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I shouldn't have said anything about who or what was involved at all, it's unnecessary.

I couldn't agree more. But you did.

I wasn't starting a pissing match, I was just making a comment about your comment correcting someone else as if they had no SA and you had global SA. Which you do not in this case.

I know what you were talking about, my statement that SF was not involved.

The more I think about this, the less I'm sure about it in a sense. I just finished "American Sniper" which was an okay book about a phenomenal individual and patriot. Chris Kyle talks briefly about being offered a chance to join the "Best of the Best", which I believe is talking about Tier 1. This would involve Army, AF, Navy, Marines, and possibly other agencies.


If only we could have somehow leaked to Osama's wives that he was looking at porn, maybe they would have handed his lifeless body over to us...

Posted (edited)

::facepalm:: on this entire part of the conversation, I regret and disavow my own involvement and encourage everyone else to STFU.

edit to add: scoobs, you forgot the Spec Ops Fighter Pilots...highly selective, extremely secretive.

Edited by nsplayr

edit to add: scoobs, you forgot the Spec Ops Fighter Pilots...highly selective, extremely secretive.

Those guys are only tier 6.9, so he's not interested.


Friendly forces identification fail. SF not the same as SOF and SF did not play a role in the raid. To be fair the media and civilians make this error all the time (Biden did in his DNC speech) but I'm assuming you're military so don't make the same mistake.

Geography fail.

Yea, I definitely think going on the news as soon as it happened and was confirmed was the right call. Hiding things or manipulating the timing other than to ensure it was a success and the troops were on the deck safely would have smelled funny no matter what the reason. To me, the initial disclosure was as it should be other than messing up some of the details, but further leaks, books, etc. etc. are not needed.

You need to read closer and pay attention to the quotation marks in my post... I was quoting POTUS (who even I think you'll agree is a CIVILIAN) and yes, they do mix up the terminology--just like I addressed.

And my description of op's location is true.

We lost the stay quiet option when we left some rather conspicuous evidence of our trespass behind.

Concur, Rainman.


The last couple pages of this thread look like a youtube comment section. Thanks for the laughs.

On the topic of that 60 minutes interview, I thought the author didn't come across as phony at all. I really believe that he wrote the book to tell the accurate story of one of the most important events in American history. He had a part in the interview where he said he's received nothing but support from bros that he used work with. After reading the book, I'm not surprised by that.


The last couple pages of this thread look like a youtube comment section. Thanks for the laughs.

On the topic of that 60 minutes interview, I thought the author didn't come across as phony at all. I really believe that he wrote the book to tell the accurate story of one of the most important events in American history. He had a part in the interview where he said he's received nothing but support from bros that he used work with. After reading the book, I'm not surprised by that.


Totally un-douchey.


Any online links of the entire 60 Minutes interview? All I could find last evening were the "Overtime" extras that CBS put online, and a repeat of an interview they did with "Demo Dick" back in 1992.

::facepalm:: on this entire part of the conversation, I regret and disavow my own involvement and encourage everyone else to STFU.

Take this as a lesson learned so it doesn't keep happening to you. This is not everyone else's fault, you started it with your need to point out tiny mistakes which always lead to unfortunate public conversations involving words, concepts and speculation. In public.

You are vulnerable to quibbling and exposing more than you intended. Learn to let those things slide.


I'd say the app is worth the $5. Got it a few months ago....downside is I'm pretty sure the content is not available when accessing it from an overseas IP address. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with it.


VPN for ipad = access U.S.-only media sites from overseas


Finished it on the plane ride home this afternoon, the entire book is interesting and a good read. Highly recommended for anyone who hasn't made up their mind about it yet...

Cheers! M2


Is his any different from American Sniper or Lone Survivor? I'm sorry, but I find it hard to jump on the bandwagon of love for these guys. I recognize their bad a$$ery, and am grateful for their service, but they totally came across like glory seeking hounds. How many times in each book did they say things like, "while I'm not the best, I sure crushed everyone in the world that day" or "I wasn't the best fighter in the world, or even good, but I sure could hold my own and even best some of the best..."

