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  On 3/15/2014 at 5:56 PM, ram02 said:

And they were kind enough not extend the TERA or VSP window because, after all, it wasn't their fault everything was put on hold to actually figure out who was eligible and who wasn't.

Is anyone able to check MyPers and see if any of the charts, PSDMs, etc have been updated?


If you believe the fine print in that article about 2014 eligibles not being hit again in 2015 it looks like 2015 will take a look at the 04 YG (exempt this time as they're pinning on major), the 2012 YG that isn't old enough to get looked at this year, etc. ESERBs can legally meet every year as well.

Posted (edited)

what does "We expect to receive final approval authorities early next week for a select few categories, like rated and health professions, at which point we will be actively processing all voluntary applications" mean. He goes out of his way to say process instead of approve.

Edited by chim richalds
  On 3/15/2014 at 6:38 PM, MSCguy said:

If you believe the fine print in that article about 2014 eligibles not being hit again in 2015 it looks like 2015 will take a look at the 04 YG (exempt this time as they're pinning on major), the 2012 YG that isn't old enough to get looked at this year, etc. ESERBs can legally meet every year as well.

Weren't officers with less than one year TIG ineligible?
  On 3/15/2014 at 6:52 PM, Champ Kind said:

Weren't officers with less than one year TIG ineligible?

Maybe in selective cases (I don't know one way or the other) but definitely not true across the board.

  • Downvote 1
  On 3/15/2014 at 6:45 PM, chim richalds said:

what does "We expect to receive final approval authorities early next week for a select few categories, like rated and health professions, at which point we will be actively processing all voluntary applications" mean. He goes out of his way to say process instead of approve.

I would guess it means approve or disapprove. Could there be a third option? Involuntary extension, I guess. Sts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)

This ought to be interesting...


The eligible populations for those boards will remain the same with the exception of a small group of about 500 Airmen who will no longer be eligible for the current voluntary or involuntary programs. Those individuals will be personally notified of their eligibility status by the Air Force Personnel Center.

My money is on the 11X

Edited to add that it is jacked up to put these 500 airmen thru this emotional roller coaster and most likely have them go thru the process again next year. The exact situation Gen Welsh said he wanted to avoid

Edited by PanchBarnes
  On 3/15/2014 at 6:45 PM, chim richalds said:

what does "We expect to receive final approval authorities early next week for a select few categories, like rated and health professions, at which point we will be actively processing all voluntary applications" mean. He goes out of his way to say process instead of approve.

Possibly expanded waiver authority such as the rated bonus.

  On 3/15/2014 at 6:14 PM, FBomb said:

And they were kind enough not extend the TERA or VSP window because, after all, it wasn't their fault everything was put on hold to actually figure out who was eligible and who wasn't.

Is anyone able to check MyPers and see if any of the charts, PSDMs, etc have been updated?

I just logged into MyPers from home and there are no changes or additional PSDM's.


Cox also confirmed previously-announced force management boards would proceed as currently scheduled. The eligible populations for those boards will remain the same with the exception of a small group of about 500 Airmen who will no longer be eligible for the current voluntary or involuntary programs. Those individuals will be personally notified of their eligibility status by the Air Force Personnel Center.

There were significantly more than 500 11Xs listed on the RIF matrix. 2005-2008 had 2,558 eligible alone and these would all have some UPT ADSC remaining. Maybe they decided to add another pilot population to the invulnerable pile - 11S? Or maybe AFPC figured out how shitty they are at their job and decided to keep all 38Ps this go round so they don't have a repeat in 2015.


So I've heard rumors already of people applying for VSP and getting 365s.

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  • Downvote 3

Correlation does not equal causation. I wouldn't put it past afpc to do something like that, but they've repeatedly shown they aren't competent enough to figure it out.

Keep in mind, 365s do not get handed down by the CC. They come from AFPC based on number of short tours, short tour return date and a probably a couple other factors I can't remember right now.

But I'm skeptical that vsp application has anything to do with a 365 other than the dudes applying we're likely motivated knowing they were short on the list to get tagged.

  • Upvote 2

Spot on, Warrior. Didn't want to mention anything in the hopes that the rumors would dissuade a few applicants...


I think every enlisted TERA applicant in my MDG did so to duck scheduled deployments-or else it was just a bunch of coincidences.

  On 3/15/2014 at 11:59 PM, Skitzo said:

So I've heard rumors already of people applying for VSP and getting 365s.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time I hear things like some command or center is being conniving or doing something with an ulterior motive, I remember that if they can't get the simple stuff right, then there is no way they could coordinate something that clever. Now, if lower levels of leadership, such as one's chain of command, did something like this, then I would be suspicious.

  • Upvote 1

That group of 500 airmen is probably enlisted that are about to put on E8. Delaying that board release was part of the strategic pause. I wouldn't doubt that some of these promotions effect the force structure-especially in the small afscs.


How would one go about getting General Cox's e-mail address? I am at my wits end with AFPC. I have still yet to hear any sort of answer from them concerning why some people with the exact same AFSC and remaining ADSC remaining have been denied for VSP and some are still at the BPO? I have called the TFSC numerous times and opened tickets with no answer.

