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Posted (edited)

Just do what most of us have done and throw your cell phone in your G-suit pocket.... and when you're out there being a hero in the MOA all by your lonesome cloud chasing or doing border patrol, pull that puppy out (STS) and make a shitty video.

Yup... Scared the shit out of myself with this method. Can't imagine what I would have done knowing it would be In HD. Edited by so.it.goes

I flew around with the canopy open on my first solo in the T-34. All I needed was a scarf flapping in the breeze.

  • Upvote 3

Nothing makes me feel as humble and insignificant as this place

Wait until you actually get some real world experience in a military airplane. There will be several points during your career, no doubt, that will give new meaning to "making you feel humble and insignificant."


1) What goes solo, stays solo

2) I will deny having said that when your SIB comes asking

3) A pre-UPT kid could not have picked a worse screen name. I hope the bros in your unit don't see this thread.

  • Upvote 1

Somewhere deep in the safety archives is the film made by an A-7 dude that wanted to document his cool rejoin. Turned out he documented his cool mid-air collision.


Wow, fellas... While the kid's name might be (is) presumptuous, not seeing the necessity to roll him up quite like this - maybe I'm getting soft, sts.

Dude, ask questions and enjoy UPT. Act stupid and get drunk and chase girls and study your ass off.


Cool thing about the 117, where you're essentially no more than a WSO with landing currency, was there was all sorts of time to screw around with things like cameras or other trinkets, while watching the jet do its thing enroute to the IP or on its way back home.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Off-topic, but do you have any good -117 stories? Combat/early flying buffoonery/govt interference?

Have some interesting stories, nothing class, just kind of neat stuff. Never did combat in that jet, all my combat time was in the Hog. I'll have to post the stuff up in another thread in the future here. Things like knowing only one guy to ever use the tailhook on the jet, but when he went to drop it on an aborted takeoff, it didn't work.....little did we know at the time that the same problem was on a number of other jets had they needed to do the same thing.

Edited by MD

Maybe this belongs in the UPT sub forums..

I envy this kid, UPT was awesome. All I had to do was learn how to fly, study, drink, chase the wonderful women of Enid and take videos to try to impress said women..

Now I get OPRs, paper work, more paperwork, masters, SOS, "career development" and hey sometimes get to fly as a hobby.

Enjoy UPT, and save that GoPro for your class video, our OG/cc was cool and approved it for our class video


Just remember: any video footage, even if taken without proper authorization, can and will be used against you in an AIB.


Just remember: any video footage, even if taken without proper authorization, can and will be used against you in an AIB.

Edit, select all, delete.


Sarcasm...have you verified C-130 driver's form 8 yet?

Yeah, I don't think you were being sarcastic, but whatever helps you sleep better at night. Those dudes in the link I attached didn't think they would get caught either. But hey, it's not my career, so whatever.

Pretty confident the kid doesn't have a FM-8 if he is in UPT, at least not one saying he is a pilot, though I have heard non-pilots call themselves drivers, and I don't care either way as they're good dudes and important crew members. If he wants to tell us that he's a prior 130 NAV or enlisted crew member, then I'll hear the argument. His remarks though don't support that idea.

Are you a poser as well? Do you know Joe1234?


Yeah, I don't think you were being sarcastic, but whatever helps you sleep better at night. Those dudes in the link I attached didn't think they would get caught either. But hey, it's not my career, so whatever.

Pretty confident the kid doesn't have a FM-8 if he is in UPT, at least not one saying he is a pilot, though I have heard non-pilots call themselves drivers, and I don't care either way as they're good dudes and important crew members. If he wants to tell us that he's a prior 130 NAV or enlisted crew member, then I'll hear the argument. His remarks though don't support that idea.

Are you a poser as well? Do you know Joe1234?

Are you always this serious?


Are you always this serious?

Haha...no. But you keep supporting a dude's claim that he is something he is not, and then challenge me when I call him out. The dude originally asked if he could where a camera, and people told him what the reg says...if he chooses to violate the regs, then it's on him if he gets caught. Either way, he deserves to hear what the regs are and to also be given the advice that acting like you're a pilot before you even get to UPT is not a smart mentality to have.

So you tell me--where am I going wrong?


So what ever happened to Joe1234?

  • Upvote 1

So what ever happened to Joe1234?

He ran out of excuses to not answer the question "So what is your job in the AF?" and just drifted away.

  • Upvote 3

...my first "go-pro" in the early 90's. It wouldn't fit in a Tweet, bummer.


This is just... awesome.


I picked up a pretty sweet little HD camcorder prior to heading down to UPT, and had every hope of taking some cool video for the wife and family. I learned fairly quickly that it was completely impractical for a number of reasons, the least of which being that no OG/CC would ever approve of a stud taking a camera with them... especially on a solo ride. Honestly, you will have bigger things to worry about, like not sucking and killing yourself.

When I switched over to T-1's, I went back to my old squadron a few months later and asked one of my old IP's to take the camera with them on a currency formation ride with 3 other IP's. OG approved, cool video provided for the wife and fam. It wasn't me flying, but it was at least a legit way to get it done.

Could you get away with bringing one on your own? Probably, provided you don't do something stupid like post it on youtube. Most likely nothing will go wrong and you'll have a cool memory. But if you do something stupid, there will be some pretty compelling high definition video to assist in your rapid removal from the AF, or worst case, you'll be documenting your final moments for your family.

Cool screen name bro.


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