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Weren't they just supposed to update the RIF matrix? Why did they pull it down?

There never was a RIF matrix. Please continue with your CBTs.

These delays have been so convenient for the AF. I am now past S1 for my PCS. I already delayed my Spring move for VSP processing time. Current leadership was cool and I was still sratted on my OPR. Highlighted myself for my next base though.

I should actually thank A1. If they change the accounting date, I am in the envious situation of being the new guy in the squad right before a RIF. Luck and timing.

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!


SECAF came to our deployed location yesterday and I was able to attend a brief talk she gave. There were three interesting tidbits that at least I hadn't heard before:

1. In regards to force shaping: "We did a poor job of communicating with you." That's pretty close to a direct quote and she said it two or three times. I think that constitutes an apology for poor performance and obviously means A1 and AFPC are under the gun.

2. There will be 2 RIF boards now, but if you're eligible for the first you won't be eligible for the second. There was a lot of double speaking surrounding why they went to two boards and no details about who will be eligible for the first and who will be eligible for the second. She did say that if there were discipline issues between board 1 and 2 you could end up eligible for both. Sorry if that one is redundant news, but it certainly hadn't filtered its way out here.

3. Pay raises below the employment cost index are merely slowing the growth of pay. They're not a cut in pay... definitely not a cut in pay... trust me... that's an order.

  • Upvote 2

Some dude on the retirement FB page just posted his TERA approval email. 15 yr TSgt. Said he got it an hour ago or so.

My God! AFPC works weekends?!


Some dude on the retirement FB page just posted his TERA approval email. 15 yr TSgt. Said he got it an hour ago or so.

Loadmaster I know at Pope was approved last week TERA, MSgt with 19-years.


SECAF came to our deployed location yesterday and I was able to attend a brief talk she gave. There were three interesting tidbits that at least I hadn't heard before:

1. In regards to force shaping: "We did a poor job of communicating with you." That's pretty close to a direct quote and she said it two or three times. I think that constitutes an apology for poor performance and obviously means A1 and AFPC are under the gun.

2. There will be 2 RIF boards now, but if you're eligible for the first you won't be eligible for the second. There was a lot of double speaking surrounding why they went to two boards and no details about who will be eligible for the first and who will be eligible for the second. She did say that if there were discipline issues between board 1 and 2 you could end up eligible for both. Sorry if that one is redundant news, but it certainly hadn't filtered its way out here.

3. Pay raises below the employment cost index are merely slowing the growth of pay. They're not a cut in pay... definitely not a cut in pay... trust me... that's an order.

Cute screen name, buddy.



look on the right side of the page, where it says "recent posts by others"...


The Reserve vacancies list for pilots has more openings than I have seen in my 7 ARC years. Good luck for those working any crossover!


How accurate is that list?

  • Upvote 1

Unfortunately AFPC is shaping up for a week of poor communication again...for those who have not noticed it before, the verbiage below is from the "alerts" part of the AFPC secure site. I am CERTAIN that this migration will be completed on time...because we have never had computer problems (or poorly planned cyber events) before during migrations...Argh.

* AFPC Applications *

The servers supporting the AFPC Secure environment will migrate into the Air Force Network starting 26 March 0700, through 28 March 1600. All applications behind AFPC Secure will be unavailable until the migration has been completed. The migration must occur during duty hours to support contracting obligations with the AFNET team

We will send out courtesy updates daily and notify users when migration actions are complete. If migration actions are delayed beyond 1600 on Friday, March 28, we will send out the proper notification and estimated completion date.

We understand the significance in timing with the unavailability of systems and will attempt to minimize the impact. We appreciate your patience and apologize in advance for any inconvenience this AF directed action may cause.


just wanted to point out that the vsp window has been open for 45 days now and exactly nothing has been accomplished.

This process has been a complete joke so far. I called AFPC on Thursday and asked about the status of my VSP app. It's been "Referred to BPO" for over two weeks now. The person I spoke to on the phone said they are waiting for further instructions from Air Staff and once they get them they will start processing the apps. He also said that I would not need to redo any part of my application. I used the guidance from the rescinded 13-130. He told me since the guidance was confusing and conflicted with 14-08 they'll accept whatever guidance you used at the time. I'm not sure that helps those of you who were already denied, but I guess you could just apply again.

My strategic delay patience is wearing thin


Unfortunately AFPC is shaping up for a week of poor communication again...for those who have not noticed it before, the verbiage below is from the "alerts" part of the AFPC secure site. I am CERTAIN that this migration will be completed on time...because we have never had computer problems (or poorly planned cyber events) before during migrations...Argh.