If they are supposed to start processing these applications this week and people still have theirs in the system, but guys like me have been denied what happens if they start approving them and we miss out?

  • Upvote 1

The Air Force doesn't pay that well. The best officers I know are all leaving the Air Force. Who do our senior leaders imagine will be the senior leaders of the future? Perhaps those left behind will rise to the challenge, but more likely they'll continue their mediocrity with greater consequences. Who will they be able to recruit? When a kid comes to you wanting to be a pilot, does anyone recommend joining the Air Force? When I was thinking about it, I asked retired guys from the '70s and '80s and they said it was the best time of their lives. I've had some good experiences to go with the bad, but I sure as hell wouldn't recommend it. There's little chance I'll be alerted at my deployed location to go fly, so I'll be checking for PSDMs to support resubmitting my application because the Air Force doesn't pay that well.

  On 3/16/2014 at 2:38 PM, FLY6584 said:

How would one go about getting General Cox's e-mail address?

the same as you get anyone else's email addy: the GAL.

  On 3/16/2014 at 2:38 PM, FLY6584 said:

How would one go about getting General Cox's e-mail address? I am at my wits end with AFPC. I have still yet to hear any sort of answer from them concerning why some people with the exact same AFSC and remaining ADSC remaining have been denied for VSP and some are still at the BPO? I have called the TFSC numerous times and opened tickets with no answer.

If they are supposed to start processing these applications this week and people still have theirs in the system, but guys like me have been denied what happens if they start approving them and we miss out?

Your Congressman can probably get it.

And a Congressional inquiry would probably have more impact than an email from you.

  On 3/16/2014 at 3:46 PM, albertschu said:

Your Congressman can probably get it.

And a Congressional inquiry would probably have more impact than an email from you.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately it's just not true. I just finished a round of Congressional inquiry (8 Congressional offices, to be exact) for a different issue, and I can tell you that unless the Congressman/woman takes personal interest in your case it'll just be a bureaucratic exercise that wastes your time. You'll deal with a VERY low-tier person in the Congressional office who has no power or motivation. That person has to deal with an entire AF office dedicated to answering Congressional inquiries, and believe me when I tell you they work very hard to avoid real answers. It's like working a claim with an insurance company that doesn't want to pay out, only more shady. It doesn't matter if you're right, even with the AFIs on your side.

Now if ALL of us did this, maybe there'd be some impact, but that isn't going to happen either. It's like saying we're all going to rebel against the SOS in correspondence as an informal prereq for residence by refusing to take ANY SOS tests in correspondence. If everyone does that, would they simply cancel the In-res classes? Nope. They'd fill them anyway. But there will always be the careerist douchecopter who sees the situation as an opportunity to set himself apart from the crowd and just do one test, and the situation will revert within a few weeks.

In short, an email from you would be ALL OVER the AF in a matter of hours, and get lots of attention. Unfortunately, it'll also get YOU lots of attention--and not the kind of attention you want. It's as close to falling on one's sword as we can get these days. I doubt any of us consider that worth it.


Beerman, let the dude vent. This is an anonymous place where we can release our frustrations without worrying about getting court-mashalled. Nobody needs to take any of this stuff personally. Many of us want to leave, some want to stay. You're not a bad dude either way. I agree that those of us trying to leave shouldn't trash the joint on the way out. I will disagree with letters, it pays well, it just sucks that it pays the same no matter how hard you work. I remember when I made AC, my wife asked how much of a pay raise that was. I laughed, then reflected on what a communist organization it is that I work for.

  • Upvote 2
  On 3/16/2014 at 4:22 PM, BeerMan said:

Man I really don't know where you stand on this issue Letters V, S, & P. Everyone has different experiences, but I strongly disagree with you. The Air Force pays me very well to do something that I cannot do anywhere else. The best officers that I know are not leaving the Air Force. Some have gone to the Guard and the Reserve, but are still contributing there, and many are still on AD. Here we go again with this sad footnote of failure crap; "they'll continue their mediocrity with greater consequences," "who will they be able to recruit" Dude, thanks for your service, now move along quietly and go find the more money that you're looking for in your next career.

We've covered this about 10 times, that Fiver guy summed it up pretty well but it bears repeating. We're not ######ed. If you come to work and do nothing but read BO.net and check your VSP status every 15 minutes then you're just making more work for the rest of us. If you did that at Delta or United they would fire you.

I could make much more money at any of several other jobs and my guess is that you could too. The only way the Air Force has been able to recruit top talent is because it offered unique intangible compensation. When they treat their people poorly, they erase those intangibles. Reducing the retirement post hoc comes to mind; as does involuntarily separating people while denying volunteers. When they do these things, they devalue being an Airman.

I wasn't saying I'm not going to work hard because I'm a petulant child. I was saying I don't have any work to do. I fly just enough to stay current (not proficient) and my ground job work is proportionate to the number of hours my squadron flies, which isn't very many. They should reduce the number of airplanes and pilots if there isn't enough money to fly them. And they definitely shouldn't deploy pilots without missions to fly.

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