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if Kamala wins, then the economic pain that continues/gets worse is owned by those who voted for her.  The people who will be screwed the most are the low and mids of the middle class.  

The same people who keep voting D and then believing the D elected officials who have largely been in charge for the last 16 years but say it’s the other party’s fault. So then they vote D again anyway.

I digress.

I disagree that it won’t affect upper mid to upper class, though. If she affects some of the tax changes she has mentioned it’s going to sting because I don’t believe for a second it stops at the “ultra wealthy.”
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10 hours ago, SurelySerious said:

I disagree that it won’t affect upper mid to upper class, though. If she affects some of the tax changes she has mentioned it’s going to sting because I don’t believe for a second it stops at the “ultra wealthy.”

I said it won’t affect my life much.  We live well below our means so the everyday price increases we see at the grocery store, getting my haircut, my kid’s gymnastics, etc due to inflation is annoying, but it doesn’t change our spending habits.  Maybe I should be buying more toys?

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I said it won’t affect my life much.  We live well below our means so the everyday price increases we see at the grocery store, getting my haircut, my kid’s gymnastics, etc due to inflation is annoying, but it doesn’t change our spending habits.  Maybe I should be buying more toys?

I’m not referring to inflation, but increased base tax rates at lower thresholds, higher capital gains rate, unrealized gains. They will effect a wide swath, living below means or not, with reduced income.
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I remember having a conversation with my 70 year old step-mother right before the 2016 election and she was voting for Hillary. I asked her why. Her answer was "I'm a Democrat so I have to vote for her". I inquired more about her stating she "had" to vote for her. Turns out she thought that because she was a registered democrat she was only allowed to vote for democrats. She had been voting democrat for 50 years this whole time because she didn't know she had the option to change parties or vote for other candidates. 

I wonder what percentage of the population votes that have zero idea of what/why they are voting. 

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51 minutes ago, SurelySerious said:

I’m not referring to inflation, but increased base tax rates at lower thresholds, higher capital gains rate, unrealized gains. They will effect a wide swath, living below means or not, with reduced income.

Sure, but me personally, it won’t change how I live.  But if I were barely middle class, it would definitely change how I lived.

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On 8/20/2024 at 7:44 AM, M2 said:

DAFMAN 90-161 defines directive publications as “Publications to which adherence is mandatory. These publications implement mandatory guidance for publication users and deviation is not permitted without a waiver."

Pamphlets (e.g. DAFPAM, AFPAM or SPFPAM) are non-directive.

AF Publication Reduction (AFPR) Phase 3: Problem Statement Workshop

Back in the day when I was a Crew Chief on a C-137B at Andrews we saluted and held it when the VP Bush and Quayle as they stepped off Marine 2 and walked up the staircase into the jet. One crew Chief didn't, he was on headset for engine start, 3 and 4 were already running when the VP was walking from the helicopter.  As soon as he walked up the steps, we started one and when the staircase backed up two was started. As soon as the VP was in his seat buckled in with his favorite beverage the jet was already taxiing.  

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On 8/22/2024 at 1:13 PM, kaputt said:

I don’t understand why the Republican Party always caters so much to the religious sect of the party. That group of people have proven since 2016 that they will overwhelmingly vote for the least religious person you could probably have as a candidate. 

(Mr. Krabs Money! Meme)

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41 minutes ago, HeloDude said:

RFK is effectively out, and is endorsing Trump.  My guess is this will equate to an overall permanent +1 to 2 points for Trump.

3 if you count the brain worm supporters

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7 hours ago, Ebony zer said:

I remember having a conversation with my 70 year old step-mother right before the 2016 election and she was voting for Hillary. I asked her why. Her answer was "I'm a Democrat so I have to vote for her". I inquired more about her stating she "had" to vote for her. Turns out she thought that because she was a registered democrat she was only allowed to vote for democrats. She had been voting democrat for 50 years this whole time because she didn't know she had the option to change parties or vote for other candidates. 

I wonder what percentage of the population votes that have zero idea of what/why they are voting. 

I’d say 90, at least

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You're the head of HR. 

The old man sitting across the table for you is re-applying for his old position. During his previous tenure as an employee, he violated company working together guidelines every day. He was consistently untruthful. He hired family members whose gross negligence resulted in the death of company employees. He routinely broke the law while conducting company business, using his position of authority to attempt to gain personal advantages by withholding company funds from a brand customer the firm had courted for years. Company profitability declined 30% during his four year tenure and a double-digit percentage of employees lost their positions. When he was fired for cause, his supporters, at his behest, started a riot in the boardroom that left four dead.

During his unemployment, he was convicted of multiple felonies that will make it difficult for him to do his job and illegal for him to travel. He was also indicted for dozens more felonies that took place while he was an employee.


And you're going to consider hiring him?


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You're the head of HR. 
The old man sitting across the table for you is re-applying for his old position. During his previous tenure as an employee, he violated company working together guidelines every day. He was consistently untruthful. He hired family members whose gross negligence resulted in the death of company employees. He routinely broke the law while conducting company business, using his position of authority to attempt to gain personal advantages by withholding company funds from a brand customer the firm had courted for years. Company profitability declined 30% during his four year tenure and a double-digit percentage of employees lost their positions. When he was fired for cause, his supporters, at his behest, started a riot in the boardroom that left four dead.
During his unemployment, he was convicted of multiple felonies that will make it difficult for him to do his job and illegal for him to travel. He was also indicted for dozens more felonies that took place while he was an employee.
And you're going to consider hiring him?

