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Flying VFR

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(angry controller, anyone? love listening to that guy rip apart the Thais and Malaysians)

Are you talking about "Angry controller guy" with Kabul? If so that, is the best entertainment going right now!

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Had an angry controller in SC. I am over the field at 11K on RTB and approach control wants to give me vectors from hell to get to initial. I say cancel IFR. Controller says unable and gives me a vector. I tell him I'm cancelling and send 2 to Tower freq. ATC guy explodes saying we can't do that as we switch freq's. I take it out over the edge of the Class B, drop to 500 feet, contact tower, and enter the pattern VFR. I'm not sure if that controller could have spelled VFR so him understanding the rules was certainly too much.

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If your jet never flies VFR because of X,Y, or Z there is a little blurb that says you can do it for training. Flying on an IFR flight plan is easy when it is a vectored departure to jet-routes to vectors ILS. That can get pretty old. There's no harm in going VFR, and it is a great training tool and is a lot more fun than having ATC do the work for you. Plus, we all learned this shit way back in UPT. It wasn't that difficult then and it isn't that difficult now.

EDIT: Spelling

Edited by Right Seat Driver
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Poll: "what is the highest you have ever been". Even if it wasn't legal. To include civilian time.

How about: What is the lowest you have flown (outside of the terminal area)?

Outside terminal area? Highest: FL310 (T-6). Lowest: 75-ish AGL (H-60). Fun!

BTW, VFR or IFR is a choice that every USAF pilot should be able to make for the needs of the mission at any time. He or she certainly should not be limited by his/her competence in flying in either regime. Period.

Edit: Formatting

Edited by Hella-Copters
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