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I just got done reading through the Complaint and the HuffingPost comments. Haters gonna hate. Things are gonna change. It's gonna suck.

There's one lady on there who claims to be an assistant professor of Psychology. Question to people like her - when will psychologist/society realize that an off-color demeanor exist in all of us, and that gallows humor has a purpose, especially in a high-stress situation.

There's a reason why Tosh.0 is the # 1 show on Comedy Central.

Let's stop hiding from who we are. The reason I'm drinking in the bar at 1300 is because I showed up at 0200 and flew a simulated combat mission that I kill removed from, twice. I'm thinking about that, and how it would effect my daughter. The reason I sing that song is the same reason every warrior culture had drinking songs - because our lives can be very intense, and wearing blues and curtseying military women for their "bravery" doesn't take a chip out of that.

That being said - I'm not going to tolerate any level of sexual assault or direct sexual harassment. You tell an Airman she has a nice ass - answer to me. You touch her, answer to Security Forces.

You want to sing a song, go to a bar to meet women, I'll join in and be your wingman anytime.

Fucking THIS, but unfortunately in today's black and white AF, there is no such thing as a "time and place" for something. If there is EVER a time and place something is inappropriate, it seems to be inappropriate ALL THE TIME. I'm surprised they haven't started downloading CVR tapes from every sortie to see if I said any naughty words during the flight.

This is the same kind of mentality as the jackass idiot who builds a house next to an airport or racetrack and then bitches about the noise. You can't pretend for a second you didn't expect what you got, at least not to some degree. What happened to being expected to conform to the society that YOU VOLUNTARILY CHOSE TO JOIN, instead of that society being expected to adapt to the lowest common denominator.

I'm 100% with you that crimes are crimes and will not be tolerated, but shenanigans are a completely different thing, and serve a very important purpose for morale and tradition.


######ing THIS, but unfortunately in today's black and white AF, there is no such thing as a "time and place" for something. If there is EVER a time and place something is inappropriate, it seems to be inappropriate ALL THE TIME. I'm surprised they haven't started downloading CVR tapes from every sortie to see if I said any naughty words during the flight.

This is the same kind of mentality as the jackass idiot who builds a house next to an airport or racetrack and then bitches about the noise. You can't pretend for a second you didn't expect what you got, at least not to some degree. What happened to being expected to conform to the society that YOU VOLUNTARILY CHOSE TO JOIN, instead of that society being expected to adapt to the lowest common denominator.

I'm 100% with you that crimes are crimes and will not be tolerated, but shenanigans are a completely different thing, and serve a very important purpose for morale and tradition.

You notice that she still hasn't brought legal action against the people who assaulted her. Instead she's bringing down everyone and people who were never involved in her situation. Why not go after the offenders themselves? They're the idiots who deserve punishment.


It's not about the alleged assaults. It is about fighter pilots. Probably a couple in particular.

What may have started as what she thought would be a good way to get back at someone has certainly spun completely out of her control.


It's not about the alleged assaults. It is about fighter pilots. Probably a couple in particular.

What may have started as what she thought would be a good way to get back at someone has certainly spun completely out of her control.

Spot on, this is a vendetta. She isn't trying to track down the army guy who almost assaulted her at JBB, she has a grudge and it is directed squarly at fighter pilots.


It's the logical conclusion of a long-running line of decisions, like removing the nose art from aircraft.

Pretty soon, joining the military will start mandatory castrations at MEPS to ensure no one is ever sexually harassed.

We've come a long way from Sherman's time: "If they won't fuck, they won't fight".

  • Upvote 1

It's not about the alleged assaults. It is about fighter pilots. Probably a couple in particular.

What may have started as what she thought would be a good way to get back at someone has certainly spun completely out of her control.

Spot on, this is a vendetta. She isn't trying to track down the army guy who almost assaulted her at JBB, she has a grudge and it is directed squarly at fighter pilots.

Wait... let me get this straight.

Do you guys honestly think this whole thing is being driven by one complaint that spun out of control? If so, you should be concerned about popping for a urinalysis tomorrow because you're f***ing high. (Except Rainman. I dunno. Maybe you moved to Washington.) The Air Force is on track for 700 *reported* cases of sexual assault and you guys are trying to pass it off as being one woman who couldn't fit in and has a problem with fighter pilots? That's pretty dense.

  • Upvote 1

Wait... let me get this straight.

