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My SQ/CC forwarded an e-mail that said we would be notified by Majcom. I'm 05 11M with nothing yet. What Majcoms are the lucky approved ones in?

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!


2004 11M Approved!

Feb '16 ADSC for UPT

March '16 ADSC for GI bill

Oct '15 ADSC for PCS

Good luck everyone!!!


Anyone with an approval see a change in their CMS? Or find out via some other source beside an AFPC generated email?

Posted (edited)

Well after giving up hope and piping up. I just found out.

07 11s

4 yr upt adsc

3 yr gi bill

2 adv flying training

23 deros curtailment

And package got submitted apr 29. 1800 Zulu.


Wtf rationale are they using? Throwing darts at a board? Oh well

Oh and dissaprovals from sq/cc and wing cc

Edited by ClemsonFlyBoy
  On 5/19/2014 at 8:10 PM, ClemsonFlyBoy said:

Oh and dissaprovals from sq/cc and wing cc

That just proves that these decisions are made on a much higher level. Another good sign for the rest of us...


Jug head, is "affecting the DoD" make you feel better? It's like once a "fill in the blank, always a fill in the blank". Still affects people that were in the DoD. Just trying to use an analogy, not submitting a talking paper to you. Jimminy Xmas. If that is what you are taking away from this forum, go back to working in your cubicle at AFPC denying apps that uploaded the wrong IRR

Let's hear some more good news. Close out 05 and move on to the rest shoes!

  On 5/19/2014 at 8:17 PM, MooseAg03 said:

That just proves that these decisions are made on a much higher level. Another good sign for the rest of us...

Moose, that doesn't mean they were the ones that made the decision


Still no love for the 11r community...no email and my cms and view my application haven't changed

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!

  On 5/19/2014 at 8:21 PM, chizz said:

Moose, that doesn't mean they were the ones that made the decision

?? Don't know that I'm tracking. What I was saying is it shouldn't matter what your sqdn and wing CC say about your application. If senior leaders identify particular year groups and AFSCs to cut then it needs to be done regardless of what local commanders think. How many CCs are going to actually say they have too many guys? That just tells AFPC that they can do more with less.

My CC definitely doesn't want me to go, but I'm holding on to hope that he has no say in the matter. They wanted people to leave and I volunteered. End of story.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)
  On 5/19/2014 at 8:40 PM, tunes said:

Just had an 02 11r walk in with his approval email

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!

Let us know if you hear of any other 11R year groups getting approved...

Edited by FLY6584
Posted (edited)

08 11r just approved

Feb 2020 UPT ADSC

Jan 15 IP ADSC


Edit: added ADSCs i had

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!

Edited by tunes

I found out via email, not any other source, but I've been on leave and didn't check anything other than my mil email.


For the guys that have been approved were you one of the ones that were not initially rejected back in February or did you have to re-apply once the waiver authority came down?



2005 11M (C-17 type)

33 month UPT ADSC left

12 months instructor upgrade adsc left.

Congrats to all who have gotten approved so far!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



2004 11M (C-5M)

1.5 yr ADSC waivers for UPT and C-5 Initial Qual

3 month waiver for PCS

Initially denied in February because I didn't put the right textual description in the Justification block, and then re-applied in March with just the program desired in the text block.

I'm a little nervous about how smoothly the next four months will go... Anyone have experience selling back leave? I don't think I'm going to have time for 50 days of terminal...

Posted (edited)
  On 5/19/2014 at 10:19 PM, Xtndr said:

Anybody seen or heard of any denials?


CAO: Today

Message from AFPC regarding VSP:

"AFPC completed adjudication of all remaining Voluntary Separation Program applications, conducted one final review against AF requirements, and will start notifying approved members as early as today, Monday, 19 May. The members’ records in MilPDS are being updated and updates to the case management system will be completed no later than the end of next week.

NOTE: AFPC is working with AF/A1P and AF/SG on final AF Medical Service officer approvals which will cause notices to flow separately and a day or two later.

Approvals are based on Airmen most eligible to meet AF quotas in their respective AFSC, rank, or year group. The approvals will flow through a direct email to each member today, followed by notifications to respective commanders and a secondary confirmation to the member; occurring through the end of this week.

Airmen disapproved for VSP will be notified next Tuesday, 27 May. Disapprovals are based on the fact the Air Force ran out of quotas for a specific AFSC, grade and/or year group. The good news is that if an Airman is disapproved based on the Air Force running out of quotas, their respective AFSC, grade or year group will not meet an involuntary board in FY14.

The Air Force was committed to providing approval notifications by mid-May; we made every effort to honor that commitment with due diligence and accuracy. The final 1,000 plus applications necessitated additional review time to properly assess and account for the impact to the Air Force mission."

Edited by PanchBarnes

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