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The crew will be flying a flag today in remembrance...

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In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

--1Lt John McRae, RCA, WWI

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Guest nsplayr

To the crew of Ratchet 33 and all the others who are gone but never forgotten.


On this Memorial Day Weekend, we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Here are those United States Military Academy (West Point) graduates who answered the call to duty and made the ultimate sacrifice during the most recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Final Roll Call:

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) William E. Bowers USMA 1979
Colonel James W. Harrison, Jr., U.S. Army USMA 1981
Lieutenant Colonel Dominic R. Baragona, U.S. Army USMA 1982
Colonel Brian D. Allgood, U.S. Army USMA 1982
Colonel Theodore S. Westhusing, U.S. Army USMA 1983
Colonel Jon M. Lockey, U.S. Army USMA 1985
Lieutenant Colonel Michael J. McMahon, U.S. Army USMA 1985
Mr. Douglas B. Gurian USMA 1986
Colonel John M. McHugh, U.S. Army USMA 1986
Lieutenant Colonel Paul J. Finken, U.S. Army USMA 1989
Lieutenant Colonel James J. Walton, U.S.Army USMA 1989
Major Curtis D. Feistner, U.S. Army USMA 1990
Major William F. Hecker III, U.S. Army USMA 1991
Major Guy Barattieri, U.S. Army USMA 1992
Major Stephen C. Reich, U.S. Army USMA 1993
Mr. Dario N. Lorenzetti USMA 1993
Major Jason E. George, U.S. Army USMA 1994
Captain Bartt D. Owens, U.S. Army USMA 1994
Captain James F. Adamouski, U.S. Army USMA 1995
Captain John F. Kurth, U.S. Army USMA 1995
Captain Joshua T. Byers, U.S. Army USMA 1996
Captain Matthew J. August, U.S. Army USMA 1997
Captain Philip T. Esposito, U.S. Army USMA 1997
Lieutenant Colonel Jaimie E. Leonard, U.S. Army USMA 1997
Captain Michael J. MacKinnon, U.S. Army USMA 1997
Captain Mark C. Paine, U.S. Army USMA 1997
Captain Eric T. Paliwoda, U.S. Army USMA 1997
Captain Ian P. Weikel, U.S. Army USMA 1997
Captain Nathan S. Dalley, U.S. Army USMA 1998
Captain Stephen W. Frank, U.S. Army USMA 1998
Captain Ralph J. Harting III, U.S. Army USMA 1998
Captain Christopher B. Johnson, U.S. Army USMA 1998
Captain Dennis L. Pintor, U.S. Army USMA 1998
Major Paul C. Voelke, U.S. Army USMA 1998
Captain David A. Boris U.S. Army USMA 1999
Major Paul D. Carron, U.S. Army USMA 1999
Captain Douglas A. Dicenzo, U.S. Army USMA 1999
Captain Brian S. Freeman, U.S. Army USMA 1999
Captain Benedict J. Smith, U.S. Army USMA 1999
Captain Corry P Tyler, U.S. Army USMA 1999
Major Thomas E. Kennedy, U.S. Army USMA 2000
First Lieutenant Leif E. Nott, U.S. Army USMA 2000
Captain Benjamin D. Tiffner, U.S. Army USMA 2000
First Lieutenant David R. Bernstein, U.S. Army USMA 2001
Captain John L. Hallett III, U.S. Army USMA 2001
Captain Andrew R. Houghton, U.S. Army USMA 2001
Captain Joe F. Lusk II, U.S. Army USMA 2001
Captain Andrew R. Pearson, U.S. Army USMA 2001
First Lieutenant Michael R. Adams, U.S. Army USMA 2002
First Lieutenant Todd Bryant, U.S. Army USMA 2002
Captain Brian M. Bunting, U.S. Army USMA 2002
Captain Mark A. Garner, U.S. Army USMA 2002
Captain James M. Gurbisz, U.S. Army USMA 2002
Captain Drew N. Jensen, US Army USMA 2002
First Lieutenant Kevin J. Smith, U.S. Army USMA 2002
Captain Torre R. Mallard, U.S. Army USMA 2002
Captain Timothy J. Moshier, U.S. Army USMA 2002
Second Lieutenant Leonard M. Cowherd, U.S. Army USMA 2003
First Lieutenant Derek S. Hines, U.S. Army USMA 2003
Captain Rhett W. Schiller , U.S. Army USMA 2003
First Lieutenant Laura M. Walker, U.S. Army USMA 2003
First Lieutenant Garrison C. Avery, U.S. Army USMA 2004
First Lieutenant Benjamin T. Britt, U.S. Army USMA 2004
First Lieutenant Amos "Camden" R. Bock, U.S. Army USMA 2004
Captain Michael A. Cerrone, U.S. Army USMA 2004
Captain John R. Dennison, U.S. Army USMA 2004
Captain David M. Fraser, U.S. Army USMA 2004
Captain Jason E. Holbrook, U.S. Army USMA 2004
Captain Paul W. Pena, U.S. Army USMA 2004
First Lieutenant Robert A. Seidel III, U.S. Army USMA 2004
Captain Adam P. Snyder, U.S. Army USMA 2004
Captain Daniel P. Whitten, U.S. Army USMA 2004
First Lieutenant Dennis W. Zilinski, U.S. Army USMA 2004
First Lieutenant Jonathan W. Edds, U.S. Army USMA 2005
First Lieutenant Matthew C. Ferrara, U.S. Army USMA 2005
First Lieutenant Jacob N. Fritz, U.S. Army USMA 2005
First Lieutenant Thomas M. Martin, U.S. Army USMA 2005
First Lieutenant Phillip I. Neel, U.S. Army USMA 2005
Captain Scott P. Pace, U.S. Army USMA 2005
Second Lieutenant Emily J. T. Perez, U.S. Army USMA 2005
First Lieutenant Neale M. Shank, U.S. Army USMA 2005
First Lieutenant Timothy W. Cunningham, U.S. Army USMA 2006
First Lieutenant Nick A. Dewhirst, U.S. Army USMA 2006
Captain Andrew M. Pederson-Keel, U.S. Army USMA 2006
Second Lieutenant Michael R. Girdano, U.S. Army USMA 2007
First Lieutenant Daniel B. Hyde, U.S. Army USMA 2007
Captain Sarah M. Knutson, U.S. Army USMA 2007
First Lieutenant Tyler E. Parten, U.S. Army USMA 2007
First Lieutenant Robert W. Collins, U.S. Army USMA 2008
First Lieutenant Salvatore S. Corma II, U.S. Army USMA 2008
First Lieutenant Christopher S. Goeke, U.S. Army USMA 2008
Captain James E. Chaffin III, U.S. Army USMA 2009
First Lieutenant Dimitri A. Del Castillo, U.S. Army USMA 2009
First Lieutenant Daren M. Hidalgo, U.S. Army USMA 2009
First Lieutenant John M. Runkle Jr. U.S. Army USMA 2009
First Lieutenant Timothy J. Steele, U.S. Army USMA 2009
First Lieutenant Sean R. Jacobs, U.S. Army USMA 2010
First Lieutenant Todd W. Lambka, U.S. Army USMA 2010
First Lieutenant Stephen C. Prasnicki, U.S. Army USMA 2010
Second Lieutenant David E. Rylander, U.S. Army USMA 2011

List compiled by Ms. Megan Hostler


Kind of sobering to think that in the 22 years between 1979 and 2001, 43 USMA graduates passed away; many of them Lt Col and Cols. In the 10 years between 2001 and 2011, 57 passed away; many of them Lts.

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