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Tim Tebow (NSFW)


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And he'd still be a shitty QB. At least Jason Collins was good for a while.

You're smoking crack...'good for a while'--Collins sucks, especially the last several years...and now we know he really likes to suck <zing!>. I'm not a big Tebow fan but the dude won the Heisman and helped take a team to the playoffs (along with a playoff win) his first season.

So the dude's gay, big deal. I bet Manti Te'o is gay too, but if the dude can play ball (no pun intended that time) then San Diego will be lucky to have him. I thought a person's sex life wasn't supposed to matter?

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It's kind of funny how this wholesome Christian boy has way too much pride to switch positions to tight end (which many other players have done in the past), when clearly nobody is that interested in his QB ability.

This..it's not like there haven't been college QBs who changed positions - Antwaan Randle-El comes to mind, and he did pretty good as a WR.

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ALCON: refer to the Diversity AFI.

"To ensure Diversity and fairness, commanders mush ensure that they have some not-so-high quality personnel. Otherwise, it would be unfair and discriminatory."

So even if Tebow has lost his talent, he deserves to be put somewhere in the NFL.

It's only fair.

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No shit...


Tim Tebow is a hero. He's spent his whole life dealing with persecution from the gays. The gays telling him his lifestyle is amoral and he's going to Hell. Being ostracized and disowned by family for being Christian. Seeing his Christian friends being bullied because of their beliefs... to the point of suicide. Plus the fact that gays are a major majority in this country (something like 85% self identified) he will always be on the fringe of being accepted into society. And the way the gays work to make sure Christians can't get married. How in small towns they have to keep their Christianity secret.

What a great hero he is.

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And he'd still be a shitty QB. At least Jason Collins was good for a while.

He's averaged less than 2 points per game. He played what, 32 minutes in his last season? The guy SUCKS. This is purely a desperate career move by a hack journeyman.

Edited by BolterKing
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Tim Tebow is a hero. He's spent his whole life dealing with persecution from the gays. The gays telling him his lifestyle is amoral and he's going to Hell. Being ostracized and disowned by family for being Christian. Seeing his Christian friends being bullied because of their beliefs... to the point of suicide. Plus the fact that gays are a major majority in this country (something like 85% self identified) he will always be on the fringe of being accepted into society. And the way the gays work to make sure Christians can't get married. How in small towns they have to keep their Christianity secret.

What a great hero he is.

Just a couple points of order...

1. You do realize that isn't really a twitter from Tebow right?

2. The point of the Twitter isn't that Tebow is a hero. The point is the media (and many others) criticize his willingness to be open about his Christianity while they praise Collins (and anyone else who announces they are gay) for being open about his sexuality. Regardless of your personal attitudes toward Christianity or homosexuality, the Twitter raises an obvious and easily observable bias in the media. Which was, I believe, its point.....

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Just a couple points of order...

1. You do realize that isn't really a twitter from Tebow right?

2. The point of the Twitter isn't that Tebow is a hero. The point is the media (and many others) criticize his willingness to be open about his Christianity while they praise Collins (and anyone else who announces they are gay) for being open about his sexuality. Regardless of your personal attitudes toward Christianity or homosexuality, the Twitter raises an obvious and easily observable bias in the media. Which was, I believe, its point.....

1. No shit?

2. Puh-leeze! He was a media darling his senior year, through the Heisman hunt, into the draft, and all through pre-season- with the fact that he's so open about his Christianity being the centerpiece! His downfall wasn't him being open about his beliefs... it was the fact he is a hack, at best, at NFL QB.

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Can someone show me some examples of where the media &quot;criticizes his willingness to be open about his Christianity?&quot;

Try Google...





1. No shit?

2. Puh-leeze! He was a media darling his senior year, through the Heisman hunt, into the draft, and all through pre-season- with the fact that he's so open about his Christianity being the centerpiece! His downfall wasn't him being open about his beliefs... it was the fact he is a hack, at best, at NFL QB.

Your post had nothing to do with his downfall. Neither did mine.

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You're right, there is a bias. That's because the media bias is reflecting a larger society bias in favor of gays and (less so) with secularism that certain people don't seem to recognize shifting around them. And then eventually, society will have shifted in such a way that they wake up and find that they're on the ass end of history, like that crazy old grandparent who says shockingly racist shit (see: the interview of that Alaskan Congressman), or lives in fear of Soviets, or buries cash in their mattress, because they're stuck in the past and in their old ways.

It is always mildly entertaining to listen to someone who thinks their generation or culture is on the cutting edge of human enlightenment, when all they are really doing is repeating history. If you think this is the first time mainstream society has decided it is hip to be gay, think again. Of course, you'll have to dig into "the ass end of history" (no pun intended, I'm simply quoting you) to find them, but we aren't blazing any new trails here.

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Everytime I open this thread I hope the (NSFW) tag earns its keep. So far it has failed.

Considering the current topic in this thread is male homosexuality... I hope we never get to see that tag earn its keep.

Edited by Vertigo
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Wait, how are you going to say Collins sucks when he actually helped take the Nets to the Finals in '03,

Honestly, I don't really even care to defend the record of a has-been, but you obviously don't know shit about NBA basketball.

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