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Fellas - thoughts:

A lot of you are leaving - a lot of you are IPs and highly qualified for leadership or other positions of significance in the company....

We all know that Sr. Leadership gets fed certain amounts of info, or reads info posted here. It's a way to get the pulse...

I'd suggest starting a thread with the intent of stating, in plain English, your numbered reasons for wanting to voluntarily leave the force.

Do not let it get out of control. Do not stoop to a ritual bitch-fest. Keep the snark and sarcasm to a minimum. Keep your egos in check and write calmly for the rest of us(them) to see. Maybe your true message (vote with your feet) can be heard by someone who will someday make a difference.

I'd like to talk to each of you, but there is more to be gained from the group as a mosaic.

Please consider the above.



  • Upvote 6

had an 05 11M IP approved yesterday at the rock

Chizz, H or J? Not to get too deep into this but I think this will make a big difference, if anyone is paying attention.

After the last VSP debacle, I would hope that we figured out we couldn't let out all the IPs. I think we will make the same mistakes again. I hope I am wrong.

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!

  • Upvote 1

wasn't this website hurting for traffic a few months ago? maybe AFPC was just looking out for BODN...

:beer: to the parolees.


Chuck: thats a good idea, but since I got approved, I have had 50+ Air Force members congratulate me, including my Sq/CC and DO. I had ONE person ask me why I wanted to get out. I think people know whats wrong.

  • Upvote 3

0917 email this morning "This is to inform you that HQ AFPC has disapproved the voluntary separation application"... oh well, time to PC.


Chuck: thats a good idea, but since I got approved, I have had 50+ Air Force members congratulate me, including my Sq/CC and DO. I had ONE person ask me why I wanted to get out. I think people know whats wrong.

Chim - I hear you, and I'm one of the first to say thanks for what you've done, what you've endured.

Let me put this another way, and show you why I'm asking for something like this: few vehicles existed to collect this kinda data when the same thing happened in 2006. Maybe no one really cared... I'm an amateur historian, and I constantly run into interview subjects who thought that their story was not worth telling, that nothing could be gleaned from their experience, or that their experience was so common - why bother? (Particularly the WWII generation).

I also find myself constantly asking "why" something happened, with no primary sources to consult...

So, instead of assuming that everyone knows what is wrong (I do), or focusing on how many people have congratulated you vs. asked why you were leaving, maybe consider that your leaving is in itself a monumental occasion, or at the very least part of one. Many voices are louder than one, even if they say the same thing.

My response to your quip about knowing what is wrong is, "Yeah, no shit. And nothing will change or get better..." At the very least if you tell people what is wrong, why you left, there is some documentation of it, other than an approved VSP application message on a faceless message board.

Or, ignore the idea altogether - I have a thick enough skin, it won't bother me.

But don't engage, say "people know what is wrong" and thus say everything and nothing at the same time. A simple "Fuck it, I'm out" would suffice.


  • Upvote 1

Chim - I hear you, and I'm one of the first to say thanks for what you've done, what you've endured.

Let me put this another way, and show you why I'm asking for something like this: few vehicles existed to collect this kinda data when the same thing happened in 2006. Maybe no one really cared... I'm an amateur historian, and I constantly run into interview subjects who thought that their story was not worth telling, that nothing could be gleaned from their experience, or that their experience was so common - why bother? (Particularly the WWII generation).

I also find myself constantly asking "why" something happened, with no primary sources to consult...

So, instead of assuming that everyone knows what is wrong (I do), or focusing on how many people have congratulated you vs. asked why you were leaving, maybe consider that your leaving is in itself a monumental occasion, or at the very least part of one. Many voices are louder than one, even if they say the same thing.

My response to your quip about knowing what is wrong is, "Yeah, no shit. And nothing will change or get better..." At the very least if you tell people what is wrong, why you left, there is some documentation of it, other than an approved VSP application message on a faceless message board.

