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FY 14 Force Management Program (RIF, VSP, TERA)


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'08 11M (KC-135) still at an AMC base, but RPA training completed earlier this month (TDY out and back). ADSC for RPA training listed even when I applied early April (re-apply after it was returned for disapproval do to verbiage). In hindsight, since my PAS code and AFSC were still AMC I should have fought to keep that ADSC off until I finished training. That was the only thing on my application that showed RPA.

2x KC-135 '08 11Ms approved at my base and I know of at least 1 other '08. Similarly, one '08 11M (KC-135) disapproved that just arrived at his RPA base.

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'08 11M (KC-135) still at an AMC base, but RPA training completed earlier this month (TDY out and back). ADSC for RPA training listed even when I applied early April (re-apply after it was returned for disapproval do to verbiage). In hindsight, since my PAS code and AFSC were still AMC I should have fought to keep that ADSC off until I finished training. That was the only thing on my application that showed RPA.

2x KC-135 '08 11Ms approved at my base and I know of at least 1 other '08. Similarly, one '08 11M (KC-135) disapproved that just arrived at his RPA base.

Correct, it is criminal how they speed and put those ADSCs on our SURF When we haven't even completed, let alone started training. Why do I have to sign the ADSC when I get the assignment notification? Stop speeding and I will sign it upon graduation. They tried to get a bunch of guys to sign adscs for requal. False! IP school, FALSE! If it runs concurrent with one that extends past the one I am signing, why are we even wasting our time with this extra paperwork?

Career development is right up there with AFPC in my mind. No one knows how to implement their own guidance.

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I have been in touch with three of the four bases with eligible 11B's who applied, (not counting whiteman) the ball is in their court to prove me wrong or provide some data to the contrary, I dont have every data point but enough to make an educated guess..

An 11B T-38 IP at Laughlin got VSP. Don't know year group.

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'06 11M KC-10 type filling an RPA billet disapproved yesterday. Don't think I've heard of any other KC-10 or even other tanker dudes in general getting approved.

Dropped my FY15 VSP app in the system this morning at 6. Let the next fiasco begin...

Four were approved from the -135 FTU. I know a few were approved from Fairchild.

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An 11B T-38 IP at Laughlin got VSP. Don't know year group.

Just talked to my 11B T-38 buddy at Laughlin who applied for VSP. He got an email that said approved, but then it said disapproved and ineligible for FY14 FM. Final disposition - Disapproved.

Still appears to be zero 11Bs approved for VSP with UPT ADSC (awaiting year group info for the Exec at Minot, I suppose). One 11B approved for PC.

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I am a candidate on the ESERB board. The board convenes in June with results released in late August. I just got an email today that I am an addition to the Fall VML because of current ops manning requirements. I wasn't suppose to move until March timeframe assuming I survive the ESERB. So if I survive the ESERB, I will PCS one month later, if I don't, I retire 1 December.

You can't make this shit up!

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Still appears to be zero 11Bs approved for VSP with UPT ADSC (awaiting year group info for the Exec at Minot, I suppose). One 11B approved for PC.

Young Major, not sure the YG, but very likely little UPT ADSC left if at all. Point taken.

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so base mpf is saying no 20 days of PTDY with VSP...anyone else dealing with that? even though the q&a, psdm, and afi say we get it?

tell them to call the lady I quoted

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I would also like to know if I am still eligible for FY14 palace chase since the email said I am no longer eligible for FY14 voluntary programs.

I sent the following to the TFSC today, it is listed as "elevated" now. not sure the source data is 100% correct, but looks like no more 11B's were selected regardless of the matrix numbers.

"How is it that zero 11B's are getting approved for separation on this final round? Your matrix had multiple 11B's in several different year groups still remaining, how can you say you met your quota without approving anyone?? Are you looking for IG complaints? is there an appeal process for VSP disapprovals??"

I submitted an IG complaint against AFPC last year. Don't expect much.

First I spoke with my base IG and he thought there were clearly problems with the way AFPC was manipulating my records. He had to refer my complaint to AFPC's IG. I was in his office when called his counterpart at AFPC's IG and told her how important it was for them to discuss the case with me after they received my complaint form. My local IG assured me AFPC's IG would call me within 48 hours.

A week passed without them calling me. I called them and they said they would be in touch. Three weeks passed without them calling me, and I called them again. They said they were done investigating my case and had found my complaint had no merit.

I could have referred the complaint to HHQ but instead I applied for voluntary separation the first chance I got.

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so base mpf is saying no 20 days of PTDY with VSP...anyone else dealing with that? even though the q&a, psdm, and afi say we get it?

I just got my orders and it clearly says 20 days of PTDY authorized. I don't think the orders are cut at the local FSS so I would expect yours to say the same thing. Initially the MPF airman told me I was ineligible and then when I showed her the FAQ she admitted I was right.

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if its supposed to be on your orders and isnt I would ask for an amendment. PTDY NOW AUTHORIZED FOR VOLUNTARY SEPARATEES IMPACTED BY FORCE MANAGEMENT. DoDI 1327.06 has been updated to reflect the entitlement of Permissive TDY

for ALL separatees impacted by force management programs (use batch updated matrix).

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I hope she doesn't make you cry during the interview like she did to Oprah; or your career then takes the path of the two F-22 whistleblowers.

Ha! My career is nominally important to me, the fact that doing my primary duty well (flying and teaching others to fly) is second to volunteering to head up a change of command in a rack and stack already determined that... Although making a media storm is tempting, ruining a bunch of active duty folks' morale and welfare just isn't catchy enough in today's media...

I submitted an IG complaint against AFPC last year. Don't expect much.

First I spoke with my base IG and he thought there were clearly problems with the way AFPC was manipulating my records. He had to refer my complaint to AFPC's IG. I was in his office when called his counterpart at AFPC's IG and told her how important it was for them to discuss the case with me after they received my complaint form. My local IG assured me AFPC's IG would call me within 48 hours.

A week passed without them calling me. I called them and they said they would be in touch. Three weeks passed without them calling me, and I called them again. They said they were done investigating my case and had found my complaint had no merit.

I could have referred the complaint to HHQ but instead I applied for voluntary separation the first chance I got.

I recognize the fultility of the IG complaint system, the problem with big blue is there is no accountability for AFPC, but we have flushed that out here already. My words carry little weight, but they have elevated my case to the office of primary responsibility... a reasonable, thought out answer would be helpful, so I doubt I will ever hear anything.

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it says orders will be cut 90 days prior to separation....what if i'm going on terminal 110 days prior? Can i get my orders before I go on terminal? Mainly asking because i need the orders to break my lease in august...landlord is already notified but property manager wants orders.

Edited by tunes
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it says orders will be cut 90 days prior to separation....what if i'm going on terminal 110 days prior? Can i get my orders before I go on terminal? Mainly asking because i need the orders to break my lease in august...landlord is already notified but property manager wants orders.

Letter in lieu of orders. I haven't had an issue so far.

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it says orders will be cut 90 days prior to separation....what if i'm going on terminal 110 days prior? Can i get my orders before I go on terminal? Mainly asking because i need the orders to break my lease in august...landlord is already notified but property manager wants orders.

Just fill out the Pre-Separation Order Worksheet ASAP. It took me about two weeks to get the orders after I filled that out. I have orders in hand and still have over 120 days to DOS.

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it says orders will be cut 90 days prior to separation....what if i'm going on terminal 110 days prior? Can i get my orders before I go on terminal? Mainly asking because i need the orders to break my lease in august...landlord is already notified but property manager wants orders.

My orders were complete 4 days after finishing the pre-separation worksheet. I couldn't believe it.

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!

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