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I thought the seatbelt extender comment was conveniently placed next to someone who probably needs one...smh.

Guest nsplayr

4 different uniforms, I love it. I think we could come up with a way better list here...

Reason #0.1, AF people are subjected to go on late night TV shows and look silly. I'll head back to my cockpit now to check on my TIT gauges, and afterwards I'll rummage around in my box nasty for something to throw at the nav. Out

Don't quit your day job.

  • Upvote 1

reason #0.2, you liked boy scouts so much you wanted to join "advanced boy scouts".

reason #0.3, you wanted to be in the military but you couldn't run more than 1.5 miles without puking

reason #0.4, the new uniforms look like marine corps officer uniforms with "pizazz"

reason #0.5, the AF was the only branch that didn't send a recruiter to your high school to give out free key chains, hence "the AF is more exclusive"


At least no one was wearing the short sleeve blue shirt with tie. I did Air Force week in NYC 2 years ago, and the Air Force uniform for the event we went to was short sleeve blues with tie. Of course we were the only branch dressed that way. Everyone else was in short sleeves w/o a tie. We looked like a bunch of tools.

OK, I'm done venting. I just hate looking any more like a tool in that uniform than I already have to.

They should have had better looking chicks....or at least hired some.

Don't you know the AF has too many people already? They are trying to dissuade people from joining by showcasing the ugly ones.


Nothing about an Aaphid up the arsehole or having their bollocks shot away?

Pretty sure this aired Sunday after supper so morale was high.

  • Upvote 2

Yeah, a lot of wasted potential there. I didn't find any of them particularly funny.

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