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2 hours ago, MechGov said:

Man, if only ROTC had a MOA with CAP or some flying clubs for rated dudes to teach ROTC and do incentive flights/IFS. I remember ROTC struggling to have relevance to the Ops AF because of the number of shoes involved & lack of relevant training.

I think that’s where it’s key for flyers (probably det cc) to bring some of that knowledge/stories with them, if the AF isn’t going to help re relevance like you’re referencing. My Det CC was a F-111/F-117 guy, which I remember being a plus. 

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I think that’s where it’s key for flyers (probably det cc) to bring some of that knowledge/stories with them, if the AF isn’t going to help re relevance like you’re referencing. My Det CC was a F-111/F-117 guy, which I remember being a plus. 

I really think ROTC, and Big Blue is missing out on an opportunity here for ops folks to reblue by giving back to the next generation, and giving the instructor some seat time, even if it’s a borrowed 172.
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11 hours ago, herkbum said:

Are instructors allowed to fly if Det is located near a flying wing? Maybe with an MOU or Interfly agreement?

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

Negative Ghostrider

Had one dude from my ANG wing try to work this, was shut down by AETC and no ANG wing near him was interested in an attached flyer not even in the Guard anymore


Out of 3 the det/cc's and 6 OFCs/RFCs I was around for only one was a rated guy. Our closest base was also a nonflying base so our career days usually had only one rated guy and 15 nonrated. The best part was doing det trips to actual flying bases and seeing how uninterested 75% of the other cadets were in the flying side, hell most of them actually got bored watching Strikes, Vipers, and Fat Amys beat up the pattern... sad

  • Sad 1

We see the same thing when they come here for Ops Air Force or whatever they're calling it now.  Like maybe 1 or 2 of the 40+ cadets wants to fly airplanes.  The rest all just want school paid for and bounce.  They have their eyes set on jobs like cyber, contacting, acquisitions, and finance.  

Oh, and usually 1-2 that want to be JTAC/SERE/CRO/crazy obscure special ops AFSC

1 hour ago, pawnman said:

We see the same thing when they come here for Ops Air Force or whatever they're calling it now.  Like maybe 1 or 2 of the 40+ cadets wants to fly airplanes.  The rest all just want school paid for and bounce.  They have their eyes set on jobs like cyber, contacting, acquisitions, and finance.  

Oh, and usually 1-2 that want to be JTAC/SERE/CRO/crazy obscure special ops AFSC

As ROTC instructor from 2016-2019 (Sept), I can confirm. Of our 40 or so cadets we'd have each year, about 10-15% would go rated, and of that, about half wanted RPAs.

  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, pawnman said:

We see the same thing when they come here for Ops Air Force or whatever they're calling it now.  Like maybe 1 or 2 of the 40+ cadets wants to fly airplanes.  The rest all just want school paid for and bounce.  They have their eyes set on jobs like cyber, contacting, acquisitions, and finance.  

Oh, and usually 1-2 that want to be JTAC/SERE/CRO/crazy obscure special ops AFSC

When my son was doing the ROTC thing he was the ONLY one who wanted a rated slot. All the other cadets thought he was nuts.


Oh, and usually 1-2 that want to be JTAC/SERE/CRO/crazy obscure special ops AFSC

Special Ops Fighter Pilots probably.
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
On 11/27/2019 at 11:55 AM, pawnman said:

Holy thread resurrection...but I UTFSF to find something applicable.

I've got an assignment as an ROTC instructor at Indiana University.  Curious if other folks have done similar gigs.  My biggest questions are about how to do the admin stuff when I'm not stationed at a base.  I figure I'll have to make the 3-hour drive to Wright-Patt once a year for a flight physical.  Just curious if anyone knows how stuff like finance inprocessing works, who is the servicing TMO office for the move, where do my flight records go while I'm not stationed at a base...

Once I have university approval for the assignment, I'll contact the Det/CC directly.  Just hoping some folks here have done the GSU thing before and have some insight.

Pawnman, I'm a rated bubba ROTC Det CC so been here done this with the flight records, physicals, etc.  Hasn't been too bad actually as long as the HARM office is ok and mine is at Wright Patt so you should be good to go.  I even got a two year bonus while in the seat here and doing exactly the same thing I would have done anyway.  If I remember correctly, your Det has a good set up of simulators so you'll be a great asset there.  PM me for more deets.  

Edited by VigilanteNav
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On 12/4/2019 at 4:17 PM, Stitch said:

When my son was doing the ROTC thing he was the ONLY one who wanted a rated slot. All the other cadets thought he was nuts.

What happens when the Dets are left to be run by mostly non-rated bubbas.   As a rated bubba, my cadets come in not necessarily wanting to be rated but then I convert them!  Moohahaha!   

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  • 2 weeks later...
What happens when the Dets are left to be run by mostly non-rated bubbas.   As a rated bubba, my cadets come in not necessarily wanting to be rated but then I convert them!  Moohahaha!   

As it should be. The sheer volume of non-Ops folks in ROTC seemed like it skewed a lot of perspectives, but that viewpoint is over a decade old.
  • 3 years later...

Thread revival. Anybody done this lately before reaching their first gate? AFPC functionals said during one of their presentations that this is “available if interested”. I’m guessing TOS would need to be waived to 48 months.

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