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  On 2/21/2025 at 10:25 PM, BuddhaSixFour said:

Nah, I’m good with reducing fraud. I’m even good with shrinking the federal government. Getting closer to a balanced budget would be great. That’s all fine. 

I think it can be done without burning everything down in the process (see Clinton example), but maybe not. 


Cool, so we mostly agree on all that.

  On 2/21/2025 at 10:25 PM, BuddhaSixFour said:

But where I don’t let MAGAts off the hook is that you don’t mean any of it.


I’m not following. What is it I don’t mean? Are you saying I actually don’t support the things I listed previously (reducing FWA, etc.)?

  On 2/21/2025 at 10:25 PM, BuddhaSixFour said:

Y’all are 100% going to flip your shit when the next democrat president puts out 100 executive orders in the first week


I won’t as long as it’s not blatantly illegal shit (but I agree with you there will be people who do). I prefer, probably like you, congressionally created law. But we can probably also agree that congress is a massively fucked up machine that is barely functional. That really puts a president with a mandate between a rock and a hard place, regardless of the letter next to their name. So he can either start producing and hope he can get the jackasses in congress to catch up, or he can sit on his hands and produce nothing and let down the majority of the country who voted for the exact things he’s doing. I understand you don’t agree with some or all of those things, but the majority of people do.

  On 2/21/2025 at 10:25 PM, BuddhaSixFour said:

However, the system itself has fundamentally changed in the last month. Those changes are going to have consequences, and you’re not always going to like them, even if you do today. I don’t think you’ve thought that through. You’re not even willing to remotely acknowledge the point


 I absolutely have acknowledged the status quo is rapidly changing and there are many consequences to many people/agencies/groups attached to these changes. Yes, I so far like them. No, none of us can fully know what the ramifications are way down the road. We can hypothesize and make educated guesses, but in the end we will have to wait and see where we are in X, Y, and Z years. I am confident of one thing though, we simply cannot keep operating how we have been.  

  • Upvote 1

I give you credit for being a reasonable foil. Allow me to address some points:

A majority of Americans did not vote for Trump. A slight plurality of voters voted for him… not even a majority of voters. In our system, that’s enough to win. It was an upset and an unexpected margin of victory. I concede that. But it wasn’t a majority. That’s already playing out in polling where’s he’s already 4-5% under water. I know better than to take a handful of polls too seriously, so let’s see where the tend goes. It’s not like the man is universally popular and you just happened to find some holdouts on BO. 

You’re right. All we have now are predictions. I’ll make a few and we’ll see if I’m right:

(1) The national deficit, let alone the debt, will be higher at the end of Trumps term. Whatever costs get cut are outweighed by tax cuts and an economy that sputters, reducing tax revenue and fiscal stimulus needed to get out of it.

(2) There’s a short term drop in FWA, but by the end of Trumps term reduced enforcement/oversight and self-dealing by political appointees just replaces it with other FWA.

(3) Congress remains a clown show.

Okay. I know you’re with me on #3. Interested in taking the other side of #1 and #2?

The funny thing is that I’d prefer to be wrong then to be right. If I lose the prediction, the country wins.



  On 2/22/2025 at 5:59 AM, BuddhaSixFour said:

I give you credit for being a reasonable foil. Allow me to address some points:

A majority of Americans did not vote for Trump. A slight plurality of voters voted for him… not even a majority of voters. In our system, that’s enough to win. It was an upset and an unexpected margin of victory. I concede that. But it wasn’t a majority.




Luckily, as you alluded, we don't use the national popular vote to determine the President...and looking at the electoral vote from the states, there was a clear majority (58%) in favor of Trump as #47.

I also think you need to define who thought the election was an upset.  Several polls have been exposed as heavily biasing to Democratic voters and didn't reflect reality.


  • Like 1
  On 2/22/2025 at 10:02 PM, Sua Sponte said:

Nice! Better than the 20 year.


