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recently took a Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) at FCI because I was born a few weeks early. didn't pass - apparently my bronchial tubes are somewhat obstructed and all my measurables were 'below normal.'


I've got no asthma history, no history of inhaler use, never smoked, have played sports all my life (including college football), recently ran a half marathon at a pretty good clip, and have never had any difficulty breathing. despite all of this, flight surgeon at FCI said the chances of my waiver getting approved for a below-normal PFT are 'iffy at best.'


does anyone else have any history with poor PFT results? I'm getting a second PFT test in the coming days and will hopefully be sending some improved results on to the staff at USAFSAM.


thanks for your input.

  • 1 year later...

Any update on this? I just did my FC1 last week, passed everything but my PFT. I did test positive for Covid last September, and the fight surgeon believes this has something to do with it.


I’d love to hear an update from you


I personally haven’t had experience with this but I know someone that managed to get a waiver for this. It was a pain to get though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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