Do you guys honestly think this whole thing is being driven by one complaint that spun out of control? If so, you should be concerned about popping for a urinalysis tomorrow because you're f***ing high. (Except Rainman. I dunno. Maybe you moved to Washington.) The Air Force is on track for 700 *reported* cases of sexual assault and you guys are trying to pass it off as being one woman who couldn't fit in and has a problem with fighter pilots? That's pretty dense.

Clearly the Air Force hasn't done a lot of research on the link between porn and sexual assault (I'll give you a hint...if you allow people to access porn, they're less likely to get their jollies somewhere else)



I'm glad I'm getting the fuck out. Maybe 1COs can win next war for us.

  • Upvote 4

Do you guys honestly think this whole thing is being driven by one complaint that spun out of control?

Not sure why you mean by "this whole thing" but if you mean cleansing the squadrons of songbooks, Dos Gringos and doofer books, then yes.

The Air Force is on track for 700 *reported* cases of sexual assault and you guys are trying to pass it off as being one woman who couldn't fit in and has a problem with fighter pilots? That's pretty dense.

What is pretty dense is to somehow equate songbooks, Dos Gringos and doofer books with 700 sexual assaults.

If I witness someone singing a song in a squadron bar I join in.

If I witness someone writing in the doofer book I read it, and hopefully LMFAO.

If I witness the same person committing a sexual assault on one of the 1COs I put him in the hospital.

Now, I don't think that asshole was driven to rape the 1CO because of something they read or wrote in the book or because they sang a song professing their love for their wife or because they listened to Dos Gringos while they were studying in the vault.

Do you?

I'm glad I'm getting the fuck out. Maybe 1COs can win next war for us.

While funny, not all the 1COs are behaving like this.


Not sure why you mean by "this whole thing" but if you mean cleansing the squadrons of songbooks, Dos Gringos and doofer books, then yes.

What is pretty dense is to somehow equate songbooks, Dos Gringos and doofer books with 700 sexual assaults.

If I witness someone singing a song in a squadron bar I join in.

If I witness someone writing in the doofer book I read it, and hopefully LMFAO.

If I witness the same person committing a sexual assault on one of the 1COs I put him in the hospital.

Now, I don't think that asshole was driven to rape the 1CO because of something they read or wrote in the book or because they sang a song professing their love for their wife or because they listened to Dos Gringos while they were studying in the vault.

Do you?

While funny, not all the 1COs are behaving like this.

If only the USAF realized this.

I'm also skeptical that more briefings will solve the problems. I don't think we've had 700 sexual assaults because the perpetrators just hadn't been told it was wrong. How long have we been doing briefings about drunk driving and suicide? How are those rates coming along? I don't think we've seen a massive drop in either statistic despite the exponential increase in commanders at all levels gathering up the troops at 1700 on Friday and flipping through some Powerpoint slides, followed by some CBTs.

This is what passes for leadership now...punishing everyone for the actions of a few. It didn't work when we were kids, why does the Air Force think it will work now?


While funny, not all the 1COs are behaving like this.

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

While funny, not all the 1COs are behaving like this.

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

While funny, not all the 1COs are behaving like this.

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

While funny, not all the 1COs are behaving like this.

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

While funny, not all the 1COs are behaving like this.

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!


She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

She's an anomaly for sure. My girlfriend says every single one of her coworkers loves working behind the desk in our Squadron!

So she's an anomaly for sure?

  • Upvote 1

It depends. Are they being a bitch?

I wanted to ask this question SOOO bad in my SARC brief. While sexual assault is nothing to be taken lightly, I think Big Blue has taken a completely ass backwards approach to the issue by insisting we all attend some worthless man-hating class. I feel for the fighter guys right now. We'll see if this shit eventually rolls down to the MAF. The only thing I an say is look at the current CSAF, and look at the last one. As bad as things turn out, it probably would've been worse a year ago.


A spouse was upset over a squadron member's callsign...

Oh shit.


Plenty more where that came from...including a couple dudes getting housed by other dudes.

I did not know Dos Gringos could cause THAT kind of behavior. Use caution.


Plenty more where that came from...including a couple dudes getting housed by other dudes.

I did not know Dos Gringos could cause THAT kind of behavior. Use caution.

Some of these are so fucked up I can hardly believe them! Do people just not know how to behave?

Also, I find it extremely bizarre that two dudes with the last name 'Welsh' were both assaulted by males during visits to their homes, after being given alcohol, and both got HIV as a result (see paragraphs 28 and 163).

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