Amazing feats, the things they've accomplished, but they are totally different from the picture of the Silent Professionals I've had in the back of my helos. If No Easy Day is different I can stomach it, but these guys are horrible writers, and huge self-promoters. Just my $.02. Flame away for me not jumping on the worship a SEAL who wrote a book bandwagon.


Is his any different from American Sniper or Lone Survivor? I'm sorry, but I find it hard to jump on the bandwagon of love for these guys. I recognize their bad a$$ery, and am grateful for their service, but they totally came across like glory seeking hounds. How many times in each book did they say things like, "while I'm not the best, I sure crushed everyone in the world that day" or "I wasn't the best fighter in the world, or even good, but I sure could hold my own and even best some of the best..."

Amazing feats, the things they've accomplished, but they are totally different from the picture of the Silent Professionals I've had in the back of my helos. If No Easy Day is different I can stomach it, but these guys are horrible writers, and huge self-promoters. Just my $.02. Flame away for me not jumping on the worship a SEAL who wrote a book bandwagon.

Just finished it last night, and yes, it is different than American Sniper (I haven't read Lone Survivor). The author tells the story from his perspective, without all the drama or bravado. Good read overall...


I think that the teams have strayed a bit off the reservation big time in making, "Act of Valor". I admit it was an awesome movie and I enjoyed it, however, I don't think it was the appropriate epitaph for the SEALS that have lost their lives in Afghanistan or Iraq. Part of their very survival relies upon secrecy, unpredictability and surprise. I honor their service and have the highest respect for the job that they do...However, it may have been a little bit too soon after the fact and with operators in the field to publish this book.


Is his any different from American Sniper or Lone Survivor? I'm sorry, but I find it hard to jump on the bandwagon of love for these guys. I recognize their bad a$$ery, and am grateful for their service, but they totally came across like glory seeking hounds. How many times in each book did they say things like, "while I'm not the best, I sure crushed everyone in the world that day" or "I wasn't the best fighter in the world, or even good, but I sure could hold my own and even best some of the best..."

Amazing feats, the things they've accomplished, but they are totally different from the picture of the Silent Professionals I've had in the back of my helos. If No Easy Day is different I can stomach it, but these guys are horrible writers, and huge self-promoters. Just my $.02. Flame away for me not jumping on the worship a SEAL who wrote a book bandwagon.

It was definitely different than "Lone Survivor". At times, Luttrell came across as an arrogant prick in that book. Amazing story, but definitely some eye rolling moments. This book had none of that and the author was definitely humble in his approach.


here's the text:

On 04 September 2012 the Assistant Secretary Defense for Public Affairs

noted that the Department believes the recently published book "No Easy Day"

contains classified and sensitive unclassified information. As has been

reported in the press, the author did not submit this book for

pre-publication review that is required by non-disclosure agreements he


In response to requests for guidance and to reinforce individual obligations

to protect classified national security information and sensitive

unclassified information, the following guidance concerning the book "No

Easy Day" (NED) is provided:

DoD personnel:

-- are free to purchase NED;

-- are not required to store NED, unless classified statements in the book

have been annotated;

-- shall not discuss potentially classified and sensitive unclassified

information with persons that do not have an official need to know and an

appropriate security clearance;

-- who possess either firsthand knowledge of, or suspect information within

NED to be classified or sensitive, shall not publically speculate or discuss

potentially classified or sensitive unclassified information outside

official U.S. Government channels (e.g. Chain-of-Command, Public Affairs,

Security, etc.);

-- are prohibited from using unclassified government computer systems to

discuss potentially classified or sensitive contents of the book, and must

not engage in online discussions via social networking or media sites

regarding potentially classified or sensitive unclassified information that

may be contained in NED.

-- DoD personnel should refer any media inquiries to their local Public

Affairs Office.

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