* AFPC Applications *


The servers supporting the AFPC Secure environment will migrate into the Air Force Network starting 26 March 0700, through 28 March 1600. All applications behind AFPC Secure will be unavailable until the migration has been completed. The migration must occur during duty hours to support contracting obligations with the AFNET team

We will send out courtesy updates daily and notify users when migration actions are complete. If migration actions are delayed beyond 1600 on Friday, March 28, we will send out the proper notification and estimated completion date.

We understand the significance in timing with the unavailability of systems and will attempt to minimize the impact. We appreciate your patience and apologize in advance for any inconvenience this AF directed action may cause.

If I thought AFPC were smart enough to plan ahead, I'd almost think they did this on purpose to buy more time without having to tell their bosses that they were delaying yet again.


Mine has been saying "Referred to BPO" since Feb 12. This is just unbelievable. I plan to separate whether they approve my VSP or not but have to wait til they disapprove in order to fill out regular separation paperwork. This means I can't leave until 180 days from the day they disapprove. I have multiple other opportunities that I need to decide on and can't make any decisions until they get this done. I am trying to be patient but this is way beyond frustrating. I really don't understand why they can't process the people that don't need any special ADSC waivers now instead of making everybody wait.

Does anybody know any loopholes to separate in less than 180 days? I think if I do Palace Front I can get out in 120, is this true?

Guest nsplayr

AFNET still intermittently fraggs out email, sharepoint and/or PEX here at CVS and most people got migrated over a month ago...I'm sure it'll be totally smooth over there at AFPC and that the impact on force shaping actions will be minimal! /sarcasm

I'm pretty sure AFNET is the beta version of Skynet. I for one welcome our new robot overloards.


Does anybody know any loopholes to separate in less than 180 days? I think if I do Palace Front I can get out in 120, is this true?

it's not a loophole. You just have to provide justification WHY you want to separate with less than 180 days notice, and your SQ/CC or WG/CC has to buy it. In my case, I just put that I had multiple employment opportunities on the shortened timeline, and mine was approved (128 days notice from application submission to DOS). Took AFPC 4 weeks to approve my app, and I went on terminal leave 35 days later. Since I was applying with the justification of being a free agent (ADSC expired), they weren't going to disapprove it...(I think the only time that could happen would be stop loss).

Took TAP while still waiting for app to be approved, since you can take it up to 2 years out from your expected DOS, and a nice A1C from the MPS went ahead and loaded an outprocessing checklist for my in vMPF so I could get ahead of the game, since it was going to be such a short period between notification and terminal leave (I had 60 days terminal).


Unfortunately AFPC is shaping up for a week of poor communication again...for those who have not noticed it before, the verbiage below is from the "alerts" part of the AFPC secure site. I am CERTAIN that this migration will be completed on time...because we have never had computer problems (or poorly planned cyber events) before during migrations...Argh.

* AFPC Applications *


The servers supporting the AFPC Secure environment will migrate into the Air Force Network starting 26 March 0700, through 28 March 1600. All applications behind AFPC Secure will be unavailable until the migration has been completed. The migration must occur during duty hours to support contracting obligations with the AFNET team

We will send out courtesy updates daily and notify users when migration actions are complete. If migration actions are delayed beyond 1600 on Friday, March 28, we will send out the proper notification and estimated completion date.

We understand the significance in timing with the unavailability of systems and will attempt to minimize the impact. We appreciate your patience and apologize in advance for any inconvenience this AF directed action may cause.

Bunch of f**king clowns. Any flag worth his stars would unilaterally shut this migration down until later this year.

  • Upvote 1

Bunch of f**king clowns. Any flag worth his stars would unilaterally shut this migration down until later this year.

Do we currently have any worth their stars? Welsh excepted, I guess. Sad that dude only has limited ability to enact change due to the entrenched shoe-promoting culture.


it's not a loophole. You just have to provide justification WHY you want to separate with less than 180 days notice, and your SQ/CC or WG/CC has to buy it. In my case, I just put that I had multiple employment opportunities on the shortened timeline, and mine was approved (128 days notice from application submission to DOS). Took AFPC 4 weeks to approve my app, and I went on terminal leave 35 days later. Since I was applying with the justification of being a free agent (ADSC expired), they weren't going to disapprove it...(I think the only time that could happen would be stop loss).

Took TAP while still waiting for app to be approved, since you can take it up to 2 years out from your expected DOS, and a nice A1C from the MPS went ahead and loaded an outprocessing checklist for my in vMPF so I could get ahead of the game, since it was going to be such a short period between notification and terminal leave (I had 60 days terminal).

Thanks stract! This is great to know. I thought the system wouldn't let you put in a DOS <180 days. I am accepted to a Masters program that starts at the end of July and was trying to figure out if it was even possible to attend. I know you can get out 30 days early for school but even with that it was going to be close.

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