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Anwar Al-Awlaki Killed


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First, XXXX that guy.

Second, the U.S. is well within its rights to go after a U.S. citizen. There are tons of precedents. U.S. citizens fought for Germany in WWII and certainly in the Civil War the North was fighting against U.S. citizens in the South. We killed them then, we can do it now.

Third, read this article in Slate about the killing of Al Alwaki: http://www.slate.com...process_wo.html

Cheers, - Striper

Edited by Striper_WSO
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The State Department apologized for killing Anwar Al-Awlaki. Are you kidding me? When does the family apologize to us for not raising their son better?

Not that I disagree, but did you even read the story you posted? DoS contacted the family of Samir Khan, who was another American AQ type killed in the strike. There wasn't anything in the article at all about anyone contacting Awlaki's family.

IMHO Kahn had it coming too, and citizen or not he was probably a huge asshole, but I guess since he wasn't the target of the strike he was "collateral damage" and thus deserving of a family phone call? IDK...my main point is that your headline is grossly inaccurate based on the story in your link.

Edited by nsplayr
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Not that I disagree, but did you even read the story you posted? DoS contacted the family of Samir Khan, who was another American AQ type killed in the strike. There wasn't anything in the article at all about anyone contacting Awlaki's family.

IMHO Kahn had it coming too, and citizen or not he was probably a huge asshole, but I guess since he wasn't the target of the strike he was "collateral damage" and thus deserving of a family phone call? IDK...my main point is that your headline is grossly inaccurate based on the story in your link.

I did and fair enough. I had a Fox News sensationalist moment, but it is really stupid on the DoS's part. That family does not deserve a phone call. They deserve swift kicks to their asses.

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I did and fair enough. I had a Fox News sensationalist moment, but it is really stupid on the DoS's part. That family does not deserve a phone call. They deserve swift kicks to their asses.

Word. While I agree that the Americans who run off and join AQ and fight against us deserve to eat hellfires for breakfast, I wouldn't be so harsh on the families who may or may not be involved in or even supportive of their kids actions. I'm guessing DoS called since that's generally something that occurs when a citizen is killed abroad, regardless of his/her status as a huge asshole.

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