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FY 14 Force Management Program (RIF, VSP, TERA)


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I can't completely remember but he said once they released the force management guidance, they ran into road blocks (laws) that they didn't know about, which affected the amount they had initially set.

I like Gen Welsh but I'm having a real hard time buying that explanation. There are always JAGs on the staff to advice the commander, and at the HAF level, it should be your most experienced (assumption on my part) JAGs advising the stars, especially on a major force management program such as this debacle. Manpower is not exactly breaking new legal grounds so for him to say "laws they didn't know about" it doesn't make sense (to put nicely).

Maybe we need Chang to explain this if he's still around.

Edited by PanchBarnes
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There are always JAGs on the staff to advice the commander, and at the HAF level, it should be your most experienced (assumption on my part) JAGs advising the stars, especially on a major force management program such as this debacle. Manpower is not exactly breaking new legal grounds so for him to say "laws they didn't know about" it doesn't make sense (to put nicely).

Bad assumption on your part, unfortunately. Some of the HAF JA types are not exactly the finest legal minds in the nation.

And the laws that got in the way were not likely major, long-standing laws, but rather one-line snippets hidden deep within the 14 NDAA somewhere.

But I fully agree--no excuse for A1 to have not understood the authorization and restrictions in advance. Total shit show.

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I fully expected that A1 would not understand authorization and restrictions or this drawdown....really, this is not a surprise to me. Again, when your people are focused on the wrong shit 96% of the time, when you need them to focus on what is really important (ie, their primary jobs), they have to play catch up. Like I've always said before, we can still get the job done, it just won't be timely or pretty. I expect this trend to continue for at least another generation of "leadership."

The CSAF and A1 didn't know about VSP delays/shenanigans? Really!?!? Who the fuck was making the decisions on that if not the top two dudes in the reporting chain who are supposed to be directing this thing? Is Chang up there making decisions without talking to the boss?!?

Great staff work! I've seen people fired for much MUCH less. How can you not brief THE boss on progress to cut 25,000 airmen?

Good luck A1...we're all counting on you!

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I can't completely remember but he said once they released the force management guidance, they ran into road blocks (laws) that they didn't know about, which affected the amount they had initially set.

Good thing A1 got rid of that after action report/continuity book from the last two rounds of this circus. They were taking space were the BBQ contest award can go!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I would be interested in any insights or comments from folks with direct experience working at or with AFPC regarding Tony's article. I suspect there is much more plain old incompetence at work than evil Orwellian conspiracies.

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I fully expected that A1 would not understand authorization and restrictions or this drawdown....really, this is not a surprise to me. Again, when your people are focused on the wrong shit 96% of the time, when you need them to focus on what is really important (ie, their primary jobs), they have to play catch up. Like I've always said before, we can still get the job done, it just won't be timely or pretty. I expect this trend to continue for at least another generation of "leadership."

The CSAF and A1 didn't know about VSP delays/shenanigans? Really!?!? Who the fuck was making the decisions on that if not the top two dudes in the reporting chain who are supposed to be directing this thing? Is Chang up there making decisions without talking to the boss?!?

Great staff work! I've seen people fired for much MUCH less. How can you not brief THE boss on progress to cut 25,000 airmen?

Good luck A1...we're all counting on you!

The same way the nuclear enterprise hid their dismal morale programs from higher headquarters for so long. "No sir, no problems here, everything's going great, we got a ton of VSP applications, we shouldn't have any problem meeting your goals".

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With the brief pause for Air Staff to digest the amount of VSP applicants, do you think the numbers will increase or decrease in the 11M category, or maybe they've decided to not release any pilots at all? With the 16,400 FY15 proposed active duty cut maybe they'll increase the numbers. Or is the Proposed FY15 cut part of the original plan that was unveiled my CSAF in December? However a majority of that will come from the enlisted force.

"or maybe they've decided to not release any pilots at all?"

DING DING DING. thats my guess. All of a sudden each and every one of us is needed.

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I would be interested in any insights or comments from folks with direct experience working at or with AFPC regarding Tony's article. I suspect there is much more plain old incompetence at work than evil Orwellian conspiracies.

Conspiracies imply that there is a higher order intelligence at play. Will any of us that have ever dealt with AFPC be willing or able to commit to the idea that there is an overarching higher order intelligence in A1?

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Conspiracies imply that there is a higher order intelligence at play. Will any of us that have ever dealt with AFPC be willing or able to commit to the idea that there is an overarching higher order intelligence in A1?

So very true. AFPC has a very "we answer to nobody" attitude when it comes to doing most things, and the attitude is throughout the organization.

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memo from CSAF is dropping tues.

At least we know the AFPC folks are prepping for their future careers down the road at the VA. Seems the three tactics they have in common is delay, deny and shred.


so true

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"first batch" was processed 2+ weeks ago when the first round of mass UPT ADSC denials went out...

I don't think a first batch was processed. Those apps with ADSC's were denied during the initial screening. We have three people at my base that have had their app in since day one and have not been rejected yet. They too have an ADSC for UPt.

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If you have a UPT ADSC it's time to give up the ghost....the rejection notes from all those denied say its specifically for UPT ADSC and therefore ineligible...if they then process other apps with UPT ADSC and approve them, the people that got denied have a whole hell of a lot of ammo..

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If you have a UPT ADSC it's time to give up the ghost....the rejection notes from all those denied say its specifically for UPT ADSC and therefore ineligible...if they then process other apps with UPT ADSC and approve them, the people that got denied have a whole hell of a lot of ammo..

tunes, don't let your readiness to file an IG complaint prevent someone else from applying because you think it's pointless. You don't have all the information. I have a UPT ADSC and I haven't been denied yet. I'm betting my ADSC expires before yours does.

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Getting frustrated as F with this process. Mine has said CC COORD COMPLETE since 30 Jan but no status change since then. I see other put in some batch processing hold and shit and now they ate being validated while mine seems to still be collecting dust. Send an email no reply. Call TFSC and they can't actually do anything and no responding r&s. I know they are slammed but I feel like I'm getting the fn Heisman here. Another guy in my unit is in the exact same boat. This is a huge cluster.

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