Bender Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 (edited) Fast forward a few years and I am reeling with the debilitating pain of a giant blue cock in my ass fukking away my dreams. Sir, you are a poet. A poet indeed... I still do the best job I can, but at the first opportunity (and I've already tried: ref last VSP debacle), I will be leaving this one-sided relationship and take on the challenges of doing something else with my life. It takes great courage to break up with your fat see the hotties out there everyday, but it's a scary, scary leap of faith! God'll find her! Grenade!!!!! Selected for reassignment as Director, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. Take cover boys, Bendy Edited January 16, 2014 by Bender 1
BamaC-21 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 You know that's a joke, right?
Butters Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Thank you Captain! Soldier Who Said He’d Fight War So ‘Son Wouldn’t Have To’ Feels Like An Asshole Right Now
herkbum Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I'll bite, although I feel as though my response would fall on deaf ears. I have thought about this question for many years (I'm not just about to pin on Capt) and have come to quite a few answers to that questions. My answers are three fold, with a summary at the end. The short of it, we just aren't even. 1. Integrity First- This catch phrase is used to encompass the expectations of subordinates, but not accountable to self or superior. I have seen blatant betrayals from senior leaders when the "deal changes", during any feedback session, or through the horrible personnel management. 2. Service Before Self- The comment in itself reeks of cold war propaganda. Many people subscribe to the God, Family, Country mentality but the Air Force would have you believe that you would put all personal desires second to the Air Force needs. The "needs of the Air Force" have been met personally by my by missing the majority of my own birthdays, christmas and 4th of July celebrations. I have also put the service first by moving to undesirable locations on a timeline chosen for me by the Air Force. In return I am rewarded by the likes of TAMI 21 and multiple RIFs. It is of absolutely no surprise to me that this concept of a one way street with no expectation of the service to show gratitude for my dedication to it's cause. 3. Excellence in All We Do- I can't believe that this even exists as a core value any more. We have punted the majority of the leadership challenges that have come our way in recent years. The least of which is not defined by the current state of large scale acquisition programs. The fraud, waste and abuse run rampant among spineless senior leaders more focused on the nest promotion than holding peers and superiors accountable for their actions. I believe excellence exists in the warriors that I have flown with in combat. I believe whole-heartedly that it exists in most squadrons. I do not believe that it exists above that level. The last, and most important, is the informal "affirmative action" implemented amongst company and field grade officers. The Air Force has gone to great lengths to ensure that we are all wingmen, warriors and leaders. We have reverted to baseline stratifications, masters degrees, PT tests and PME completion as a measure of success instead of number of combat deployments, hours spent in the vault or countless early morning, late nights and endless TDYs. I want to be very clear. We are not equal. A pilot should not be measured against a personnel, maintenance or finance officer. We aren't the same people. We, as aviators, assume an inordinate amount more risk when we execute combat airdrops, prepare for air-air refueling, or execute a combat mission. We aren't even. When reviewing commissioning sources over various years you will find that pilots are required to be the top 50% or better (10% at times) of their peers. Further, at SUPT, T-38 candidates must be in the top 50% of their class. We aren't even, we aren't even close. So, when 10 years into my career a commander stratifies pilots amongst pilots it should be assumed that those numbers are easily the top percentages of the Air Force. Through the personnel management programs we have attempted to even the playing field by placing emphasis on PME and AAD. Yes, I expect that a Personnel 2LT after having completed 4 months of training in his primary AFSC should have the time and energy to commit to those. Conversely, after 12 months of SUPT followed by 6 months of MWS specific training, followed by 6 months of MQT a pilot is given the opportunity to be the WORST pilot in the squadron. From there he is expected to work 12 hour days, spend weekends preparing for upgrades and countless days and weeks on the road. We aren't even. So, you ask why, that's why. We aren't even. We aren't even close. In a completely humble and non assuming context I contend that we just aren't the same people. We are cut from a different cloth and the Air Force has attempted to make us the same guy. So, after 12 years of military service I will cut my losses and take my chances in other ventures. I am willing to wager my military retirement that my statements above are of more substance than mere narcissism. I'm disappointed in the Air Force, in it's leadership and the way in which it downplays it's most valuable resources. We just aren't even. One of the best post ever on BODN!! And it was his 69th post!!