For 3.5+ years the “CEO” has been an active puppet and nobody has yet to explain who has been actually running the company during that time. But those same asshats have now explained who the new CEO needs to be.

Yeah sure let’s jump on that boat like it’s any form of decision by the populous.

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37 minutes ago, LJDRVR said:

You're the head of HR. 

The old man sitting across the table for you is re-applying for his old position. During his previous tenure as an employee, he violated company working together guidelines every day. He was consistently untruthful. He hired family members whose gross negligence resulted in the death of company employees. He routinely broke the law while conducting company business, using his position of authority to attempt to gain personal advantages by withholding company funds from a brand customer the firm had courted for years. Company profitability declined 30% during his four year tenure and a double-digit percentage of employees lost their positions. When he was fired for cause, his supporters, at his behest, started a riot in the boardroom that left four dead.

During his unemployment, he was convicted of multiple felonies that will make it difficult for him to do his job and illegal for him to travel. He was also indicted for dozens more felonies that took place while he was an employee.


And you're going to consider hiring him?


Using this example you provided, Sadi CEO was said he would start WW3, but didn’t. He brought rouge countries in line and treated them as an adult and they played nicely with their neighbors. He also ended ISIS after he came in a cleaned up from the mess he inherited. He didn’t sell out our country for profit like the guy who replaced him or take classified docs out for many years that he had no business doing. Or enrich his family and try to go after his rivals like the CEO who replaced him. Or drive up the cost of everything? 

can’t be any worse off than we are now and we know what we’d be getting with rehiring the old CEO. 

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15 minutes ago, cragspider said:

Using this example you provided, Sadi CEO was said he would start WW3, but didn’t. He brought rouge countries in line and treated them as an adult and they played nicely with their neighbors. He also ended ISIS after he came in a cleaned up from the mess he inherited. He didn’t sell out our country for profit like the guy who replaced him or take classified docs out for many years that he had no business doing. Or enrich his family and try to go after his rivals like the CEO who replaced him. Or drive up the cost of everything? 

can’t be any worse off than we are now and we know what we’d be getting with rehiring the old CEO. 

can't tell if you're joking or not...

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11 hours ago, LJDRVR said:

You're the head of HR. 

The old man sitting across the table for you is re-applying for his old position. During his previous tenure as an employee, he violated company working together guidelines every day. He was consistently untruthful. He hired family members whose gross negligence resulted in the death of company employees. He routinely broke the law while conducting company business, using his position of authority to attempt to gain personal advantages by withholding company funds from a brand customer the firm had courted for years. Company profitability declined 30% during his four year tenure and a double-digit percentage of employees lost their positions. When he was fired for cause, his supporters, at his behest, started a riot in the boardroom that left four dead.

During his unemployment, he was convicted of multiple felonies that will make it difficult for him to do his job and illegal for him to travel. He was also indicted for dozens more felonies that took place while he was an employee.


And you're going to consider hiring him?


New woman working in the office. She whores around with the CEO and gets promoted. She’s now in charge of HR. She fired a bunch of people who failed drug tests, later bragging and laughing about doing drugs herself, highlighting her lack of integrity from the get go. New CEO is a halfwit brain dead crackpot, told my the board his new VP needs to be a woman of color. He hired said woman as she checks all the boxes. Everyone hates her, she has a new assistant every week. She’s put in charge of the company’s cyber security, the company basically goes into lockdown because she was so incompetent at that task. Company’s stock in the gutter and they are about to file for bankruptcy as other competitors blow them out of the water. Now the board wants to hire said woman as the new CEO. (You are here now)

I’ll vote for Trump ten times over than that affirmative action California tramp who said idly while the rest of our world burns (literally, how did you like those pictures from Kabul). Unless you were a deadbeat, 2016-2020 were some of the best years for this country. 


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I look at the 4 years of his administration as compared to the 4 years of this administration, and there is no doubt who I am voting for in 2024. I honestly have serious concerns for us as a country if we have to endure 4 more years of this administration-actually I believe she would make it even worse.

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

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6 hours ago, herkbum said:

I look at the 4 years of his administration as compared to the 4 years of this administration, and there is no doubt who I am voting for in 2024. I honestly have serious concerns for us as a country if we have to endure 4 more years of this administration-actually I believe she would make it even worse.

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

That gets me thinking.  Joe hasn't been really running anything, he's mentally out.  It's been the staff.  Harris will likely be the same with the grown ups running things because, well, she's Harris.  So, If Donnie J would step up to the mic, and say something like, "Hey, I'm so awesome I don't need to run anything, I'll let the staff weenies do it all.  I just want to be on TV, play golf, get my cronies to make me rich again, and mean tweet.  Can we agree?  A vote for me is really a vote for R staffers, and I promise to be good and not take the silverware, er I mean classified.  Deal?"  "Oh, and I'll dump Vance, I hate that kid, can't wait to fire him."

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