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I've flown with both the Garman GDL 39 linked up to a Garmin 696, and an iPad linked up to a Stratus receiver. Both worked great showing "participating" traffic with mode S transponders, but unfortunately that was only about 5 aircraft in all of north Florida and south Alabama. So not very useful because 90% of traffic wasn't displayed. "Non participating" traffic is only displayed if you're equipped with ADS-B in AND out. The FIS-B weather worked great though. And free unlike XM weather.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

I too have a Stratus receiver, and an iPad mini running Fore Flight. Traffic display is still in its infancy, but WX display, and moving map approach plates are the shit. Not so good for overseas yet, but for stateside flying, the SA tools provided are hard to beat. I use for GA flying as well. I have no clue why the USAF is still buying paper charts, when they could fund TIB, or another SAPR class with the savings.

Edited by discus
  • Upvote 1

I have no clue why the USAF is still buying paper charts.

Because iPads haven't been approved for fighters yet. The Navy has them, I hear. Whatever, just give me the ILS frequency and the inbound course. Vectors to final will do, thanks.

  • Upvote 3

AFGSC is testing the iPads in the CTP T-38's at Whiteman. Those things are too big for our cockpit, I can't imagine how unwieldy they are in a Talon cockpit.


I believe that the Scott C-21 unit is the only one testing the mini's as of now. Something about a waiver to not have the approach plate displayed in full size.


I believe that the Scott C-21 unit is the only one testing the mini's as of now. Something about a waiver to not have the approach plate displayed in full size.

Of course. Because most unit's flimsies were the full size.


I believe that the Scott C-21 unit is the only one testing the mini's as of now. Something about a waiver to not have the approach plate displayed in full size.

UFB! It's no wonder we can't roll out a new jet in a reasonable amount of time!


I believe that the Scott C-21 unit is the only one testing the mini's as of now. Something about a waiver to not have the approach plate displayed in full size.

Untrue. Travis is using them.


I just thought of this...

I'm going to start a company that makes nomex gloves with touch screen capability. Then I'll charge $900/pair and sell them to the air force. That way we can all stay super safe and keep our gloves on throughout all phases of flight without losing the touch screen capability of the iPads. Now we can zoom in those minis to see the exact runway threshold crossing height , because if I don't brief that to my entire 4-ship then we will all either roll inverted valsalva and eject or land and immediately start sexually harassing every woman on base. It's science you can't argue it.

  • Upvote 2

Too late to the game... https://www.gibson-barnes.com/prod-296125/Nomex-Touch-Screen-Compatible-Flying-Gloves.html

Can't argue against all your other sciency arguments, I'm just a load!

Yeah, yeah, that's fine and all, but they're not priced high enough to be in the AFE shop. Everyone knows it has to cost at least $200 for each item. That's where my plan will really get the attention of our contracting warriors. But I'll sell them on the idea that it'll be cheaper if we work with the USN and USMC to design a joint glove. At first I'll say it'll be cheaper, but I'll have a few cost and timeline overruns and actually they won't really work right and look kinda fat and stupid. I'll think call it Joint Safety Fabric or "JSF."

  • Upvote 2

But I'll sell them on the idea that it'll be cheaper if we work with the USN and USMC to design a joint glove. At first I'll say it'll be cheaper, but I'll have a few cost and timeline overruns and actually they won't really work right and look kinda fat and stupid. I'll think call it Joint Safety Fabric or "JSF."

Then, they'll have to start eliminating a bunch of other glove types from the supply system, even the ones that have a well-defined (if somewhat specialized) requirement. Soon, your JSF glove will be one of the only ones available, even for requirements it wasn't really designed for.


That must be how all of those gate guards use the nomex flight gloves to check id's. It's pretty fiery environment defending the base from the retirees hair spray and cigarette infused identification.


AFGSC is testing the iPads in the CTP T-38's at Whiteman. Those things are too big for our cockpit, I can't imagine how unwieldy they are in a Talon cockpit.

shit, we have CF-18 Toughbooks that screw in to a port by the copilot's leg to connect to the GPS. iPad would be a third the size/third the weight, even inside an otterbox.

  • 3 months later...

I'm looking for some real-world iPad mini feedback. Hercs would be a bonus.

What are you using for cases/mounts/kneeboards? There are some cool-looking combination solutions, but the only AMC-approved case is Otterbox. I know Ram mounts are the preferred option for a lot. I've seen the full-size Tab-tites. Anybody used the X-grip holder with the mini or otherwise?

BTW, pending iPad Air's AMC approval, the mini is the only viable option right now. The 4th gen is only sold in 16GB.


I have the RAM X-mount for my iPhone...works great. I imagine the mini version would as well.

Our pilots use that for our full size iPads in the gunship, they work pretty well. Every now and then (aka towards the end of 10 hour sorties) it fails but that's the exception.

I use the same mount on my iPad mini when I fly on my own and it works awesome, especially with Foreflight and not Phaero.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Got an iPad mini w/retina display in an Otterbox. At work, we use an iPad 2 with a RAM mount. The mount will hold the mini. For small plane flying (Garmin Pilot), I strap the Otterbox cover to my kneeboard and then clip the mini over the stap and into the cover.

Posted (edited)

I strap the Otterbox cover to my kneeboard and then clip the mini over the stap and into the cover.

Awesome - standard Flyboys kneeboard with the clear strap?

Could use this map-strap as a standalone option if you wanted to keep the kneeboard open for writing.


AFSOC, I understand you have CAC readers, can use wifi, Safari, email? Also, you can place personal info/gouge on them?

Meanwhile, AMC is doing its best to make them a boat anchor and CRM/SA suck in critical phases of flight.

Units are researching strap-on battery extenders.

Why? Because iPads are dying 3 hours into a day pro, even if you start at 100%.

Why? Because they're being left on and full bright(daytime) constantly.

Why? Because they will password lock if left in standby for 15 minutes, which results of 30 seconds of attempting to type in a 10-character uppercase/lowercase/number/symbol password while in a RTU pattern with trainee controllers.

Why? Because AMC's mandatory iPad image settings.

The answer is to add batteries? Making the iPad heavier and more awkward?

The only atlernative I can think of is to write an app that turns the volume rocker switch into a brightness control. Do we have any budding SDK wizards reading? Does Apple allow apps to change the functions of buttons? It seems that would be a huge security risk.

Edited by VSP or 365

That map strap might work. I've got two kneeboards. One has a narrow 1-1 1/2 inch elastic strap and the other is 3-4 inches. Both have the clear strap which would go over the line-up card. The narrower elastic strap isn't as secure as the wider one and it wobbles around a bit.

We carry a Hyperjuice battery at work. It is slightly bigger than a deck of cards and it will recharge an iPad twice.

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