sqwatch Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Fast forward a few years and I am reeling with the debilitating pain of a giant blue cock in my ass fukking away my dreams. That bitch is named TAMI- she works for you. Every TAMI guy I know is flying right now unless they slept with their captors. Sorry to hear you didn't escape. Chang - I enjoy my job. CBTs, shoe clerks and the CGOC piss me off, but I take them in stride because I get to fly a Mach 2 death machine that turns 12000 lbs of dead dinosaurs into greenhouse gasses in .9 hours and hurls exploding metal things at people and stuff that want to kill Americans. If you A1 buttholes will just let me keep doing that then I think we can tolerate each other. 5
Ram Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Chang - I enjoy my job. CBTs, shoe clerks and the CGOC piss me off, but I take them in stride because I get to fly a Mach 2 death machine that turns 12000 lbs of dead dinosaurs into greenhouse gasses in .9 hours and hurls exploding metal things at people and stuff that want to kill Americans. If you A1 buttholes will just let me keep doing that then I think we can tolerate each other. Shack.
drachen Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 (edited) Reasons I want to get out (even though I'm about to pin on Captain): - I can't stand the ever-looming threat of PCS'ing to FOB Cannon/Creech/Whiteman/Grand Forks, regardless of my performance as a pilot. You mean you didn't figure this out before you signed on the dotted line and now you're pissed? Are you ######ing serious? - I knew what I signed up for Your derp derp filled rant indicates otherwise. Anyone care to add anything? Yes. Do someone else a favor and FSB yourself if you feel that you've made such a poor life choice. Edited January 16, 2014 by drachen 1 10
DFRESH Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I'm assuming this has been posted already, but I don't have the time/energy to look: 13-122, FY14 Enlisted Date of Separation (DOS) Rollback Program -, FY14 Enlisted Quality Force Review Board (QFRB) -, CY14 Enhanced Selective Early Retirement Board (ESERB) forLieutenant Colonels and Majors -, FY14 Enlisted Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA) Program -Phase II -, FY14 Officer Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA) Program -Phase II -, FY14 Enlisted Retention Boards for SrA through SMSgts and EnlistedVoluntary Separation Pay Programs -
ziploc158 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 And still no 13-130 or 13-131. Has anyone heard anything about when that is going to get reposted? The story I am hearing by MPF is that the website is "finicky" and sometimes drops things out, but it should be there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Guest Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 – Lt Col and Col PSDM’s just dropped for SERB, E-SERB, and FMP processes.
HoHum Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 (edited) Chang, you asked "Why?": - Big Blue had the great idea to release Force Shaping immediately before Christmas. Can't think of one upside to that. - Big Blue released PDSMs 13-130 and 13-131 to commanders and failed to mention what was official and what wasn't. If you expected them to "close hold", that's a poor leader not taking care of their people . - Local MPFs had no idea -130 and -131 were not official and told people that they were official. - People like me "showed their cards" prior to applying for VSP because they were told that they had to talk to their commanders before applying. - A1 proceeds to fire off an email AFTER HOURS ON THE 10TH delaying the VSP UFN, ensuring that nobody will know about it until it trickles down sometime Monday....y'know, LESS THAN 24 HOURS TO APPLYING. - Most of us don't learn about it from our chain....our chain learns about it from us. A foul in the every manner of military structure. So, here we are in the current situation. We've shown our cards with our commanders and now there's a fair chance I may not even be elegible. Thanks for the career boost due to mismanagement and untold layers of approval. I think this is how the next five years are going to play out, so I don't want to play. Oh, yeah, that highly likely 365 of questionable purpose might be a driver, too. Edited January 16, 2014 by The_Ginger 3
MooseBoost Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 Update: that LtCol in my SQ was approved for TERA..
Cornholio5 Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 - Most of us don't learn about it from our chain....our chain learns about it from us. A foul in the every manner of military structure. ...And we learn about it from BODN. Since this fiasco started, I knew I could trust this site for valuable and accurate information rather than depend on the ones who like to play "I have a secret". I am sick and tired of this constant mindf**k that senior leadership is playing with us on this--you are eligible, you aren't eligible, wait two more weeks, etc, etc, etc. 20 years is not worth the retirement, not one bit. A thread I read on here years ago had an awesome quote on it that sums up leadership well---"The best senior leaders the Air Force could have had are now flying for Delta and United."
raimius Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 Chang, I love my primary duties. Sadly, additional duties and random queep take up more time than my "primary duties." Worse is that my squadron is downright lucky compared to the pain that some are feeling. I love the majority of the people I work with. I like the fact that I get paid really well for the experience level I have. I don't like that people have to constantly argue with "the man" to use tools and capabilities they already have access to. I don't like that my training as a military member has focused more on fire extinguishers and freedom of religion via cheesy CBTs (to put it kindly) than how to use a pistol, rifle, or any other weapon system. I don't like that expertise at my job is equally likely to win accolades and promotion consideration as volunteering at a local library. I don't like that AF leadership thought it was a good idea to tell people "you might get laid off soon" just before Christmas, let that stew over the holidays, then pseudo-release information in barely understandable ways, while breaking their own deadlines. I don't like that I heard someone tell a new co-pilot that they were flying too much! The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing, but I don't think our AF knows how to do that anymore.