Or, ignore the idea altogether - I have a thick enough skin, it won't bother me.

But don't engage, say "people know what is wrong" and thus say everything and nothing at the same time. A simple "###### it, I'm out" would suffice.


Well when you say it like that! Haha! Good idea. Thanks Chuck!


Good rebuttal Chuck, I wasn't trying to be dismissive. The Dear Boss and whats wrong with the Air Force threads capture most of the common grievances that people have these days. I will say that being stuck in the C-17/RPA flesh trade made my decision easy.


Still nothing here. I called the TFSC yesterday and all the lady could tell me is 'Your VSP application is still pending.' I think she was looking at the denial and didn't have the heart to tell me. I can't believe we notify people of life altering news by e-mail now. It ranks right up there with the "Congratulations, you've been selected for a 365 ITDY to Kabul!" emails.

I think the lack of approvals today is a bad sign. What little hope I have left is disappearing rapidly. Congratulations to all of those approved, I fear what life will be like after the exodus.

Guest nsplayr

So, instead of assuming that everyone knows what is wrong (I do), or focusing on how many people have congratulated you vs. asked why you were leaving, maybe consider that your leaving is in itself a monumental occasion, or at the very least part of one. Many voices are louder than one, even if they say the same thing.

Good idea chuck. Thread created in this forum. Go forth and prosper.


Moose, no response for me too. If and when I get the denial, I will send it right back for the FY15 VSP


VSP denied. No longer eligible for RIF. 2005 11B. ADSC oct 16 for UPT, dec 16 for GI bill. Thanks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)

I am not sure where this leaves those of you waiting for word on VSP...

This morning I was approved for TERA - 1 Sep 14! (16 years)

(I am a 1998 yr group, 11M core serving in 18X with ADSCs for PCS Aug 2015 and ADV Flying Training NOV 2016)

Good luck to the rest of you... may the leak in the dam continue flowing.

Edited by pilot-99999

I know of at least 3 other 2008 11Ms who got approved for VSP. Two are -135 guys and one is a C-17 (I think). I can't tell you their ADSCs, I'm just passing along what I've seen on Facebook.


This is hilarious- I was on the phone with TFSC asking about how to apply for FY15 VSP tomorrow without a FY14 approval or denial, when a denial email appeared in my inbox.

Me: 'you know what, never mind. I just got a denial email.'

TFSC: 'no ma'am, that's from me. That's an email we send to customers when they call with questions.'

Me: 'no, it's an email telling me my application was denied.'

TFSC: 'are you sure? It's not showing that in CMS...'

Unbelievable! I should've PC'd earlier, I hope it's not too late...

'06 11M, ~4 years UPT ADSC, KC-10


I will say that being stuck in the C-17/RPA flesh trade made my decision easy.

Lotta' that going around... You have my sympathy, and my congratulations, brother.



Never received an e-mail, but when I check my "previous application" under "self service actions" it said the following:

"The Air Force Personnel Center has approved the maximum allowable voluntary

applications for your AFSC/grade/year group/RDTM code or specific weapon

system, or your AFSC/grade/year group has been removed from eligibility for

this year's programs due to adjustments to manpower requirements. Based on

this action, your application has been returned. As a result, you and other

Airmen in your AFSC/grade/year group are no longer eligible for any FY14

voluntary or involuntary force management programs."

So does that mean we are eligible for the FY15 programs such as the VSP/RIF? You would think a phone call to the TFSC would answer this question, but no surprise they haven't a clue. It figures AFPC would release more confusing information like this right before the FY15 VSP is supposed to open. Does anyone proofread shit at AFPC before sending it out?!?!?!?!


Anyone with approved VSP apps going to try to push their separation date past September? As eager as I am to leave, having a couple extra months to get my life together would certainly help.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)

Any bets on when AFPC releases the PSDMs for the FY15 VSP seeing as tomorrow the new window opens?

Edited by FBomb

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