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Looking for a PC navigator training simulator that displayed nav data (SCNS) it was used for C-130 Nav refresher back around 1988 to 1990. I also am looking for the SCNS Emulator for PC. Anyone have any information?


Guest KoolKat

I know it's on the CBT CD's they hand out in PIQ academics, I have no idea where mine are right now though.


EDIT: and yeah, totally b1tchin' thread!

[ 09. February 2006, 23:06: Message edited by: Bender ]

Guest Navtastic

Contact Lockheed Martin. I've got the disks, but they're not "burnable".


Tng shops do not have the emulator nor does anyone have the PC nav simulator for overwater tng. It is not on the current Formal school disks I have access too. I'm working with LM and they do not have the Nav overwater PC sim trainer. LRAFB has sent some programs but the CI told me they are the SCNS Emulator which does get me one, but it does not "fly" it just allows entry of data. So I got one but am looking for the other "old" program which may be lost unless someone has it.


Guest KoolKat

A valuable training aid...must burn immediately.

Yeah, I checked, I only have the one that you can play with the buttons...much like I treat the airplane actually. Push a button here, push on this, pull on that...pull on that again, and again...

Sorry, no help Nav,


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