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COVID-19 (Aka China Virus)


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On 1/19/2023 at 1:58 PM, FLEA said:

I would 100% like to agree with this but that is 100% the opposite of how are society culturally operates. We generally expect people to tough it out and meet their obligations if they are sick. In the private sector sick days can be really taboo. In schools you get in trouble if you miss too much class, etc....

Now, one thing I did find interesting, my local area which as extreme winters, is ending snow days next year. Turns out they purchased all of this virtual classroom equipment and decided now when they need to weather cancel bussing they can just conduct classes on zoom. (This is a win)

What they are also examining is hiring a virtual staff to deal with sick days as well. If you are home sick, you will attend a zoom session with a few other kids and an online tutor. He/she will coordinate with your primary teacher, get the work for that day, and help you stay up on that topic before you feel better enough to go back. (Also a win)

But I can never see us getting to the point en masse where if you are sick just stay home. 

Flea you say this, but I don't think that's really being honest.  Do people push it and come to work when they shouldn't?  Sure.  Are they doing that en masse?  No.  No they are not.  If people feel like shit, they stay home.  Period.  Because if you're sick, you're sick.  There's no way you are going in, sick days or not.  And maybe we have different definitions of being sick.  If I'm sick, I can't function.  It's a pretty big deal.  It's not a "well I might be sick."  If I'm sick, it is a very very rare occasion.  People are taking advantage of the sick days, which interestingly enough, is now a federal mandate.  How very predictable was this.

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On 1/28/2023 at 8:23 PM, filthy_liar said:

If people feel like shit, they stay home.  Period.

On 1/28/2023 at 8:23 PM, filthy_liar said:

If I'm sick, I can't function.

On 1/28/2023 at 8:23 PM, filthy_liar said:

If I'm sick, it is a very very rare occasion. 

Your upper-middle-class-first-world is showing.  I'm guessing you haven't missed a meal or wondered where your next rent payment will come from in quite some time.  I would estimate that a high percentage of working class America needs that money, as they live paycheck to paycheck, so if they can physically make it to work, they're going, no matter how bad they feel, because they need to get paid. You strongly appear to view the world through filthy_liar shaded glasses, through which everyone can and should make decisions and understand the world the way you do. 

Assuming you are, indeed, an upper-middle-class, non-blue collar, or even retired individual, as the tenor of your posts would indicate, your economic and social status make you vastly the minority in the US and the world. 

I recommend some travel.

Edited by FourFans130
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Buddy of mine who refused the vaccine just got called into legal. They asked if he wanted to continue his separation or return to active duty. He said the latter but wanted his record scrubbed of the adverse fitrep and page 11s. It was already done. They asked him what orders he wanted, he received orders to a new squadron that is standing up, which he requested. He also is going to receive all back pay, about $110k. 

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1 hour ago, VMFA187 said:

Buddy of mine who refused the vaccine just got called into legal. They asked if he wanted to continue his separation or return to active duty. He said the latter but wanted his record scrubbed of the adverse fitrep and page 11s. It was already done. They asked him what orders he wanted, he received orders to a new squadron that is standing up, which he requested. He also is going to receive all back pay, about $110k. 


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1 hour ago, VMFA187 said:

They asked him what orders he wanted, he received orders to a new squadron that is standing up, which he requested. He also is going to receive all back pay, about $110k. 

Damn.  Perhaps there is some justice.

Curious - what kind of back pay was he owed (I assume he was still getting paid while winding through the separation process)?

How long was he "in limbo" for, and what was he doing the whole time (stuck in a desk job somewhere)?

On the whole, was this ultimately a benefit or hinderance on his career?  Was his choice in orders to that new squadron something that he wouldn't have gotten otherwise?

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1 hour ago, Blue said:

Damn.  Perhaps there is some justice.

Curious - what kind of back pay was he owed (I assume he was still getting paid while winding through the separation process)?

How long was he "in limbo" for, and what was he doing the whole time (stuck in a desk job somewhere)?

On the whole, was this ultimately a benefit or hinderance on his career?  Was his choice in orders to that new squadron something that he wouldn't have gotten otherwise?

He was kicked out of his squadron about 15 months ago and sent to the MAG. He was on admin hold, receiving Tricare but no pay for about the last nine-ish months. He did immediately start working once his pay ceased. 

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3 minutes ago, VMFA187 said:

He was kicked out of his squadron about 15 months ago and sent to the MAG. He was on admin hold, receiving Tricare but no pay for about the last nine-ish months. He did immediately start working once his pay ceased. 

Great question therein: for Reserves and ANG, are they getting full time/credit regardless of what they would’ve normally completed. In others words, full/AD time/pay for a TR who typically min-runs his time? If so, what a deal…

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14 minutes ago, Swizzle said:

Great question therein: for Reserves and ANG, are they getting full time/credit regardless of what they would’ve normally completed. In others words, full/AD time/pay for a TR who typically min-runs his time? If so, what a deal…

No idea about the Reserves/Guard. However, getting backpay is the least they can do after threatening to destroy someone's livelihood with an Other Than Honorable discharge. 

I wouldn't be surprised if that was one carrot to use to try and avoid lawsuits. 

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4 hours ago, Swizzle said:

Great question therein: for Reserves and ANG, are they getting full time/credit regardless of what they would’ve normally completed. In others words, full/AD time/pay for a TR who typically min-runs his time? If so, what a deal…

No words yet from the ANG yet.  All I want are the back points for a good year so I can get off this sinking ship posthaste.

