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FY 14 Force Management Program (RIF, VSP, TERA)


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Then pick a careerfield that isn't able to be contracted out (i.e. Services, Comm, etc). Sorry Services SNCO we're forcing to retire, we need to keep the Boom or Loadmaster SNCO since, on paper, they're more valuable to the USAF.

Doesn't compute. Services SNCO would have inevitably been the Wing Holiday Party POC or Multicultural Committee Chairperson, therefore on paper they are more valuable.

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You may not be required for VSP selection and (consequently) have the opportunity to continue serving your country!

Come on guys, I think it's cute. This guy makes it sound like people are applying for the VSP to do their "final duty", help alleviate the Air Force's manning problem. I don't think there are very many individuals with that particular altruistic motivation. Although, removing someone's family from affiliation from the U.S. military is arguably an altruistic move, it is most certainly not centered on "what's best for the Air Force". We'll leave that sort of non-sense for Brig Gen Grosso...whom I seriously doubt is nearly as involved in this "process" as she should be.

What about core value #3?

This core value has an asterisk next to it (it's small so you may have missed it). This one is only required through selection for your staff tour. Once you have orders in hand, it's really your call how much excellence you want to put in. You will need to refocus on core value #1 (which you have already completed by submitting your head-fake VSP application), and core value #2 (which you are familiar with already) as you take your free trip back to Shit-tan-istan. That's asterisk was important, you really shouldn't have missed that one; better luck next career.


Edited by Bender
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… lots of people are planning on taking the AF up on their TERA offer and already had to show their cards to their bosses. Nobody has confidence in A1 or anyone running this… nobody knows who Gen Grosso is and fewer care.


Chang-alang-a-ding-dong is a steno pad troll...hahaha!

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Who knows. I did, as a matter of fact hear a 3-star use the same words regarding force shaping in a base-wide brief ("breathe, relax, this won't hurt a bit") so it sounds like standard talking points from the top.

I hear that is what the flight doc says to you during your separation physical. Just thought those of you considering separation should know....

You'll get it if you stay, but you'll get it if you go too....

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Speaking of getting it one last time..

Assuming VSP is still available, when do you have to decide to take the money? I know they claim the money is to "buy you out" of your retirement, but most would have to sign the 3-yr IRR commitment. Does anyone have any data points about involuntary recalls or would the AF abuse the Guard/Reserves first? Sounds like a long shot, but increased probability in our present climate.

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At a minimum you should attach the ready reserve agreement with signature.

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It's attachment 2 (pg13) in PSDM 13-130. It's also buried in another PSDM referenced in the normal early separation process on the mypers website if you care to dig for it.

Edited by BamaC-21
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Doesn't compute. Services SNCO would have inevitably been the Wing Holiday Party POC or Multicultural Committee Chairperson, therefore on paper they are more valuable.

No, the patch wearer would have had those jobs...

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We have a LtCol who applied for and was approved for TERA (I believe), he's been getting calls all day from other O-5s all over the base about how he was able too. The amount of ATP and Airline talk going on at the squadron at ALL levels, copilots to evaluators, has been impressive the last few days. Had an EP joke today about how the next GK session will be about the best way to get your ATP and invite Airline recruiters to the squadron for interviews. This whole thing is a shit-show of immense scale! Any word on official release of 131? I'm curious if my '10 year group in 11Ms will be FSB eligible or not.

From the talk around the squadron it sound like 6 - 9 IP/EPs are going to make a run for VSP/Palace Chase/Get the hell out. Also overheard (from a virtual GRACC) the 18AF/CC saying his biggest concern was 11Ms running to the airlines, I wonder how long that took to reach his level?

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We have a LtCol who applied for and was approved for TERA (I believe), he's been getting calls all day from other O-5s all over the base about how he was able too.

Doubt it was TERA… but it would be great news for others if it was!

Edited by Rusty Pipes
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Also overheard (from a virtual GRACC) the 18AF/CC saying his biggest concern was 11Ms running to the airlines, I wonder how long that took to reach his level?

Unless 18 AF had a change of command that didn't get publicized, I highly doubt he said anything like that... not really his M.O.

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Doubt it was TERA… but it would be great news for others if it was!

Yeah I've been following my incident number obsessively and so far there's no action on it whatsoever.

I am knocking on wood and praying to any evil god that will listen that there wasn't a collective "oh shit, we gotta turn this off" yesterday morning at AFPC because every single rated person who is eligible clicked the TERA button.

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I'll ask him what he was approved for, he was really surprised he got it so fast, less than 24hr turnaround apparently. '

And I'm not sure exactly what 18thAF/CC said, but he was talking to a bunch of Capt's in that new virtual GRACC tour they do in lieu of a TDY, our guy came out of the session (all online) and was talking about how that was 18AF/CC's biggest personnel concern.

Its all RUMINT as far as i'm concerned, but I thought they warrant passing out to BODN. How are the rest of the squadrons looking at this? Any ATP/Airline talks? Ops normal? Just wondering

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