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It appears that the other "upcoming boards" thread was removed or has disappeared? If I'm wrong then mod's feel free to delete this thread or merge, but otherwise...

In other news, 104th recruiters say letters and call's should go out this week. Best of luck to all.


For what it's worth, I'm going there for the board at the end of the month. Got the selection call about a week and a half ago.



This threat is for ANG/AFRC selection boards hosted by each unit, not the OTS selection boards. I think theres a separate thread for that (or www.airforceots.com)


I redact my statement above. I was thinking Barnes, not Baltimore. On a related note, is anyone else having trouble accessing the "aviation jobs" page?

  On 1/22/2014 at 2:10 PM, rancormac said:


This threat is for ANG/AFRC selection boards hosted by each unit, not the OTS selection boards. I think theres a separate thread for that (or www.airforceots.com)

ahhhhhhh. Thanks for directing me out of the forest.


The site was down for a while, but I just checked again last night and its back up. Didn't even know about the 104th board, was it on the jobs page? It can be tough to keep track of all the hiring units, especially when its hard to get in touch with people at the unit. I think I'll take the advice of keeping a spreadsheet with all the board dates (past and present) to keep track of the possible upcoming boards.


Yea, the 180th haven't even gotten the packages over to the board to sift through yet, but they should about next week with a decision on interviews mid Feb. Take that with a grain of salt though, it was 3rd party info from one of the recruiters and they're not really too sure themselves.

Yoopflier, thought you didn't apply to the Baltimore 104th? I missed alot of boards too, I had to start checking all the squadron pages and calling to get gouge on some. Check out the 127th from Selfridge, 114th from Sioux Fall, and 124th from Boise if you haven't already.


Ya, there was some confusion about that. I applied to the 104th fs in Maryland, but not the 104th fw in Massachusetts that somebody else was talking about.


^ Just found out too, notifications for the interviews went out last week. If you didn't hear from them, then that's that. Best luck on the next one gents.


HOT! HOT! HOT! 190 FS UPT BOARD!!!!!!!

Those interested in applying to the 190th FS in Boise, ID please read and pass on. I'm a pilot in the 190th and the POC for the upcoming board for the Mighty Skullbangers. Applications are due by Feb 21st and interviews will be in April over drill.

Here is the link for info: https://www.idaho.ang.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-131220-051.pdf

I realize this is short notice so please fwd this to your bros and if you are buddies with one of the web masters/administraters let them know to paste it in the official section. Also, pass on to your bros on wants check.com too.

Good Luck to all



  On 2/12/2014 at 1:08 AM, JEFF-15 said:

The timeline for Hawaii is the same as last year. Packets are due April 1st.

Just curious, how realistic is to be a traditional guardsman pilot and be able to afford to live in Hawaii? Do these units typically only pick up Hawaiian residents? I will be applying with the HIANG and would love to live there but I'm wondering if its even possible to live there on traditional pay.


Yes and no. Are you motivated and want a slot with the 154th? Then go for it guns blazing and take what you think is yours. Being a current resident is not an extremely determining factor.

As for when you move to the state and have to start paying to live there is when it could get tricky. HI is not a cheap state, and you will have to find another way to support your income. Thank goodness you have a degree though to use in some capacity.

Good luck!! APPLY!!!

Posted (edited)

I can't speak to your question because I'm on the outside looking in. (Logic suggests I should keep my mouth shut). However, I did fly for Caravan connecting flight operation in HI for two years. I lived on a salary of 19,200/yr. Kamaka air is cool local cargo operation out of HNL that doesn't pay well, but it may translate into a check out in DC-3. Island Air traditionally has been slow to hire as attrition from the top is low. Mokulele Air might hire you to fly Caravans right seat if you're interested in building time, but again they don't pay well. I guess just PM me if you get a slot and want a reference for one of those operations.

Edit: But I remember watching the mighty Eagles do an overhead break from the ramp (before they got 22s) and thinking Holy $hit that's fuggin awesome. SO, I'm trying to get a slot there in any equipment, as well.

Edited by JEFF-15
  On 2/13/2014 at 9:55 PM, JEFF-15 said:

I guess just PM me if you get a slot and want a reference for one of those operations.

Great, thanks for the information.

  On 2/12/2014 at 1:08 AM, JEFF-15 said:

The timeline for Hawaii is the same as last year. Packets are due April 1st.

Where did you happen to find the notification? I'm looking around for it and I can't find any links. Thanks man.

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