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FY 14 Force Management Program (RIF, VSP, TERA)


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Does anyone know if UPT studs, and in particular late-rate studs are vulnerable for all of this booshit too?

I think I read in the recent PSDM that if you were commissioned after Jul 2012 (?) then you are not eligible, which would affect most UPT studs I would imagine? Good question on the late rated part...my guess is that unless you have something in your record (UIF, etc) that you'll be fine.

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The matrix that is up is for voluntary programs. FSB is not voluntary. So the same matrix still applies....If you're an 09-10-11 guy trying to figure out if you're meeting the board based on AFSC, as far as I can tell we're going to be writing a lot of RRFs because that's for all AFSCs. Edit for double triple post

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The matrix that is up is for voluntary programs. FSB is not voluntary. So the same matrix still applies....If you're an 09-10-11 guy trying to figure out if you're meeting the board based on AFSC, as far as I can tell we're going to be writing a lot of RRFs because that's for all AFSCs. Edit for double triple post

Well then all the rated guys in those year groups are safe if you use the Voluntary Matrix.

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Can someone help clear this up for me. I was told by my squadron that I was ineligible for the FSB but 13-131 seems to say different.

My TAFMSD is 13NOV06

My Commission date is 24MAY12

My EAD is 24MAY12

Will I meet the FSB or am I misunderstanding 13-131? I was told that since I will not have 3 commissioned years by 31DEC14 I am safe until FY15.

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From PSDM 13-131: "The FY14 FSB will consider officers in the grade of Captain and First Lieutenant in the 2009, 2010, and 2011 accession year groups (as computed by Total Active Federal Commissioned Service Date (TAFCSD)."

So it looks like you are safe, for now.

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Thanks. I was confused by... "Officers are ineligible if they have an Entered Active Duty (EAD) after 15 Jul 12."

I thought that meant if your EAD was before 15JUL12, then you are eligible for the FSB. I am an OTS graduate and we all have an EAD that is the same as our commission date. I didn't consider the fact that this isn't true for ROTC and USAFA graduates.

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Thanks. I was confused by... "Officers are ineligible if they have an Entered Active Duty (EAD) after 15 Jul 12."

I thought that meant if your EAD was before 15JUL12, then you are eligible for the FSB. I am an OTS graduate and we all have an EAD that is the same as our commission date. I didn't consider the fact that this isn't true for ROTC and USAFA graduates.

Yeah I saw that too, and it didn't make sense to me either, but then again there's not much about this whole process that makes sense.

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<br />Well then all the rated guys in those year groups are safe if you use the Voluntary Matrix.

<br /><br />I'm no A1 type. I'm a knuckle dragging herk driver, but I think you've gotten bad advice. <br /><br />The matrix doesn't have squat to do the involuntary program (FSB) that your year group is eligible for. (But that's just my interpretation)
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<br /><br />I'm no A1 type. I'm a knuckle dragging herk driver, but I think you've gotten bad advice. <br /><br />The matrix doesn't have squat to do the involuntary program (FSB) that your year group is eligible for. (But that's just my interpretation)

I was thinking on the same lines as you; however, you confused me when you said "the same matrix applies".

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This may have been covered already but when I read the officer matrix, it says that just because a box is in blue ("estimated overage"), doesn't necessarily mean you are eligible for a voluntary program. That is a complete difference from the enlisted matrix where if a box is blue, it says you are eligible for voluntary programs. PSDM 13-130 is of no help (unless there is a newer version than the one I have--24 Dec) so does anyone know when they will be releasing details of how many people they are targeting within year groups and AFSCs for the officer voluntary programs?

It just seems silly to ask folks to make a career decision (assuming you're eligible) with little info (i.e., no year group and/or AFSC vulnerability info). I remember when I went through a FSB, the AF came out with a matrix showing that they needed to trim eligibles down for my specific "year group" and AFSC by xx% but I haven't seen anything like that so far for any of the officer voluntary programs.

On a side note, I thought it was odd that the PSDM version I have was not marked FOUO. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised given the quality of information that has been coming out over the past several weeks.

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I'm a 2004 guy, on the promotion list and trying to figure out if we are eligible for VSP. Looking at PSDM 13-130, it looks like only people that are meeting the RIF board are eligible for the VSP but when you look at the matrix it shows that my year group and AFSC are blue and eligible for vountary programs.

What do you guys think?

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I'm a 2004 guy, on the promotion list and trying to figure out if we are eligible for VSP. Looking at PSDM 13-130, it looks like only people that are meeting the RIF board are eligible for the VSP but when you look at the matrix it shows that my year group and AFSC are blue and eligible for vountary programs.

What do you guys think?

I think no one ing knows the answer. Either here or there at afpc. My bet is on people getting hosed at the last second when they 'suddenly' become eligible for VSP/RIF when it's too late to apply for 1.25...

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Jesus Christ on a Crutch! They made him a wing commander?? this is one of the "leaders" I have referenced previously...terrible at the squadron and group levels...so move him up so he can shit on more people.

Rule #3: There is no justice.

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I'm a 2004 guy, on the promotion list and trying to figure out if we are eligible for VSP. Looking at PSDM 13-130, it looks like only people that are meeting the RIF board are eligible for the VSP but when you look at the matrix it shows that my year group and AFSC are blue and eligible for vountary programs.

What do you guys think?

I'm an '04 as well. That's the million dollar question that neither iteration of 13-130 has clarified. I'd like to believe the CSAF and Lt Gen Cox when they say they want to get us timely and accurate information so we can make informed decisions but, this is shaping up to be a debacle. You'd think AFPC has never run a clean VSP/RIF...

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You're right the current people never have, it'd been what 5 years since the last one? They've all PCS'd or retired by now, reinventing the wheel, one of our (the AF's) best talents.

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I'd like to believe the CSAF and Lt Gen Cox when they say they want to get us timely and accurate information so we can make informed decisions but, this is shaping up to be a debacle.

Given that the CSAF "promised" us a "vector" in the "soon" timeframe as of late January 2013, and to this date has never released said promised vector, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

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I'm an '04 as well. That's the million dollar question that neither iteration of 13-130 has clarified. I'd like to believe the CSAF and Lt Gen Cox when they say they want to get us timely and accurate information so we can make informed decisions but, this is shaping up to be a debacle. You'd think AFPC has never run a clean VSP/RIF...

Well, we are at least assured that the last guys who ran the RIF were not subjected to their own medicine. Good news for us


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Jesus Christ on a Crutch! They made him a wing commander?? this is one of the "leaders" I have referenced previously...terrible at the squadron and group levels...so move him up so he can shit on more people.

Rule #3: There is no justice.

Dudes, you just have to do the math backwards. This guy was Gen. Selva's exec at McChord when Selva was the wing king. He's one of Selva's boys. Just like the current CHS wing king is as well.

It ain't rocket surgery...


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Dudes, you just have to do the math backwards. This guy was Gen. Selva's exec at McChord when Selva was the wing king. He's one of Selva's boys. Just like the current CHS wing king is as well.

It ain't rocket surgery...


Being a speech writer for the SECAF helped too.

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