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Guest nsplayr

" UPT applicants must meet Flying Class I standards to be eligible for entry into the Medical Flight Screening (MFS) program. URT pilot applicants must meet IFC II standards to be eligible for Medical Flight Screening-Neuropsychiatric (MFS-N) screening. Currently rated RPA applicants who previously completed MFS in conjunction with IFC I/IA and are in active flying assignments must meet IFC II standards but do not require repeat MFS-N screening."

So I'm not a flight doc, but to me this means if you're a current rated CSO applying for RPA, you should not need to go to MFS-N so long as they meet IFC II standards. This was not my experience, but I'm not a medical reg kung fu master so YMMV. I mean, it was a week of orders so that's great and all, but man, they checked every hole at least twice. Had more medical tests done in one week than in my entire life previous to that, including my FC 1A many moons ago.

I swear to the FSM they are doing some kind of force-wide data collect and that's why they mandate dudes who should be exempt to re-hack an extremely extensive medical exam. ::tin foil hat::


nsplayr is correct.  Also correct about MFS-N.  Your completed flight physical will state that it is approved pending completion of MFS-N.  However, they will do the full MFS exam at WPAFB, not just the -N portion.  No one will tell you this and the people conducting each part of the exams do not talk to each other.  Asking questions about the big picture about what is going on will not produce any answers, each dept only knows about the specific task they are doing.  Stuff that was completed on your flight physical will be repeated.  Even though you are going to RPAs you will still be measured for an ejection seat.  Bring along an extra dose of patience.  They sign your SF 600 so bear with it.

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