Danny Noonin Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 Why the fuck is everyone so interested trying to convince Chang--some low/mid level staff geek--of anything? 3
Guest LumberjackAxe Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 You mean you didn't figure this out before you signed on the dotted line and now you're pissed? Are you ######ing serious? Your derp derp filled rant indicates otherwise. Yes. Do someone else a favor and FSB yourself if you feel that you've made such a poor life choice. I wish I could, but the FSB is involuntary by nature... correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, I hope you find something someday that makes you a happier person.
IntentionallyLeftBlank Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 And still no 13-130 or 13-131. Has anyone heard anything about when that is going to get reposted? The story I am hearing by MPF is that the website is "finicky" and sometimes drops things out, but it should be there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Talked with AFPC and was told 130 and 131 were not to be released and they are being revised. The new timeframe for release is to be in a week with offical application windows for VSP to start shortly there after. AFPC also stated the snowflake on the time chart for VSP was moved from Dec to Jan. I guess they are waiting for a number breakdown per AFSC instead of the blue/red matrix that has been released.
akele Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 Anyone else notice that since this force management debacle started that the promotion thread is no longer active? **shocking**
shweaty Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 (edited) I'm hearing some CC's say in there opinion that no one in the flying world will be released. Maybe a few RIFs. The reason being was the 2006 VSP made a huge cut in manning which they still haven't recovered from. Now they have to directly compete with the airlines for retention and that's a battle they will loose because leadership knows many of us will punch when our commitment is up. That's going to be a manning issue for the AF until at least 2030. Edited January 17, 2014 by C17Jockey
Butters Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 Update: that LtCol in my SQ was approved for TERA.. How many years did he have? Lt Cols that were not twice passed over were not suppose to be eligible. If he is twice passed over then he has more than 20 and TERA is not the right word. SERB is.
Guest nsplayr Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 (edited) And still no 13-130 or 13-131. Has anyone heard anything about when that is going to get reposted? The story I am hearing by MPF is that the website is "finicky" and sometimes drops things out, but it should be there. Talked with AFPC and was told 130 and 131 were not to be released and they are being revised. The new timeframe for release is to be in a week with offical application windows for VSP to start shortly there after. AFPC also stated the snowflake on the time chart for VSP was moved from Dec to Jan. I guess they are waiting for a number breakdown per AFSC instead of the blue/red matrix that has been released. We had 2x "Force Management Townhalls" today at CVS. Didn't go but did email the FSS POC ahead of time to see if it'd even be worth it. The POC was actually a really helpful Captain and I got good info without sitting through an hour of pain in the base theater. She straight sent me the 13-130 as they have it at the FSS and caveated it by saying that the "no-joke eligibility chart" isn't done yet; i.e. the red/blue one we have out now basically is worthless. Air Staff is taking probably IVO 2 more weeks and will release final eligibility information as well as the actual PSDMs in "late Jan or early Feb." I'll throw that in to all the other random RUMINT here on Overall 100% agree this is the best source of info on this whole mess. Edited January 17, 2014 by nsplayr
Techsan Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 I'm hearing some CC's say in there opinion that no one in the flying world will be released. Maybe a few RIFs. The reason being was the 2006 VSP made a huge cut in manning which they still haven't recovered from. Now they have to directly compete with the airlines for retention and that's a battle they will loose because leadership knows many of us will punch when our commitment is up. That's going to be a manning issue for the AF until at least 2030. I agree...I honestly don't think many (if any) pilots will be released.
Rusty Pipes Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 I agree...I honestly don't think many (if any) pilots will be released. They will let some pilots go through TERA and say they Force Shaped some pilots too.
MooseBoost Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 How many years did he have? Lt Cols that were not twice passed over were not suppose to be eligible. If he is twice passed over then he has more than 20 and TERA is not the right word. SERB is. I asked him to clarify if it was TERA or SERB, he said TERA, but he has a little over 19 years in...maybe he was confused? I don't mean to add confusion to this RUMINT mill.
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