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5 hours ago, VMFA187 said:

He was kicked out of his squadron about 15 months ago and sent to the MAG. He was on admin hold, receiving Tricare but no pay for about the last nine-ish months. He did immediately start working once his pay ceased. 

If by immediately start working you mean line number at a legacy, this story will go legendary status.

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11 hours ago, VMFA187 said:

Buddy of mine who refused the vaccine just got called into legal. They asked if he wanted to continue his separation or return to active duty. He said the latter but wanted his record scrubbed of the adverse fitrep and page 11s. It was already done. They asked him what orders he wanted, he received orders to a new squadron that is standing up, which he requested. He also is going to receive all back pay, about $110k. 

Glad they're trying to make things right, but I do have a question for your buddy.  Military and gov't leadership hasn't changed, and the vaccine requirement was only rescinded after multiple years of consternation and a gradual shift in public opinion/medical data.  But who's to say a bad variant doesn't pop up and then the military reinstates the mandate?   If your buddy was ready to separate over this, and now he's back in, isn't he just exposing himself to the possibility of the same thing happening again?   

Personally I see the issue differently, but if I was so dead set on not getting vaccinated that I was ready to separate, a simple "whoopsie we're sorry" from the DOD would not be enough to keep me around.  

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10 hours ago, Pooter said:

Glad they're trying to make things right, but I do have a question for your buddy.  Military and gov't leadership hasn't changed, and the vaccine requirement was only rescinded after multiple years of consternation and a gradual shift in public opinion/medical data.  But who's to say a bad variant doesn't pop up and then the military reinstates the mandate?   If your buddy was ready to separate over this, and now he's back in, isn't he just exposing himself to the possibility of the same thing happening again?   

Personally I see the issue differently, but if I was so dead set on not getting vaccinated that I was ready to separate, a simple "whoopsie we're sorry" from the DOD would not be enough to keep me around.  

Dude just got paid 100k for time he didn't have to work. I'd love to have that lightning strike twice.

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13 hours ago, Pooter said:

Glad they're trying to make things right, but I do have a question for your buddy.  Military and gov't leadership hasn't changed, and the vaccine requirement was only rescinded after multiple years of consternation and a gradual shift in public opinion/medical data.  But who's to say a bad variant doesn't pop up and then the military reinstates the mandate?   If your buddy was ready to separate over this, and now he's back in, isn't he just exposing himself to the possibility of the same thing happening again?   

Personally I see the issue differently, but if I was so dead set on not getting vaccinated that I was ready to separate, a simple "whoopsie we're sorry" from the DOD would not be enough to keep me around.  

Flying fighter jets is a hell of a drug. 

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On 1/29/2023 at 10:33 PM, FourFans130 said:

Your upper-middle-class-first-world is showing.  I'm guessing you haven't missed a meal or wondered where your next rent payment will come from in quite some time.  I would estimate that a high percentage of working class America needs that money, as they live paycheck to paycheck, so if they can physically make it to work, they're going, no matter how bad they feel, because they need to get paid. You strongly appear to view the world through filthy_liar shaded glasses, through which everyone can and should make decisions and understand the world the way you do. 

Assuming you are, indeed, an upper-middle-class, non-blue collar, or even retired individual, as the tenor of your posts would indicate, your economic and social status make you vastly the minority in the US and the world. 

I recommend some travel.

Is my middle class first world showing?  Is my white privilege showing also?  Good lord.  I am around folks who make 30 - 40k per year.  They don't go in if they have the sniffles.  They don't go in if their kid has the sniffles.  What world are you living in?

You seem to be mixing America with the world.  I was responding to Flea, whose comment was about Americans.  Thank you for the recommendation to travel though.  I shall look into that.

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I guess I am out of touch with some of the posters on here.  People who are on the lower income spectrum find every single excuse in the book to not go to work.  The system allows them to do that, and they take advantage of it.  That's why you stand in line forever waiting on your table and the hostess comes up with an excuse.  Its not like in our world, there is absolutely no accountability, and the worst thing that can happen if you don't show up is that you are looking for another job.  Covid is highlighting this, now they can just stay home and get paid.  I think some of you need to open up your eyes to how the rest of society works, especially in the lower income brackets.  They are not showing up to work when they are sick.

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20 minutes ago, filthy_liar said:

I guess I am out of touch with some of the posters on here.  People who are on the lower income spectrum find every single excuse in the book to not go to work.  The system allows them to do that, and they take advantage of it.  


Don't look now, but you just described every fvcking airline pilot I've ever worked with. Talk about schemers, grey collar workers is the demographic bullseye of that remark my friend. 😄 


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Fair point.  And every GS I've ever worked with.  My point is that lower income wage earners are absolutely not staying home when they are sick.  To borrow your word - schemers.  And just being sick?  GTFO.  Got tickets to a concert, grandma's birthday, a friend had a flat tire, etc.  People that say low income workers are toughing it out day in and day out through the flu have absolutely no clue what is going on.  They are not doing that.

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nsplayer I'm not sure your "not sure if you are a troll" or "out of touch" is going to work here.  People that are earning low income are not showing up to work, not because they are staying home because they are sick.  Do you not understand that?  Do you really not understand that?

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