Brother it is smooth as silk.  I've found the Weller Special Reserve to be very close to Pappy, only recently found out they use the same recipe but age for a shorter period of time (I stopped being a bourbon snob and became a rum snob about 10 years ago).  I lucked into a few bottles of Weller at retail a while back, still have a few unopened in my bar. 

I will likely finish the pappy if they get a kill shot on Cat 5.

  • Like 1
  On 2/22/2025 at 5:59 AM, BuddhaSixFour said:

A majority of Americans did not vote for Trump.


Valid, I could have replaced “people” with things like first GOP to win popular vote in 20 years (by over 2M), ass whooping in the EC, polling show strong support for his big ticket items, etc. Words matter, I know. Bottom line is he has a strong mandate from the voters to accomplish what he has set out to do. How far will he stray off the track remains to be seen. So far he has remained pretty solidly on the track he campaigned on.

I hope you’re wrong too on 1 and 2, but I’m not going to jump confidently on the other side of that bet…because I’m not a blind worshiper and I don’t know enough to confidently say it’s going to be wins all around. I am confident that we need to drastically do something different. The status quo is incredibly bad. Maybe this path is the right way (some much smarter people than I in these subjects seem to think so), but maybe it doesn’t yield what we all hope for in the end. I don’t know, but I am rooting for a positive reversal trend of 1 and 2, let’s hope this gameplan works better than the previous game plans. 


  On 2/21/2025 at 8:36 PM, brabus said:

The only thing this type of statement says is you’re against improving financial transparency, cutting FWA, improving financial systems operation, increasing accountability, reducing bloated federal spending, and reducing the deficit. Or if you tell me you’re not against those things, then you’re simply being a partisan hack throwing a tantrum because your team isn’t the one doing the work. The good news is you can choose to stop being a partisan hack and acknowledge when something good is done, regardless of who did it. A good example of this is me throwing Clinton props where props are due, even though I don’t align with him on many other things. Now you try…


No.  This isn't a my team thing.  If I have a say, I'd hire Warren Buffet.

Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)

The FBI is being told not to comply, by their fresh new Director.


Clowns and a circus.

None of this is making us more lethal, more focused, or more efficient. The last month has been nothing but chaos and distraction from the ability to do our jobs.

Edited by nsplayr
  On 2/23/2025 at 5:09 AM, disgruntledemployee said:

I would love to see stuff like all FAA ATCers ignore the email.  Or simply reply, "My job.  Now fuck off."  Maybe add a link to LiveATC for their channel.


We are awaiting guidance on what to do from Agency leadership, so far nothing.  I’m sure it’ll come Monday afternoon sometime giving little time to respond, oh btw I’m on leave and have no access to gov webmail, so I would have to drive an hour to the nearest facility to gain access, and I was on my scheduled bid leave all this past week so what would one say?  I’m really really hoping everyone blows this off. 

  On 2/23/2025 at 8:13 AM, tac airlifter said:

Yup, a shit show for sure. But 100 times better than Harris; I remain pleased with my Trump vote.


Look man peeling you guys apart as a job sucks enough as it is, I may well lose my retirement after 16 years of doing this so I’m glad this is all working out for you.  This is after serving in Mx and as Aircrew in the AF, I’ve done my time.

Apologies, everyone is entitled to their opinions and votes, but we are straight up not having a good time right now.  The dripping condescension from the DOGEbois is a bit much. 

  • Upvote 1

The baseline data request itself is a good thing. The method (blast from OPM with seemingly zero coord) and supposed timeline/threat is bullshit. 

Posted (edited)

AI? Interestingly I just saw an X post that they suspect some cases of dead/non-existent people (or at least non-existent at work ever, literally) on the fed payroll. In those cases there won’t be an answered email, or that’s the thought at least. I’m guessing cooler heads prevail and nobody on leave is getting fired, and in the end this is well-intentioned, but poorly executed with low SA on salient points like people on leave, traveling with limited email connectivity, people who actually are doing shit that matters instead of mouth breathing on email, etc.

Edited by brabus
  • Upvote 1

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