one of the top guys in the intelligence world…let this sink in for a minute about what people in these positions think.


I'm still confused that anybody in the military would hold a general to some sort of higher expectation. If anything my experience demonstrates that they are less likely to impress. 


These are the people that taught themselves to love the taste of shit just so they could one day be a general. The ultimate "yes men". They were not promoted in the field due to battle competence.

Edited by Lord Ratner
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